Part 5

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I knew not of what should be said back so I simply smiled and headed back inside. I quickly skimmed the ballroom for my aunt who was still standing beside Lord Fairlaw but another young man had seemingly joined them. He was tall but quite skinny and although young, he appeared to be balding. As I approached the three of them, the young man immediately turned to face me and beamed at me.

"Ah, my Charlotte. May I introduce the Duke of Melrose's son, Lord Wilfred Daley."introduced my aunt with a smile on her face.

"A pleasure my lord."I said quietly before I bowed my head and curtsied.

"The pleasure is mine."he said as he reciprocated the action. "Ay... I did not expect my lady to be such a fairing woman."he added once he had stood back up, towering over my aunt, the Lord and I.

"She is a fair one, isn't she?"added my aunt waiting for him to invite me to dance. The music soon started again and her eyes widened in excitement. The Duke-to-be must have noticed her actions as he bowed down.

"Will you do me the honor of dancing with me?"he asked politely.

"I would love to."I replied, knowing I could not refuse. He quickly lead me on to the centre of the ballroom and we started moving to the music. We were dancing to a traditional group waltzer common in the season's balls which also required a change in partners. Lord Daley spun me around and I quickly found myself in the arms of another man. I looked up to see his face and instantly, my eyes widened in shock.

"Do I really look so horrible should I leave you running for the hills each time you glance at my face?"asked the Lord Riverood or the Duke of Carlisle, looking slightly concerned.

"Nay my lord. You are most handsome I believe..."I said leaving both the Duke and myself surprised. I did not expect those words to leave my mouth and even if the thought did enter my mind, it was not according to protocol to express it out loud for a man to hear. "I meant to say... I was just surprised to bump into you so soon."

"As was I."replied the Duke, still looking intrigued by what I had previously said. We continued dancing together until it was time for a final change of partners. I was paired with a man, around my age who not once looked me in the eye during the waltzer. The rotation was finished soon and Lord Daley slowly led me away from the dance area of the ballroom back to my aunt and Lord Fairlaw. Lord Daley excused himself and left me with a happy Aunt Monica and a rather exhausted Lord Fairlaw.

" I am most glad you have danced with two men of such social importance!"my aunt clapped. "I must say... I did not expect that Duke of Carlisle to be so taken with you... he must'ave had a drink or two before the royal introduction." Had I been in a more sensitive mood I would have properly smacked her in the face but I had grown used to her insults and this was certainly no place for arguing. The rest of the ball went by in a flash and I did spot Lord Riverood glancing at me while dancing with another mistress. As soon as we arrived back at the Fairlaw mansion, I rushed to my room and a maid attended me and helped me change into my bed garment. I untied my hair from a bun and let it flow freely down my back. I bounced onto the bed, back first, and stared at the painted ceiling for some minutes before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, after breakfast, my aunt assigned an instructor to teach me how to ride so that if I was asked by a potential husband to accompany him on a horse-ride session, I would not have to refuse. It was more like so that I could not refuse.

My instructor, Arjun, began by helping me with my balancing and then we moved on to the different riding positions which a lady should attain for different occasions. By sunset we had accomplished travelling a few metres without having me falling down onto the grass. The next days were also packed with horse-training with Arjun who I had grown to like very much. He had a fun attitude and always found a way to associate horse-riding to things I loved so that I was never bored.

Soon enough, it was also time for the second ball of the season which would be held at Hardstone Court Castle belonging to the Duke of Melrose, Lord Wilfred Daley's father. My aunt insisted that I needed new dresses which Lord Fairlaw would gladly commission. Hence, we spent two full mornings at a tailor house, with seamstresses taking my measurements and choosing which fabrics would suit me most. Who knew simply standing and hoping no lady would accidently poke you with her needle, could be so tiring?

It was the last evening before the ball and I was in my room alone when I heard a faint knock on the door.

"Enter!"I called out and the door opened with a creaking sound.

"My lady, I have a letter for you."replied the maid. I jumped out of my chair and rushed to the door.

"Thank you..."I squealed to the maid before snatching the letter and shutting the door. I hurried to my desk and ripped the envelope open. My heart sank as I realised it was not a letter from Adrian but from mother.

To: Charlotte
From: Mother

Dearest Charlotte,
How have you been? I must admit I did not expect to miss you so much.

I hope you are well and that you have met men who are worthy of you in their lives. I would forever blame myself if you had to marry a man who does not love you or who could harm or hurt you. I understand that you may not be in a place you would rather be in but I know you are doing this for your family's sake and we could not be more thankful.

Never forget that you are an angel... our angel, but most of all you are my angel.

I love you now and always,

By the time I had finished reading the letter, a single tear had trickled down my cheek. I was the angel that would cure mother and help my brothers. I was their angel and I would not let them down.

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