Part 1

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For about a minute and a half I stared at him and he stared at me neither of us making the slightest movement, neither one of us blinking. I barely remembered to breathe. 

Then, without warning, he started at me, pushing the bushes and branches out of his way to get to the spot I was bolted in. I quickly picked up my bow, tightened the sling around my shoulder and hurried off into the trees. I knew that I was about five-dozen trees away from the footpath and it would take me about ten to twelve minutes to make it there if I adopted a casual step.

"Where are you? I need to thank you!"called out the man as I could hear his steps nearing me. Clearly there was no time to be careful. I had to sprint my way out of the woodland and out of sight.

I started running, without making too much noise so as not to give myself away entirely. After minutes of running and trying not to trip I made it to the footpath. I paused to catch my breath and headed to the village.  As I arrived at the cottage's door, I heard someone call out my name. I shot my head up in the direction of the voice just in time to see Adrian approaching me with a sack over his shoulder.

"Bad day?"he asked as he spotted my empty sack.

"Unfortunately."I replied as we continued walking together towards the house.

"Heard the season's starting soon..."he commented as I pushed the door open.

"Like I bloody care about 'the season'"I said rolling my eyes. "The only 'season' I care about is hunting season. At least it actually provides me with something useful for my daily life."

"So are you claiming that a husband is not useful?"he asked as he followed me inside with his cheeky grin.

"Oh very useful... you know how could I possibly survive without a man to constantly order me around for the rest of my life?"

"Well, isn't that a real shame..."said a voice coming from the kitchen that made me stop in my tracks. I immediately recognised it but prayed to God that my ears had deceived me. As I walked into the kitchen I couldn't believe it. Sitting before me in a pearl-coloured dress and her fair hair tied up in a bun was Aunt Monica.

"Oh! Aunt Monica!"I said trying my best not to roll my eyes and make it obvious that I did not feel comfortable in her presence.

"My... darling sister, I cannot believe your daughter from a mere hunter could be of such beauty."she gasped eyeing me from head to toe.  I clenched my fist and teeth at her remark about my father. She had no right to speak this way about him especially now that he lay in his grave.
Adrian immediately nudged me to calm me down as he knew I couldn't stand my aunt for more than five minutes.

"I am going up to my room mother."I said but just before mother could speak Aunt Monica interrupted her.

"Aren't you going to ask me why I am here?"she asked.

"I didn't think it concerned me in particular..."

"Well, it does."


"As I was saying, it is a true shame that you have absolutely no interest in marriage as your mother and I have managed to secure you a spot in the upper-class season this year... we'll be leaving for the festivities in Edinburgh in two days."my Aunt explained. My heart stopped.  My mother couldn't have agreed to this could she?  It was impossible! My aunt had to do with all this! That evil scorpion-like witch-

"You can't."

"You will." said mother with a strong tone, forcing both me and Aunt Monica to abondon the staring contest we'd only just started and look at her.

"I know you do not want to go but you must. I have made my decision." she added.

"But-...MOTHER!"I said in a frustrated voice.

"I guess I'll leave you two to clarify the situation."said Aunt Monica as she stood up from her seat and strutted out of the room.

"I should leave now."said Adrian bowing his head before turning on his heel and leaving.

"Mother?"I asked but no reply came. Only an eternal silence closed in around us.

"I was going to tell you..."she began.

"When? When the coaches arrived to take me to Edinburgh?!"I asked my eyes welling up with tears.

"I know you do not wish to do this... but I am sick my little honeysuckle."she said. "I need you to find someone who will care for you when I go off to my journey in heaven."

"Don't you dare talk like that mother!"I scowled at her.  "I will hunt day and night if I have to just to make sure that I can buy you medicine."

"Hunting will not be enough."she said shaking her head. "I would know."

"Then I shall go with Aunt Monica..."I statedafter a while. Saying those words made me feel as though the air in my lungs was being sucked away from me. My mother's head also shot up in surprise. I was always so stubborn that this was a complete novelty for her but I understood that she needed me to do this for her.

"I must not force you to go."my mother said slowly resting her palms on the table. I rushed to help her stand. Her weak arms no longer allowed her to do so independently.

"I shall go because I love you and wish to help you and the boys."I said as I looked into her grey eyes.

"I will not make it for much longer, but find a man who can make you happy... who can offer you a comfortable life."

"Like maybe the Duke of Melrose or maybe Cathriel, a merchant from Southampton." Aunt Monica exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen again.

"Any man will be just fine..."I sighed.

"But why have any man when you can have a wealthy man?"said Monica. I clenched my fist once again and my mother quickly stroked my arm to calm me down. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes in shock as Aunt Monica stormed into my room and dragged me out of my bed.

I could hardly believe that two weeks had flown by so quickly. Today would be the last time I would probably step out of this house as an unmarried lady.  I did not like the thought of it, but I had to do it... for mother.

Aunt Monica quickly dragged me into the washroom and dunked my head in a bucket of water. She started scrubbing my hair so hard that I was sure I'd end up bald.

I was still drying off my hair when she dragged me into the bedroom and made me hold my breath as she laced an uncomfortable contraption around me.

A corset! With each pull of the thread I couldn't help but squirm and gasp for breath. I absolutely pitied women born of royal status or any other important position for surely they had no idea what real comfort felt like.

With little delay, my aunt proceeded to buttoning up petticoat after petticoat and skirt above skirt until I felt like a fat lady who could barely fit through the door.  My hair was now a frenzy of curls, cascading down my neck and back. I stared at my reflection in the mirror for some seconds amazed at how different I looked compared to what I was used to.
Utterly appauled at the horrendous way I looked and felt, I quickly slipped on my lace gloves and walked out of the scruffy room and downstairs to face my doom.

Legends from the Highlands: Seeking FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now