Part 9

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I quickly pulled away from him. I could not believe this. He was promised to another in the eyes of God yet he was willing to break that oath to sneak an affair with me.

"I cannot believe this!"I scowled with a cross look on my face.

"What is 'this' exactly?"he asked acting innocent.

"Adrian. You are promised to another woman. You are betrothed and I will not let you go around betraying your wife-to-be."I explain as I take a step further back.

"You mean Agathe?"he laughed. "She does not love me."

"Yet she is willing to take you as her husband even though you clearly do not love her either." I said sticking up for her.

"So are you saying you no longer care for me?" he protested.

"I never said that."

"Listen, I will find a way to break this betrothal and then we can be together and wed and stay here forever together."he said as he took my hand in his.

"I cannot do that."I said pulling my hand away.

"Why not?"he asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Firstly, you are not the Adrian I felt that way about in the first place."I began.

"Why is that?"he asked clearly losing patience.

"The Adrian I knew and loved would never betray a woman's trust like that."I said in a harsh tone. "Secondly, I will be leaving in a week or so-"

"Where are you going? I thought you forfeit the season for good."he said looking confused.

"I have... one last task to perform..."I said trying not to give too much away.

"And where do you have to go to perform this... task?"he asked.

"Carlisle."I whispered forcing a small smile.

"And how long will this take?"

"I do not know but it could take weeks."I admitted.

"Unbelievable! I offer to give everything up for you and this is how you repay me?"he said bursting in anger.

"You are unbelievable going around disrespecting your wife-to-be!"I yelled. "Why don't you go to the priest right now and tell him that you are already going round committing adultery and do not feel the tiniest hint of guilt?!"I screamed. Some pass-byers stopped and stared at us. I stomped inside my house and locked the door. A sudden feeling of impatience washed over me. Suddenly, I couldn't wait any longer to leave for Carlisle.

I spent the next few days locked up inside the house cleaning and cooking. I even missed the morning hunts. They say heartbreak is a myth but at that moment, myth or not, I definitely felt its pain. Mother's health seemed to be improving. I had told her that I would leave again soon but I did not elaborate why for I was sure she wouldn't allow me to, especially since I was going to do this for her.

The last day before my departure, I decided to go out for an early-morning hunt. I grabbed my bow and arrows and headed off. It was still pitch dark when I left the house but by the time I reached the forest, dawn had started to break. I started walking quietly past the endless line of trees, hoping not to make my presence felt by my prey. I slowly made it to a forest clearing and just before I could step onto the grass patch, I spotted a white hare. I kneeled down and aimed the arrow at him, carefully lowering it at a perfect angle. I released it and watched as it flew right into its stomach. Pleased with my impeccable aim, I picked up the dead hare and continued walking.

I'd been out in the forest for about an hour when I came across a familiar trail. I cautiously followed its direction until I found myself in a particular spot. I looked around me and spotted a tree beside which lay a skeletal frame belonging to a large creature. A blood-stained arrow lay between its left ribs. My mind instantly flashed back to that day when I saved the Duke's life. I looked around me and admired the beautiful place where I had witnessed something so dark. Suddenly, I remembered that I still had to pack my trunks for my trip the following day. I inhaled the scent of the grass one last time and left.

The next day arrived quickly. By noon the duke had sent a carriage for me as promised and after hugging my mother and brothers for one last time, I got inside the carriage and we were off. Carlisle was situated north of the village and it would take about a day and a half to get there. As night settled in, I could barely get any sleep because of the excitement building within my chest. I did not know what was so exciting; whether it was the arrival in a new place or the fact that I would get paid for experiencing uperclass luxury for sometime. Or maybe I was excited to see the Duke once again?

I was shocked at my own thought... it was not like I had any interest in the Duke whatsoever. I was here for work and nothing else.

By the next morning we had arrived in Carlisle. I gasped at the picturesque cottages with colourful flowers on the windowsill and at the boats covered in algae from the previous day's tide. We then went past the abbey that towered over the village with its high flying buttresses and pointed spires. I continued staring at it until my attention was immediately diverted to the majestic castle on a hill in the distance. It actually seemed as if its turrets were touching the clouds. The sight left me speechless and I could not believe that I would be living in it for the following weeks. This was certainly going to be a memorable experience...

Legends from the Highlands: Seeking FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now