Part 10

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My eyes remained glued to the breathtaking sight before me as the footman helped me down and unloaded my trunk from the carriage.

"Welcome to Lowther Castle."greeted a voice that snapped me out of my daydream. I looked around me to see a woman with her hair pulled back in a bun who was wearing a full-length dark dress.

"Good morning."I said with a smile. "I am Charlotte Hathertwaite."

"Ah, Lady Charlotte."she said with an open smile that exposed her teeth. "We have been expecting you." I nodded at her comment. "Do follow me m'lady. I will send someone to fetch your things."she said after a short period of silence. I followed her through the main entrance but froze to the spot at the sight that lay before me.

I had never before seen an entrance hall so fair. The floor was carpeted and the ceiling sculpted with the finest and most intricate details. A shimmering chandelier hung from the ceiling with diamond pendants hanging from each candle-holder. The walls were covered from top to bottom with tapestries depicting battles and other moments of Scottish historic importance. I was so amazed at my surroundings that the lady that greeted me had to pat me on the shoulder to grab my attention.

"Everything alright m'lady?"she asked politely.

"Aye. I am truly sorry for my inappropriate stares... I have never before seen such a beautiful place."I admitted.

"Ah... we have all stared at the wonder of this room when we first witnessed it."she laughed. "However, there is so much to show you and little time before his grace the Duke arrives." I followed her into the next hall with a grand staircase in the middle leading to the upper floors of the structure. She motioned me to follow her upstairs and I carefully stepped onto each marble stair with caution, almost afraid to touch it. We walked along a long and dark corridor until we arrived at a spiral staircase leading up into a turret. We slowly ascended until the lady before me took out a set of bulky metal keys and unlocked the door standing before us.

"After you m'lady."she said and I slowly stepped into the room. The first thing that caught my eye was the grand poster bed with floral sheets. Beside it, on each side lay a bedside table with a candle holder. There was also an oakwood wardrobe opposite the bed. On the right-hand side of the room was a large window with a cushionette on the low sill where one could sit and admire the view.

"Is it to your liking m'lady?"asked the lady.

"'Tis like nothing I've ever seen."I replied with an unfathomable grin on my face.

"Glad to hear."she said. "Should you wish to bathe, that door leads to the washroom." she explained as she pointed to a small door beside the wardrobe.

"Thank you."I said softly.

"The Duke has requested that you are to present yourself in one of the dresses in the wardrobe for dinner this evening."she began. "Should you enquire any difficulties please ring the bell on the table for assistance." I nodded and she was dismissed. I stood there alone for a few moments in absolute silence.

On one hand, I wanted to live here forever, but on the other, I knew that I was only here to work and once that was done, I would return to mother and care for her until she restored her health completely. However, before I could dwell on that any longer, I quickly undressed and had a bath in the washroom. Then, I opened the wardrobe and picked out a simple blue dress. Once, I had put it on and fixed my hair, I couldn't help but pace around the room in anxiety.

I hadn't seen the Duke for weeks now. How would he act once we came face to face once again? Would he take back what he said or honor our agreement? A part of me felt disappointed that he was absent on my arrival. However, those thoughts soon slipped away as I heard the scratching of hooves coming from outside. I made my way to the window and climbed on top of the cushionette. Two carriages were making their way to the castle's entrance. They came to a quick halt and the pages rushed to the doors to help the passengers down. From the first carriage descended a tall man with a beer belly, dressed in a brown tailcoat. He had a pair of sideburns. I watched as the pages opened the door to the second carriage and the duke's head immediately popped out before he descended. I smiled at him however my smile was quickly wiped away by the lady that descended from the carriage after him. She was wearing a yellow gown and was holding an ivory-coloured parasol in her hand.

At that moment, I was startled by a loud knock on the bedroom door.

"Come in!"I called.

"The master has arrived and wishes for you to present yourself."said a young maid as she entered the room shyly.

"Of course."I nodded as I followed her out. She lead me downstairs to a room which I had not seen before. She asked me to wait outside before she went in to announce my presence. When she returned, she held the door open for me and allowed me to enter. I inhaled a deep breath before walking into the room. As I entered, I couldn't help but notice three people sitting round a long dining table full of silver plates containing piping-hot food. I looked down at my hands as I entered but from the corner of my eye, I could see Lord Riverood smile.

"Ah, I am pleased to introduce Lady Charlotte, my beautiful wife-to-be."he announced as he stood up. "Do join us."he said as he signalled to me that I should sit in the empty seat beside him. "May I introduce my dear uncle, Lord Harry Riverood, the one I have mentioned previously."

"It is an honor my lord."I greeted him.

"And of course, you've already met my mother..."he said hinting at me that I should act as if I'd met her before. I turned to the lady beside me and nodded at her. She leaned in with her mouth close to my ear.

"Fear nothing at all my child. I know you are not actually betrothed to my son."she whispered with a reassuring smile. I breathed a sigh of relief. We soon started eating while the Duke and his uncle discussed some political matters. Everything was going to plan when the Duke's uncle dropped the bomb.

"You know what I do not comprehend?"he asked with a sly smirk on his face. "If you were betrothed to such a fair beauty like Lady Charlotte, why attend the season?"

Legends from the Highlands: Seeking FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now