Chapter twelve: Smooth Tyler...real smooth!

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Song- DJ got us falling in love by Usher ft pitbull


    I was enjoying my peaceful sleep when a loud music blared through my ears I swear I thought it was an earthquake. Its Usher's 'DJ got us falling in love' playing in a high volume. I looked around to find the source of the music and alas! Its my phone, then I realized that it was a call. Tyler must have put that intentionally just to freak me out and he's so dead when I see him. I picked the call in an exasperated voice and whispered  "hello!"
     "Hey babes! Its Al, I know you must have been sleeping with the voice am hearing now but don't blame me, I need to talk to my best friend so is she available?" I scowled at her
    "I hate you" I muttered enough for her to hear.
   "The feeling is mutual dear. Now back to serious issues, where are you presently?" She asked in a more serious tone. I could vision her brown eyes turning a darker shade.
    "Well, when I left I seriously had no place in mind, now that I think about it... It was kinda stupid for me to think I can go anywhere that night, I guess I just wanted to end things but..." I was caught off  by her. 
   "Are you crazy? I thought you promised me no suicide attempts Chloe, its been over a year now and you still have that in mind?" she paused for an answer and I couldn't hide anything from her. She's my only confidant.
    "Just let me finish please!... I passed out in the middle of the road and this unknown guy helped me and allowed me to stay with him for the time being" I ended my story even though I know that its not enough for her hearing.
    "Wait, you mean the guy picked you up and allowed you to stay with him?"
   "Yes?" I answered which was more like a question considering the tone I used.
    "So, does the guy know who you are?" She asked again
   ", I mean... I lied about my name" I whispered.
   "You what? Do you realize that he might just find out anytime and will be very disappointed?"
    "Yeah I know Al, but to be on the safer side, he might know who I am and hate me so you see, that was my only option" I stated in a weak tone.
    "Well to some extent you are right, just don't let him find out from another source, you better tell him. By the way who's the guy and where exactly are you?" I knew we would come to that so I answered bluntly after all, I have to tell her.
    "Tyler King's lake house" and I awaited her screams...
    "Oh my God! Oh my God! Tyler Kings! Do you realize you are the first girl to ever step in that house? And Oh my awesome God, Tyler freaking Kings" she's just so unique, she can keep blabbering for an hour.
    "So how does he look up close huh! He must have made a move by now right? Just tell me something idiot!" I could not hold back my laughter any longer and I clutched my stomach while laughing.
   "You do know that he just helped me right? And he's also a big time player" I reminded her if she has forgotten. 
   "Well yeah, that too but the guy is really cute you can't just stay with him without having an intsy bitsy tiny winny feeling for him" she's right, I do feel a lot whenever I think of him, those eyes that could drown you forever, his thick muscles, sharp jaws, killer dimple and the sexiest accent...  he's just too 'Oh my God' as Al will say.
    "Al, this guy is not into my type, you know it and I seriously don't intend on jumping into any sort of relationship right now. You know how it ended with Alec, I don't want that to happen to me again because this time I might not be able to survive it" I paused a little and continued while she stayed quiet on the other end listening patiently.
   "And Tyler is a player, you know it. I might have some feelings for him considering he's kind and warm and..." I didn't get to finish before she caught me off 
   "Wow! Did you take a good look at yourself? I doubt there is a guy who will not be into your type. You are a full package Chloe, but you don't seem to realize it. Alec is a big ass to let go of you but any guy with a good functioning brain will totally fall for you. I know it might be too early to say this but the way you are speaking I think you like just saying though, but you really need to tell him the truth. If he's as kind as you say, he should understand."
    "I will Al, just not now okay and for the record, he's also an ass. Big time one and I do not like him"
  "Alright keep lying to yourself but wow! You are lucky girlfriend, you just broke record as the first girl to enter his lake house" we laugh simultaneously and for once, I felt relieved.
    "Do you know that Alec and Rose had it yesterday? It was fun to watch those backstabbers claw at each other" I felt something hit me in the chest and out of curiosity I asked
    "Why did they fight"
   "Well, at Andrew's party. You know Andrew right?"
   "Yeah" I replied
   "Okay, she claimed to have seen the butthead pinning a girl to the wall in a heated makeout session" she concluded
   "That's good for them, I don't give a flying fish" I replied harshly
    "Wow! Cool down over there viper, don't want you clawing at the handsome dude's face"
    "Speaking of which! Al, I need to go, love you too bye!" I quickly dropped the phone and went down to meet his holy asshatness seated with his legs crossed on the sofa eating ice-cream. Wait! Do guys eat ice-cream, weirdo!. He might have sensed my presence from my footsteps as he tilted his head to face me.
   "Hey kitten!" He patted the sofa "come sit, you are awake finally. I was getting bored all alone" he was smirking, I could see a mischievous glint in his eyes. He knows exactly what he did.
     "Smooth Tyler, real smooth, way to get yourself six feet under" I gave him a knowing smile and he stood up.
    "Uh-oh! I know it when a girl gives that look. But wait, I was just being nice just by putting my photo as your wallpaper, I don't think it should be a problem" I was still looking at him in an attacking stance, I was ready to pounce on him.
     "You should be happy I even did it for you, most girls would kill to have that privilege and just because I added Usher's song as your ringtone. I mean, he's my favourite artist so what's there?" I didn't say a word and kept staring hard at him so he continued.
    "And just because I saved my name as 'my heart desire' shouldn't also mean a thing, don't you know that am every girl's heart desire?"
    "You what?"I couldn't believe it, now that I think about it, I did not check for his name in the contact list .
    "It's official Tyler, you are so going six feet under. What else did you do Tyler?"   
   "Uhm, since you don't know" he shrugged.
   "What do I not know?" I asked him whilst clenching my fists.
    "Nothing! Come on, lets watch a movie together" he gave me a puppy look, he stood there waiting for my response, my eyes lingered on his for a moment and I just couldn't resist him.
   "Fine, but don't just do anything crazy else, it will be written 'he died after receiving a girl's punch' and I don't think you want that." I huffed in fake annoyance because I was actually amazed at how he pulled on a boyish character.
     "There, there wildcat, I wont do anything again. Promise! Just don't get your panties in a twist" I landed my full weight on the sofa and grabbed the ice-cream bowl from him.
    "It's unfair for you to take ice-cream alone while a girl is sitting next to you" I gave him a victory smile and started filling my mouth with the mouth watering strawberry ice-cream.
     "And I didn't know that guys eat ice-cream, strawberry flavour at that." I continued eating it while he just kept shooting daggers my side which I happily avoided.
   "Is that payback? Because you finishing my ice-cream is a sin no girl on the face of earth has ever committed and yes! I eat ice-cream because am not just any other guy. I am Tyler Kings" he spoke with all sincerity and arrogance, so much ego you will think he's carrying the whole of USA on his head.
     "Payback's a bitch Tyler, and please stop acting like a baby and choose a movie for us" I smiled at him while he pouted like a baby. Those lips coming into full view and for a second I imagined how it will feel like to kiss him with the coolness and sweetness of the ice-cream mixed with his sweet lips. How it will feel on my own strawberry coated lips. I fixed my gaze on him and I didn't know that he was talking until he waved his hand at my face.
    "Earth to you kitten" he said and I could see a smirk plastered on the corner of his lips. He just caught me checking out his lips. Crap!
     "I said you might as well finish it off before it melts since you just deprived me of my love" he calls ice-cream love, sometimes I wonder how he pulls of his bad boy act when he practically acts like a ten year old kid. 
    "Can you swim?" He asked out of the blues, I had to blink twice to register what he just said and the crazy soul began laughing. Well I know I look weird when am caught unaware but it doesn't call for a laughter feast.
    "You look so cute when you are caught unaware" he continued laughing but what he said made me blush and I had to turn my head away before he catches a glimpse of my pink cheeks. He called me cute with that expression, well that's a first! 'Chloe, you have to take this guy off your mind, you can't fall for him, he's a player and you lied to him, you wont want to complicate your life more than it is presently' my inner voice rang and I answered him.   
    "Yeah I love swimming"   
    "What is it that you can't do kitten? You are the first girl to beat me to my games you know that right? It's a major turn-off" he winked and I could sense the humor in his voice.
     "Well, that's a good thing, at least you got your ego in check and you don't really know everything about me but for the record, I can't skate to save my life! If that will allow you to sleep well at night" I don't know what's funny but we just burst out laughing and for the second time today, I felt very good more than I've ever felt over year.     
     "About that, why don't we play twenty questions?"
    "Why not!" I answered too eagerly. I've wanted to know why he has been sleeping when he said he had insomnia.  


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