Chapter seven: Kitten

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Song- Get used to me by Justin Bieber

We were halfway into playing the game and I was clearly challenging him to it, even though he seemed pretty good at it, I doubt if he could beat me to my own game.

"So, what was your aim when you ran like a goat being chased by a wolf to the point of exhaustion" he chuckled trying to make light of the situation.

"It's a long story... trust me when I say I wish I was being chased by a wolf, it would have ended my life at a go and I won't have to live to feel the pain... it was my only option..." I was already chocking on my breath and was oblivious to the fact that a tear slipped down my cheek. I felt warm hands cup my cheek and I raised my head to look at him. He used a finger to wipe the tears off my face. I was too absorbed in my world to feel any emotions at the moment.

"I can't say that I know how you feel but believe me, whatever the situation is, some have gone through worse and have survived... but running away is not the best way to solve your problems, you will only keep making merry-go-round around them" he paused and removed his hand from my face.

"I was also doing same when I ran off to this place, and when I saw you on the road alone looking broken, I just couldn't leave you there. I also wanted to forget about an event which seethed through the depth of my heart but I discovered that your problems might even be more than mine"

"You can stay here for as long as you wish and I wont push you to tell me anything you don't want to..." he was now looking at me, sincerity evident in his eyes.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate... I never knew the almighty Tyler Kings had a soft side to him" it was my turn now to try cracking a sorry ass excuse of a joke.

"Like I said cupcake, you don't know anything about me" cupcake, I like the sound of that... I let out a low chuckle.

"Come on kitten, lets get you to bed" he said in a hushed whisper
"And you can have faith in me that I wont try anything funny with you"

"Seriously, kitten?" I was amused by his choice of nick names, first it was cupcake and now its kitten... I wont say I don't like the sound of that actually *wink*.

"Yeah your lips" he made a gesture with his hand
"They look like that of a kitten's"

I smiled and followed him upstairs where he led me to my room and stood by the door.

"Good night kitten, my room is directly opposite yours in case you need anything"

"Sure, good night and thanks once again" I waved at him and closed the door. I didn't feel the need to lock the door as he seemed completely harmless...or so I thought.

As I laid on the bed, I couldn't help but think about my was also very soft with lot of throw pillows and teddies... I missed Pat a lot, it was the first teddy bear I received from Alec when we started dating. Even though I hate him for what he did, I couldn't hate Pat as it was innocent and didn't know that Alec would turn out to be what he was. It was with that thought that I slept off.


She was charging towards me in full force, the wind was swinging me in all directions and my hair being pulled back by an invincible force. I strutted to my feet and staggered as the wind kept tossing me towards her... I tried to stop moving but it wasn't in my power to do so and just as I was about to fall into a deep pit, she grabbed me by the hair in an agonizingly painful manner "am sorry... I never meant to do it, please don't punish me for what I had no control over... please, please, please" I kept begging her but then she released me and I let out a loud scream.

"Oh my God kitten, wake up, please wake's only a dream, nothing is going to happen to you while am here"

His voice echoed through the room and it gently pulled me out of my nightmare. I clutched his body in a tight embrace, I couldn't let him go because I was too scared. It was then I realised that I was pushing my body on him and I gently tried to slip out of his hold. He caught my hand and brought me back to his chest.

"Stay, don't move please... here, have some water" his tone was laced with concern and worry as he handed me the glass of water he had placed on the bedside table. Even though he was comforting me, I couldn't understand why! And I so didn't expect him to see me in this state I was in... I was strong, fearless and never cried or so I thought, since I've cried countless number of times over this past year just not in front of people. I felt weak when he saw me cry... my walls were slowly crashing and I couldn't allow it.

"Are you okay?" He asked me as I regained enough consciousness to speak.

"Yeah... how did you know... I mean... the room is..." I stammered.

"Every other room was made soundproof except this one, it was specially made for her because she usually had nightmares and I wanted to be there for her at all times even though I couldn't fulfil that promise " he completed my thoughts for me, but his voice held so much grief in it... I could only wonder, what happened to him but that was my cue to leave. I mean, who doesn't have secrets? But I still spoke.

"Who is she? What happened to her? Wh..." I wanted to start bombarding him with questions but was caught off by him.

"You sure ask a lot of questions... her name was Anna" he replied trying to hide the pain he felt.

"What happe..." he caught off again.

"She died...accident" he stated shortly and pulled his body away. It was my turn to console him so I pulled him back to me and just kept quiet... words will only make it hurt even more, I knew better so I just held him there.

"But weren't you sleeping?" I asked after a long moment of silence.

"I developed insomnia after her death, so I watch movies at night, I heard your voice when I was coming back from the kitchen... when did you start having the nightmares?" He asked...he had been open to me a little, I had to be sincere with him at least.

"Its been over a year now... so I don't get to go back to sleep anytime I wake up"

"Do your parents know about it?" he was pushing it but I was surprised as I started opening up to him. My parents, they might not even know that I was missing since its been just a day and mum wasn't coming back from her health workshop till after two weeks and dad... I guess after a month, they never called when they were away because they knew that I had Grace.

"They don't know, only Grace nanny since I was little, shes been like a mother cos my mom was either off on health workshops or busy with surgery and dad was always away on business meetings"

"Well, since we both can't sleep, why don't we do something to while away time? Should we play FIFA on PS4?"

"That would be great... just don't let me win you this time" if you don't know, I won the chess game

"That we shall find out" he stood up and extended his hand to help me up which I gladly took in my much smaller ones.

"You've got siblings?" He asked again as we headed towards his room.

"Nah, am an only child... they never had time to make another one" I chuckled and he joined me.

"Me too, Anna is my half sister...mum had her when she separated with dad" he stated and we entered his room.
"Thank you" I stated
"Oh please! Not again"he nodded nevertheless.

So guys, what do you think of the little revelation and bonding?? Drop your comments to let me know your thoughts.😘 luv ya'll.

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