Chapter ten: My freaking boyfriend

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   Song; Don't let me go by Westlife

      It was ten o'clock and I couldn't sleep, I was restless and strangely scared since I had sent Isabelle home now am regretting that and Tyler hasn't even come back or maybe he came back but went straight to his room. I decided to go check up on him following my instincts, I just pray he doesn't think am stalking him which am clearly doing not. I stood at my door ready to open not really sure of my actions but I opened it and tip-toed to his room, I turned the door knob and pushed it a little but there was no sign of him. Just when I was about to open it wide,
   "Boom!! "
  "Aaahhh!!  Oh my God! Oh my God!  Tyler!" This guy really doesn't know when to act funny.
  "Are you planning my funeral? Why on earth will you scare me like this in the middle of the night when am alone in the house" he kept on laughing hard clutching his stomach
    "You think this is funny? Well hello to you! It-is-not!" I stated as a matter of fact.
    "Wow, I never knew the feisty Kate had fear in her. Did you hear the way you screamed, it was as if earth was merging with mercury" he spoke between laughter. I stomped my feet and made my way to my room but he pulled me by my arm and I almost tripped but he caught me by the waist. Speak of cliché. A moment passed without any of us uttering a word and we just stayed like that, my hand and my waist in his hold. His warm hand felt so foreign yet comfortable at the same time as he held onto my bare waist. His blue eyes gave a flash of something I couldn't decipher,  which disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. I just couldn't move as I was totally and utterly lost in his eyes which he seem to be doing same. My lashes flustered out of their own accord and that seemed to bring him back to reality. 
    "Uhm am sorry... I mean... I didn't mean to scare you" he scratched the back of his head releasing his grip on my waist. Cold air hit me on the spot he just held and I longed to be held like that again. What on earth am I saying? My freaking goodness!
   "Well to say the truth, I actually wanted to scare you" he flashed me a mischievous smile and ran into his room and I followed him. I kept chasing him till I got tired, who knew chasing someone in a room was hard labour? I couldn't catch my breath and was gasping for air, I had no option but to give up. He finally settled on the bed and the bed sank which made me tumble over on the bed. This night is definitely not moving in line with my wishes.
   "So what have you been doing while I was away?" He helped me up and turned to face me.
   "Well, you mean apart from going outside to listen to the sound of flowing water and sleeping, I haven't done anything" I shrugged, I was already getting used to sitting idle.  
   "Oh! And missing me, well that sounds interesting sort of" he chuckled and his eyes seemed to shine bright or it was just my imagination.
   "Before I forget, I got something for ya, come on!" he stood up and walked outside to the living room and I followed suit.

   "I thought I said I didn't need anything, you shouldn't have bothered yourself" I bit out as we finally reached the living room and he picked up something from the sofa
   "Well thank heavens you didn't ask me to because I wouldn't have bought it for you and for the record, it didn't cost a fortune so pleea-sse don't go all mushy on me" he smirked as he handed me a box. I studied the box for a while before I realized that it was a phone, an iPhoneX!
    "Uhm, what is this?" I was surprised at my question, it sounded dumb but would you blame me? It was so unexpected.
    "Well you see, according to history, a man named Alexander Graham Bell invented this little mobile talking device in 1876 and it's called a phone. Its used for communication between people over a distance... " He kept explaining it as if he was talking to a baby and I couldn't hold back my laughter anymore.
   "Like are you for real? All this history for just a phone?"
   "You kind of seemed oblivious to what you were holding and I don't know if you've ever come across it so, I thought it will be better if I take baby steps in explaining it to you" he stated finally and sank in the sofa.
   "Wow! thanks though, I really appreciate"  
"Its no big deal, I can teach you how to use the phone since you clearly don't know how" he spoke indignantly as I opened the box and removed the phone. As soon as I removed it, he snatched it from my hand.
   "What! Seriously, you really think I can't operate a phone?" I was surprised, are we even on the same universe?
   "Chill it kitten, I know very well that you can operate a phone, don't stress it" he kept punching things on the phone before his phone rang but he ignored it.
   "Your phone!" I pointed at his phone which showed an unknown number, then he gave me back my phone and picked his.
   "I just saved my number on your phone, call me when you miss me or need anything" he was smirking and his dimple appeared gracefully.
   "Thanks a lot" I gave him a heartwarming smile and he replied with same.
"Come on kitten, lets go to bed, am so tired. Hope you had your dinner?" He looked at me over his shoulders and I nodded. We reached my room and I opened the door.
  "Good night Tyler, thanks once again"
   "Don't mention love" he said 'love', the word alone sent a tingling sensation down my spine,was it suppose to mean something else or is it a term that guys like him use for every girl? I shrugged the thought off, I mean he is Tyler Kings for Pete's sake, every girl is love. Nevertheless, I waved him and entered my room.


  "You murderer, you cant even keep anything, you take every one for granted just because you got everything on a silver platter" her tone was venomous, it held hatred and bitterness in it.
   "Where did I go wrong in treating you as a best friend? Tell me! I've always loved you like the sister I was never fortunate to have but what did you do at the end, you went behind my back and cheated on me with my boyfriend" I paused to catch my breath as tears were threatening to come out but I wont allow that. I am stronger than that, I can continue living, I am not weak!
    "My freaking boyfriend Rose, as if that wasn't enough, you still went ahead to speak bad about me you God forsaken brainless bitch!" I was yelling at her,I was in pain but she doesn't have to know.
      "Now you are going to have a taste of your own medicine slut!" I removed a gun and shot her on the head. She was bleeding non-stop, she kept repeating the same words I dreaded.
    "Murderer! Murderer!murderer!" It kept seething through my veins and I started screaming I wasn't a murderer.
   "I'm not...I'm not a murderer..."
    I woke up screaming and I was drenched in sweat. I was shivering, I raised my hands to see if there was blood or anything. Nothing. Just then I began hearing the words again
     'Murderer! Murderer! Murderer!...'  I blocked my ears with my hand and kept on screaming, I quickly scrambled off the bed and ran to Tyler's room. He was lying down on his bed with his ears blocked with headphone. He sprang up when he saw me.
     "What happened kitten? Is it the nightmares again?" He asked with concern written all over his face as I hugged him tightly, my hand grazing his bare back. I nodded my head whilst wiping my tears.
   "Come on sit down, let me get you water" he attempted to move and I held him tight, I couldn't let him leave me here all alone because I was scared to death. I kept shaking, my whole body was drenched in sweat.
     "Let's get your face washed up because you are actually scaring me" he chuckled and strangely, I smiled and felt a little bit at ease. He dragged me to the bathroom and I washed my face.
   "Thanks" I managed to say after some minutes of silence.
   "No problem kitten, I don't mind" he smirked and looked down at our bodies then I realised that I was still glued to his body. I quickly released him and made way to my room.
   "Oh come on, don't be mad at me, am just being a guy you know! You can hug me forever and I wont be mad" he was trying to use his cocky tricks on me and it was working since I turned around and sank into his bed. He brought the comforter and covered us and I could feel the warmth of his body. That alone can make you forget your worries.
      "Wanna talk about it?" He questioned with his eyes closed. He really has a habit of talking with his eyes closed which makes him even sexier.
    "No, let's just go to sleep" I replied and closed my eyes.
    "Okay then, night kitten"
  "Night Tyler" and for the second time, we slept together in the literal sense.*wink*


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Lost In His World|On Hold|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora