Chapter 7

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One more text was all he was going to send her before he deleted her number. He didn't want to, but she told him to, and he would feel wrong not doing it. He never wanted to upset Eunji, but that's all he seemed to do.

"Hey Eunji. We're leaving tomorrow js." was all that he said. Then she was typing. He never thought he would get so flustered over three dots, but he was. She stopped typing. He let out a sad sigh, but then got a message.

"k." was all it read. He looked down at the phone and debated if he should delete the number or not.

"Do it already." Jin looked up to see Yoongi standing over him. "It's not that hard." Jin nodded and deleted her number.

"I messed up." he said under his breath. Suga nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, you really did." He shrugged. "Whatever. Her roommate is a guy, anyways." he said walking away.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jin hollered to Yoongi. Instead of a response, Jin just got ignored as the grumpy man child laid down on the couch and fell asleep.

"It does not mean anything." Jimin said, sitting next to Jin. "It's just kind of... odd?" he said shrugging.

"I guess." Jin responded. "He is just her friend, though." Jimin gave Jin a comforting look and nodded.

"Yeah. I am sure." he said as he rubbed his back. "Just friend." Jin covered his face with his hands as he looked down.  Taehyung sat on the other side of Jin and gave him a reassuring hug.

"You will be okay, buddy." Tae said releasing the hug. "She lives with a guy, anyways."

"Why is that such a big deal?" Jin said as he threw up his hands and got up.

"It is very strange." Hoseok said as Jin continued to walk away. Hoseok shrugged. "It is."

Jin sighed as he ate his sandwich. He was never one for comfort food. He was just one for food as a whole, but this time he felt different. He wasn't eating because he was hungry or because he just really wanted to eat. He was eating because he was sad. He was extremely sad. Jin reached over next to him to grab more chips as he was slumped on the couch, only for them to be snatched away from him.

"That is enough of that." Jin looked up to see Hoseok with the bag of chips. "You have sat and ate all day." He rolled up the bag. "This was a new bag, Jin." he said, holding up the remains.

"Not a big deal." Jin mumbled.

"I understand that you are sad." Hoseok said, sitting next to Jin. "Remember, she lives here, not at home." He paused for a second. "She also lives with a man, and I know we have all pointed it out already, but it is strange." Jin sighed and left Hoseok again, falling onto his bed. He curled up in the blankets and stared at his phone.

"k." He read the letter over and over again, wishing it had said something else. He thought about messaging her again.

"I'm sorry. I can not get you out of my head. I wish I had not done what I did, but I can not take it back. Please forgive me. If I could, I would stay with you, but you know well I can not. I wish I could redo the date, but I am leaving. I wish you luck. I hope one day you forgive me and we will go out again. Respond to me please. I can delete your number, but I can not delete you from my mind." he hovered over the send button. He didn't know if he should send the message. He had sent her so many. He was probably the last person Eunji wanted to talk to. He moved his thumb to the delete button, then quickly moved back, hitting send. He looked at the messages, waiting for a response.

Eunji looked at the response.

"What are you looking at?" Ryan said, taking her phone.

"Dude!" she said, jumping up to grab her phone from him. He read the text out loud, walking around the room, attempting to keep the phone from the much shorter girl. "This isn't funny." she said stretching her arms up, attempting to grab the phone. "Ryan Garrison William!" she yelled. His face dropped as he heard his own middle name.

"Please do not." he said handing the phone back. "It's bad enough having basically two first names. Why must you add insult to injury by saying my dorky middle name?"

"Because it's funny, and I knew it would work." she looked at the text Jin had sent her. She didn't know if she should forgive him or not. She had been pretty hard on him. He didn't deserve it. What he did was awful, but not bad enough to stay mad. She went to type, but stopped. He wasn't worth it. Though, his action wasn't the worst thing, she had gotten so far. Was there really a point in dragging him back?

"He seems to be really sorry." Ryan said.

"Yeah, but what's the point?" Eunji responded. "I was only one date." Ryan nodded. He hated Jin for what he did to Eunji, but that didn't mean that they could never forgive him. Eunji and Jin didn't really know each other, so there was nothing to repair.

"Does he make you happy?" Ryan asked, silently hoping for her to say "no."

"Well yeah." Ryan nodded. "Of course he does. I'm basically in love with him." Eunji thought about her wording for a bit. "Okay, I'm obviously not in love with him. I'm in love with the thought of him. When I met him, he was everything I hoped for him to be, but when he did what he did, I was hurt." She looked away. "Even though he didn't really do anything wrong, I think it's best that I prevent anything from happening before it does." Ryan patted her on the head.

"It will be okay, girly" he said. She smiled back up at him.

Jin wasn't as smiley as Eunji was. Yoongi was sat next to him, trying to comfort him.

"Can I go to bed yet?" Yoongi asked, pouting a little.

"No." Jin said, hugging Yoongi. Yoongi groaned, annoyed. "You have the same chin as her. You're the closest thing I have to her." Jin snuggled closer. "Can you say you forgive me again?"

"No." Yoongi responded closing his eyes. He felt Jin staring at him, upset. "I forgive you..."

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