All The Way Part. 2

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(Y/N) P.O.V

"He's been gone for a while, huh?" You say as you drink some water. Jungkook-"He doesn't take this long normally." You put down the water battle and go to the door. J-Hope-"Where are you going?" You smiled. "Go find him of course." They all shrug it off and start to dance some more, then you head to go find Namjoon. "Namjoon!" You've been looking all over for him, there is only one place you haven't looked, so you head in the direction. You get to the bathroom door and start knocking. "Namjoon? Are you in there?" You hear a small moan, you thought who ever was in there was hurt so you open the door and didn't expect to see Namjoon resting against a wall sweaty, with what you could only assume to be semen running down his hand. "N-Namjoon?" You turn around so you couldn't see him to let him clean up and pull up his pants. Rap Monster-"(Y/N)? Is that you?" You nod. Rap Monster-"I'm sorry." You were confused. "What are you sor-" You was cut off with a kiss on your neck. "N-Namjoon stop." You moaned as he runs his hand down your stomach. Rap Monster-"I won't do anything to you, I just want to kiss you." You turn around and kiss him deeply then ran out. 

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