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"Um, V?" He lets go of your face. V-"Yes?" You look at him. "W-why did you do that?" He started to blush. V-"I needed to show you how I like you." You looked down. "Ah." He was about to say something else but he was cut off by the ring of your phone. "Hold on." You say as you turn around. "Hello?" ???-"Hey!" You tilt your head. "Namjoon?" The deep voice on the other side of the phone let out a soft laugh. Rap Monster-"You knew it was me by my voice?" You giggled. "Well yeah." He sighed. Rap Monster-"Well where are you?" You stiffen up. "Um, where we planed to meet up, but I was sorta...hmm...chased off." You could hear V behind you getting closer. Rap Monster-"What do you mean?" You sighed. "Some pervert kinda followed me around the park till V saved me." It went silent for a moment. Rap Monster-"S-so is he with you now?" You nodded even though he can't see you "Yes." He sighed. Rap Monster-"Can I talk to him?" You nodded again handing V the phone. V-"Hello?" You couldn't hear the other end but V looks a bit depressed. V-"Yes, I know, I'll get her there safe, promise." 

V drives you to the studio to make sure you wouldn't get hurt, also Namjoon really wanted you to go with him. "So, you looked upset talking to him." He didn't answer. "Are you upset with m-" V-"No." You was taken back from his sudden deep voice. "O-okay." You looked out the window kinda confused.

V's P.O.V

I didn't mean to come off so mean, Namjoon told me not to get close to her, so I need to seem rude. God this hurts me, she seems sad now that I yelled at her. "I-I'm sorry..." She looked at me with her confused yet pretty eyes. (Y/N)-"What do you mean?" I looked back to the road. "No-nothing." She looks back out the window, she looks so pretty. "D-do you know what like I meant now?" She nodded. "Okay." She looked at me. (Y/N)-"Why do you like me?" I shrug and smile. "Your kinda like a precious little princess."  

I'm so sorry for not posting lately, I've been going through a lot and just needed a break, I've been thinking about taking some ideas from the readers, so just text me or comment. 

Insta- kitten_owend

SnapChat- anime_lover1947

Discord- Princess#4782

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