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When you got to work you started texting Namjoon again.

You- Now what was you saying?

Namjoon- I'm pretty sure V likes you.

You- What do you mean?

Namjoon- He likes you, like like.

You- No he doesn't, your crazy.

Namjoon- No I'm not, I can tell by the way he looks at you.

You- It doesn't matter, I'm with you.

Namjoon- Yeah you are.

You- Are you here yet?

He didn't respond so you just assumed he was close, or maybe on the road. Then there was a hand on your butt. "What the hell?!?" You turn around and smacked a tall strange man. "Keep your freaking hands to yourself you old pervert!" You started to walk off then he grabbed a hold of your wrist. "What did I just tell you?!?" You yanked your hand back. ???-"You are such a pretty girl, come with me." He said as he tried to grab your hand again but you moved it just in time. "Fuck off you disgusting pervert!" You started to sprit off just to notice he was chasseing right after you. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" As you yelled that he fell right on top of you and you couldn't move. "Get off of me!" You was squirming and wiggling but he wouldn't budge. ???-"Get the hell off of her." You heard a deep strong voice but you couldn't tell who it was because of the tears in your eyes. ???-"Who the hell do you think you are telling me what to do?!?" The man was staring to take off your jacket, but before it could get pass your shoulders the man kicked the hell out of the pervert on top of you. ???-"I said get off of her!" After the man rolled off of you the other guy started ramming him in the face. ???-"Don't lay another hand on her!" You started to wipe away the tears to tell who it was. As you opened your eyes you looked up to see V hitting this man over and over. "V! V! I'm okay, stop!" You grabbed onto V and pulled him off of the man (The man was actually younger) V-"Go away you little pervert before I tare you a new one!" The man ran as fast as he could. V-"God." You let go of V. "Why did you do that?" He looked down at you. V-"Because, your my manger." He said between breaths. "I think there was more to it, but if you don't want to tell me then I'll just go to the studio." You started to walk away then he pulled you back. V-"Don't. I'll tell you, but you can't let Namjoon know alright?" You nodded. V sighed, V-"I like you (Y/N)." You smiled. "I like you too." He looked up. V-"Not that like. I mean, I. I pictu-" He looked down. "What?" He looked up and kissed you, your eyes went very big.  V-"That, like.."

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