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You got the next few days off so you took the time to think, if feels like here recently all you can do is think. You decided it was time to go do something, by something you meant go make food and maybe shower, so that's what you do. As your cooking you get a text from Jungkook, witch was odd considering the two of you haven't really talked before.

Jungkook- Hey (Y/N), can I talk to you for a minute?

You- Yeah sure, what's up?

Jungkook- Well you see, I have noticed that almost half of my hyungs like you.

You- What do you mean by "like"?

Jungkook- They, find you, hmm uhh. They just like you, I don't know how to put it.

You- Like a friend?

Jungkook- No, more.

You- Oh, well, I knew Namjoon liked me, and Suga and J-Hope. But that's not really half.

Jungkook- Oh, so you don't know about TaeTae?

You- What do you mean?

Jungkook- Nothing never mind, I have to go, talk to you later (Y/N).

You- Alright ttyl.

That was odd, you thought as you got done cooking. "I don't understand why so many handsome boys like me, I don't see it at all." As you got done eating you was getting undressed to shower till someone knocked on the door. "Hold on I'll be a second!" You wrap a towel around your self and run to the door to see V standing there, with wet hair, but it wasn't raining, maybe he just got out of the shower? You open the door. "He-" V-"What did he tell you?" You was surprised to see V look like this, mad, and upset. "W-who?" He slams his hand behind you against the wall. V-"DON'T PLAY DUMB!" Your heart is racing faster then it ever has before, this has never EVER happen to you, it is all new. "I-I really do-don't know what y-your talking about." He sighs. V-"What did Jungkook tell you, about me?" He lowers his hand. "N-nothing, he told me nothing about you, all he said is that it seems like his hyungs like me." He closes his eyes. V-"That dick." He mutters under his intense breathing so you couldn't hear anything. "What was that?" He shrugs. V-"Nothing, I'll be going now." You nod and let him go.


After you get out of the shower you get a text from V

V- I'm sorry, I thought he told you something I don't want you to know.

You- It's alright.

V- Did I hurt you?

You- No.

V- Okay good.

You- Lol, I don't think you'll ever hurt me. I hope.

V- Me too. Gatta go. Bye (Y/N)

You- Bye.

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