"You don't know the system like I do" He laid down on the bed "They got a date for another execution, showing the public that they do take murders seriously"

"But they're murdering someone who is innocent!" I raised my hands in surrender "This is so medieval"

"That's those in power for you" He rolled onto his side with his back facing me

I looked to the corner of the cell at the end of his bed and pulled the old chair out, I sat down and put my head in my hands. I wanted to prove his innocence, I wanted to get him out of here. Maybe for my own selfish reasons, I wanted him. I wanted him so bad, but he was right. Who was going to listen to me? A semi-professional psychologist who had no other experience other than this in working in criminal psychology.

Hours passed and Oliver and I hardly spoke, I asked him several times if he wanted me to leave but he just said no and went back into silence. He was called out to lunch, I checked my emails during this time, to my joy I found that I had a house viewing tonight at six thirty. Oliver called me back in when he returned, again we sat in silence. I didn't want to intrude whatever was going through his thoughts so I sat quietly on the chair. I felt my eyes begin to get heavy as I sat there, my head kept slowly falling forward before I slumped down and rest my head on the wall, I crossed my arms over my chest. Sleep came quickly and I was soon in deep.

"Chloe" I heard a voice "Chloe c'mon wake up"

I woke up to find Henry stood in front of me, I sat up and looked at Oliver who was sat on the end of his bed watching Henry as he woke me up. I looked down and noticed that Oliver had placed his covers over me at some point whilst I slept. I blinked a few times before rubbing my eyes "I'm so sorry"

Oliver didn't speak, he gave me a small smile and nodded his head. Henry laughed "He understands, I explained how hard you've been working on him"

Of course, Oliver already knew the truth. I stood up and laid the covers on the end of Oliver's bed, I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, he looked up at me briefly before his eyes flicked to Henry and back to the floor "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah" He said quietly

I nodded and walked out the cell behind Henry, I closed the door behind me and stretched my arms above my head. My neck was stiff from sleeping in the chair, I looked at Henry "What time is it?"

"Five" He looked at his watch "I was going to take you home quickly; Dad is out tonight. I doubt he'll be back; I'll pick you up when my shift finishes in the morning"

I nodded and followed Henry out to the car, he drove me home quick after I explained that I was viewing my first property this evening. When we got back I quickly ran in, jumped in the shower and changed my clothes before calling a taxi to take me to the house. I was especially hoping to get this one, it was on the same street as the prison. The taxi pulled up outside the house and I jumped in. I was eager as we pulled up outside and I saw the estate agent stood outside already waiting for me. I paid the taxi driver and stepped out to greet her, she smiled at me and shook my hand.

We walked up to the front of the house, it was small but it was perfect for just me. She opened the front door and I looked around the spacious lounge, the carpet was a light grey with matching walls. The white stairs were on the back wall, the door to the kitchen stood under the open stairs. I followed her through to reveal a thin but long kitchen with granite worktops. The hob was set into the worktop with the oven built in under it, the fridge and freezer was also built into the cupboards, as was the dishwasher. She took my upstairs, this was a two-bedroom house. As we walked up the stairs the immediate left was the first bedroom, the immediate right was the bathroom, a simple bathroom with a bath and overhead shower. She took me into the next bedroom at the front of the house, this was obviously the master bedroom.

We finished the tour and I was confident enough to tell the woman that I would take it and was happy to pay what I needed immediately. She smiled and offered to drive me to the office, I walked into the office with her and we sat at her computer and logged into it.

"When would you like to move into the property?" she asked me as she typed away on the computer

"As soon as" I smiled

She smiled and nodded her head, she told me the amount I needed to pay. I pulled my card out of my bag and put it in the chip and pin. She confirmed that they payment had gone through and went off to get the forms for me to sign. I signed a multitude of bits of paper before she finally handed me the keys. I thanked her and walked out the office, as I walked out I was met with a familiar face

"Ashton!" I was caught by surprise

He looked down at his feet "Hey"

I pulled my phone out to call a taxi to my new home before he put his hand over my screen "I really miss you Chloe"

"Well you should've thought about that shouldn't you?" I said quietly

I watched as sadness crept onto his face "I really am sorry; I don't know what I was thinking. She was absolutely nothing compared to you... You are the most amazing woman I know"

I sighed "Ashton, when I told you that me and you were over I meant it. I-I've moved on and you should too, we can't be holding onto the hope of one another"

"Why?" He asked "I will hold onto the hope that you will be mine again for the rest of my life if I have to"

"Don't do this" I groaned "Please don't do this. You broke my heart... I can never forgive you for that. You're not a bad guy, I'm sure someone else will be as lucky as I was for those five years"

"Is this really it?" He looked over my face "is this really the end for us? No way that we can make this happen? We work well together, Chloe, you know that as well as I do"

I thought of Oliver then, I thought of him sat in his cell waiting for me to come back. I thought of the taste of his lips on mine, the way he made me feel. How he helped me heal after I thought I was broken, how he can make me laugh with the most stupid thing. How once small touch can send goose-bumps up my spine.

I found myself smiling at the thought of him, I looked at Ashton and shook my head "I'm sorry, I really am but these are the consequences of your choices. Maybe one day out paths will cross again, but for now they're both going different directions"

He nodded, I bid him goodbye and watched as he walked towards his car. I called a Taxi and waved as Ashton drove away, I held my house keys tight as I got in the taxi, it dropped me off and I walked up the path towards my new beginning.

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