Ch 13

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After meeting Casey and April officially they showed up more and more around the lair. It was different to say the least as I had become accustomed to the turtles and I's daily activities. But now with the humans it seemed no one wanted to do anything with me. I sighed as I watched Mikey playing pranks on Raph with the aid of Casey. Not even my boyfriend wanted to fly with me. I felt off as well but I put it towards being lonely something my family rarely did we had moments where we craved solitude but other than that we were always with at least one other. I walked quietly around the lair before sliding into splinters room.

"I can tell something is wrong irene." Splinter said from where he meditated in the middle of the room. "I feel lost is all. The others no longer wish to include me. My kind cannot handle being alone unless we wish it." I said softly. "Join me in meditation young one. You are always free to talk to me." Splinter said. I nodded and smiled folding my legs as he taught me and relaxed.

*few hours later*
I was feeling better and decided to see what the others were up to. I stood seeing that splinter had also left and glancing at the clock realized it was time for practice. I walked to the dojo and saw that Raph was about to use his fire on Mikey and seriously hurt him. "Raphael! Stop! You'll hurt him!" I shouted startling everyone as I ran in. "I can handle his fire irene. We've done this before remember?" Mikey said. "Not after you pranked him." I said simply. "Well last I knew you liked my pranks!" Mikey snapped. I turned and looked at him his usual laughing blue eyes were sharp as a strong icy winter gale. "Mikey I do but provoking your brother before practice can lead to someone getting badly hurt. Especially one with fire." I said calmly. "Stop trying to protect me I have been doing that since I was small." Mikey snapped sharply making me draw a gasp. "Mikey I..." " know what just leave!" He snapped. It was so unlike him that it brought tears to my eyes. "If that is your wish." I said and I flew out quickly. I flew topside and landed on a building and cried. I felt like a piece of me was missing now and my body felt weak as if my strength was leaving me as I sat there. I knew what this meant. It happened in the past to me when I visited my father and stepmother. I was ignored by the one who was supposed to love me and my powers which my family had then discovered was powered by love. Without feeling loved my powers became weak and withdrew in an attempt protect me.

Butterfly kisses (a tmnt Michelangelo story) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt