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Bowen fletcher is the eldest child. He has pearlescent pale green skin light brown hair that is slightly curly and large green and orange wings. His eyes are a stunning blue. He is kind and gentle yet firm. He cares deeply for his family

Lorenzo - 2nd child he has tan skin and darker brown hair that he keeps cut short. His wings are black with dark purple markings. His eyes are a deep brown.  He is called ren only by his mother and younger siblings. He is a tough guy and is training under Raph who is his favorite uncle to become part of the royal guard.

Orion- 3rd child. He has tan skin as well and his mother's golden brown hair. sky blue wings with white details. His eyes are his fathers laughing blue with a green tint. He is always very happy and enjoys being outside. Everyone likes Orion and he brightens any room he enters.

Willow- 4th twin with Lilliana. The elder twin by three minutes. Her skin is the same as Bowen pearlescent pale green. Her hair is a medium brown and her eyes are a blue green with a brown fleck in her right eye. teal and lavender wings. She is very shy and tends to hang out in the library or Orion her favorite brother. Willow also is more in tune with plants and has a special garden connected to the library.

Lilliana-5th twin with willow. She looks just like willow except she has a brown fleck in her left eye and not her right. teal and lavender wings. She is more outgoing than her sister and follows Bowen around like a shadow. She has even been nicknamed shadow as it turns out she has an uncanny ability to blend in which grandpa splinter called shadow walking.

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