Ch 3

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*mikey pov*
My brothers and I were planning a raid on TCRI. Mainly so Donnie could gather some scientific equipment for his mutagen experiments.

When we arrived at TCRI we slid in through an open window on one of the higher floors. We landed silent like the ninjas we are and moved quickly towards the floor where they kept their equipment. Although there was a shock to us as that room was typically empty around this time it was currently occupied by a few kraang standing around. "They should be easy to take out. Let's move before they can trigger the alarm!" Raph said moving into action. I whipped out my nunchucks and followed after with leo and Donnie. 

As we finished fighting and my brothers gathered what Donnie needed I looked around before spotting something on the floor, it was a dull purple and green color but it seemed to be moving. I walked forward curiously and nudged it with my toe. There was a very soft groan that made me jump back. "Hey guys there is something alive over here!" I called out and they were instantly around me. Donnie flipped it carefully with his staff and there lay a girl the purple and green were from her back. Her face itself was beaten but I could see that she was still very pretty. Her breaths were ragged though. "Do you think you could help her Donnie?" I asked kneeling beside her. "I can try at least she won't have to endure the kraang anymore." Donnie Said. "Alright let's move. Mikey grab the girl. As of now until we get to the lair she's your responsibility." Leo said going back over to donnies things and helping carry what they had gathered. Raph just scoffed and shook his head. I turned back to the girl and very carefully picked her up. Her eyes fluttered open as she hissed in pain and squirmed. "Shhh I'm sorry I don't mean to but my brother will help you. What's your name?" I asked even as she calmed a little. "Irene" she said very quiet before she went a bit floppy in my arms. I panicked before feeling a very slight movement she had passed out on me. I followed my brothers stealthily avoiding the kraang guards. Once outside we broke into a run to the nearest man hole cover and went into the sewers.

Once home Donnie took the girl from me as leo went to explain everything to splinter. I went towards the kitchen to make some pizzas when I heard screaming. I turned and raced into donnies lab where he was trying to smooth irene but she was terrified. Objects were flying haphazardly even as she backed into a wall.

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