"Servant? Do you mean Alex?"

"NO! On no account inform Alex. I mean the wood elf."

My voice takes on a dangerous edge. "Darish is my friend and I don't want to endanger him."

"Elissa, please at least enquire whether he will assist you."


Ever since my true identity was uncovered, there have been no cosy dinners for father and me. Instead we have had to dine at the high table. I guess it's a small mercy that we sit on the queen's side of the table.

Tonight is no exception and I'm sat next to some light elven lord visiting Alfheimr. He keeps trying to engage me in conversation, however, I'm not really in the mood for being sociable.

All day I have been subdued, Cosmos's council gnawing away at me. I glance across the table to Morpheus. I don't think that he has looked my way once this evening. He is a complete enigma to me.

As if feeling the weight of my stare, the king turns away from my cousin and his silver gaze swings to me. Immediately I look away, but not before seeing a sly smile creep across his face.

As soon as dinner is over, my father insists that we leave and not linger over drinks as is customary. The queen seems disappointed and belatedly I wonder if my dinner partner is one of her schemes.

As soon as we get back, I'm sent off to bed, however, I can't sleep as my mind a still whirring away. I don't like Cosmos's plan, for it means abandoning my father. I am growing to really care for him and want him to be happy. He has already lost the love of his life, my mother and me leaving would hurt him.

Then there is Darish. If he helps me escape then this could put him in real danger. I don't want him to suffer the wrath of either the queen or the king.

However, it feels like this place is slowly suffocating me and changing me in ways that I don't like. I can't ignore the burgeoning power growing within me; one which I can't control.

Furthermore, I want to be with Aren and I'm scared that if I stay here, Celestia will try to force me into a marriage of her choosing. Sometimes I miss the days when I was a nobody and not subject to royal politics.

Eventually, I must have fallen asleep because I awake standing beside Aren's bed. My heart flutters. He looks so peaceful in sleep. I gently stroke a messy strand of hair from his face and those gorgeous blue eyes flicker open.

An infectious grin spreads across his face. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me onto the bed. Giggling, my worries melt away, his presence is like a balm to my troubled soul and his kisses even better.

He breaks away, his eyes amber with passion. As we lay there, he brushes his knuckles tenderly across my cheek. I love him so much. I wish we could be together, but fate seems to be conspiring against us.

A frown crinkles Aren's brow. "What troubles you, my love?"

"Cosmos says that I have to leave Alfheimr."

"Why? I thought it was the perfect place to keep you safe from the High King."

"Well..!" I falter. What can I tell him? "There are other dangers here and the queen may not sanction our union," I finally confess.

A low growl rumbles in his chest.

"That is one of the reasons that I want to leave," I try to reassure him.

"So you are coming home to me?" His face is so filled with hope that it sickens me to have to dash it.

Lowering my eyes, I shake my head. "Cosmos wants me to travel east."

He rakes at his hair. "What if he is just leading you into a trap?"

I want to make him happy, but going back to Arcadia will just put them all back in danger and mean having to run the gauntlet of Corinth once again. "Aren, I have to trust him."

"Do you even want to be with me?"

"Of course I do. I did not ask for this fate." I touch his arm, but he shakes it off.

Amber swirls into the blue of his irises, although given the hard lines of his face it is likely an indication of anger now.

"I do not know if I can keep doing this."

His words make my heart clench painfully. A fierce wind blows through the room and my vision blurs under a film of tears.


I blink and look up into Darish's soulful eyes. I'm back in Alfheimr. He pulls me close and my tears dampen his shirt.

He murmurs soothingly, "Shh. It was just a dream. You are safe now."

Pulling away, I shake my head. "It is all such a mess!" I meant the situation, but glancing around the room, it looks as if a hurricane has just blown through.

Darish gives a wry smile and pushes a cup a herbal tea into my hand. "Tell me your woes."

My heart patters anxiously and I trace a finger over the dragon on my cup. "I don't know what to do. I am getting pulled in different directions. Cosmos wants me to leave. If I do I will hurt father and if I stay I risk getting forced into being a broodmare. Aren wants me to go back to Arcadia, but that would endanger him. Now I fear that I am too much hard work for him."

"Elissa, you ignored Cosmos once before and ended up in Corinth." Guilt and determination war in his features. "I failed you then. I will not fail you again. Tell me what you want of me and I will do it."

"But what will happen to you?" I shudder.

"I care not for myself." He places a hand over mine.

The door opens and Alex walks in. Darish whips away his hand and hurries from the room, while Alex stands there like a sentry. There is a look of mild disapproval on her face, although she doesn't pass comment.

I feel the need to explain. "He's my friend. One can be friends without any ..." I waggle a hand, struggling to find the right word and settle on, "... inappropriateness."

Alex gives a little smile. "Indeed, your Highness. I will await you in the room of contemplation."

I groan and get ready very slowly, trying to put off a training session with Alex. My mood is certainly not improved an hour later when once again I get hit by the flat of Alex's blade. Ugh, another bruise.

"Come on, princess. Concentrate," Alex urges.

"I've had enough," I assert.

Ignoring my remark, Alex swings the blade up, pointing the tip towards me. "Do you think an enemy would be so lenient?"

I stare at the sword with loathing, my temper bubbles over and the blade vibrates. Alex's biceps quiver with effort at trying to hold it, but the sword is forced to the floor by my will.

I am rewarded with a second smile. What is the world coming to?

Alex bows respectfully. "Your greatest weapon is not one made by steel but your own magic. Learn how to wield it and it will serve you better than any sword."


The song for this chapter is Hostage by Nothing but Thieves - I saw them at a festival and they were amazing - the sea of mud less so.🌂

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