
I set the last dish down on the table before stepping back and admiring the beautiful Christmas dinner spread Natasha, Caia and I have made. The decorations are red and gold, including the tablecloth and napkins with gold crackers placed on every plate. Candles are lit in the center with dark green wreaths, red berries and pine cones around them, enhancing the festive vibe. It has a homey feel to it and is perfection in my eyes.

The dinner is traditional and the smell of all the various dishes has my stomach growling in hunger. In the middle is a big turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and different vegetables in small bowls. For dessert, we have made apple pie and Christmas pudding, as per my request.

I cannot wait to get started and rush to call the boys for dinner as soon as Natasha gives me the go ahead. They are watching a game of basketball when I interrupt them, making their heads turn slightly. "Guys, dinner's ready!"

"Oh my god, I've been waiting forever!" Nikolai immediately jumps up and rushes over to me, whining about how long we took to make dinner before he halts at the entrance of the kitchen, muttering out a "holy shit."

Vulcan and Nero stare at him in confusion before pushing him into the room, stilling at the sight before them. Wide smiles break out onto their faces before they praise us on the dinner setup. I grin when Vulcan walks over to my side and pecks my lips as we all seat ourselves.

"Seriously girls, this looks incredible! Thank you." Nero states as he wraps his arm around Natasha's shoulders and presses a kiss to her temple.

"Agreed, everything looks delicious." Vulcan adds, smiling at his sisters as they thank him.

As we start to dig in and pile food onto our plate, Nikolai and I are the fastest. We grin at each other since he is right in front of me on the opposite side of the table, eyeing each other's plate as if it's a competition. Natasha smacks her little brother on the back of his head when he says, "let's see who finishes first." I laugh as he protests loudly, glaring at his sister and huffing in defeat. Caia nudges my elbow from beside me, snickering at him with me joining soon after before we are full on laughing. Conversation flows around me about this past year, all the memories the Romanov family made in this lodge, upcoming college applications and all sorts of discussions.

I'm constantly getting distracted my Vulcan's hand moving over my body, erupting tingles. Either he is wrapping his arm around me, grasping my thigh or knee, or holding my hand but overall, he is messing with my train of thought. I send him a warning look to not repeat the pack dinner all over again, making him chuckle under his breath before nodding when I glare.

Relaxing, I sip at my drink and take another bite of my mashed potatoes and turkey, experiencing the burst of flavors in my mouth. Nikolai is already helping himself to another plate, followed by Vulcan and Nero. Natasha joins in soon after, claiming that she is eating for two now whilst Caia and I smirk before helping ourselves to another plate because really, who doesn't want to stuff themselves on Christmas day?

Soon, the plates are cleared and we move to the sitting room where dessert is served. The fire burns brightly in the fireplace, creating warmth and making the room incredibly cozy as we settle around on the couches with presents of our names beside us. Taking a small spoonful of the pudding from Vulcan's plate while he takes a spoonful of apple pie from mine, the sound of wrapping paper ripping echoes in the room as everyone opens their gifts. We had decided to wait until after lunch since everyone woke up late this morning.

Nikolai receives the latest model of a skateboard he has been wanting for months now from Natasha and Nero, a new phone from Vulcan, video games from me and an expensive looking bracelet from Caia. Caia receives a new laptop from Natasha and Nero, new lace-up boots she had hinted for Vulcan to get her, jewelry from Nikolai and a burgundy leather jacket from me to add to her collection.

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