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Baekhyun woke up to a nice warmth. It had been weeks since they found out they were having a baby. Kai had apologized to the smaller male and Baekhyun had happily accepted his apology. After all, he was sure that Kai never meant any of it.

He turned around to face his mate. Chanyeol looked so perfect in Baekhyun's point of view. His lips were plump and pink and a little bit bruised due to the activities from last night. Baekhyun blushed at the memories. They had done it countless of times, but Baekhyun still got shy after every session.

Chanyeol stirs at yawns, opening his eyes and blinking. Baekhyun smiles and gently runs his fingers over his cheeks. Chanyeol gives Baekhyun a groggy smile.

"Good morning, baby," he says, voice still husky from sleep. Baekhyun giggles and leans down for a kiss, which Chanyeol gives without hesitation.

"Good morning," Baekhyun giggles and scoots closer to Chanyeol, savoring the heat from Chanyeol's body. Chanyeol chuckles at his mate's adorable behavior and pulls him closer to himself. His hands naturally slide down to Baekhyun's belly and cups the small bump.

When the baby bump had started showing, Baekhyun and Chanyeol had been ecstatic, especially Chanyeol. He had always kissed the bump and spoke it, when he woke up when he finished his work, and before he went to sleep. Baekhyun found it adorable for the 'cold' prince of Purebloods to be acting so cute and cuddly because of him and their baby.

"Channie..." Baekhyun whines and Chanyeol looks at his mate.

"Hmm?" he asks, soothingly rubbing the small baby bump to ease his mate. He knew that Baekhyun got tired easily, and his mood swings were everywhere. Poor Sehun and Kai had been the victim of it the most, especially Kai, but Kai could handle it since he had a pregnant mate as well.

"I'm hungry, Channie," Baekhyun whines again and Chanyeol sighs. Baekhyun had been having weird food cravings at any random time of day. One time he had woken Chanyeol up at 3 in the morning for chocolate covered pickles with orange juice. Chanyeol had groaned and told him to go back to sleep, but Baekhyun had started crying and saying that he didn't love him and the baby anymore.

When Chanyeol had finally gotten out of bed and got him his 'midnight' snack, Baekhyun was over the fucking moon and kept kissing Chanyeol and apologizing saying the innocent 'I'm sorry, but our baby was hungry' with a cute face that killed Chanyeol every single time.

"Alright, princess, what do you want today?" Chanyeol asks, already fearing the answer. Baekhyun thinks for a minute before answering.

"Toast with chocolate spread and peanut butter and an egg in the middle and a glass of that smoothie Kyungie always makes," Baekhyun grins happily, proud of himself for saying that whole menu.

Chanyeol internally gags but smiles a fake smile on the outside.

"Alright, go get ready. The breakfast will be in the gazebo with everyone else," Chanyeol sighs, getting up and walking to the bathroom to start his long day.


Baekhyun had already showered and changed into black maternity jeans and Chanyeol's big sweater. Even though it was burning outside, Baekhyun wore big sweaters, claiming that he felt cold.

He walks out to the gazebo and sees Luhan, Sehun, and Kai. Kai waves upon seeing the pregnant male. Baekhyun was easily becoming his favorite after Kyungsoo because of his adorable and innocent actions.

"Good morning," Baekhyun greets with a happy smile. Kai immediately smiles back, but Sehun sighs before smiling back. Usually, in the mornings, Baekhyun would be all whiny and bitchy but today was one of those rare days when Baekhyun was actually in a good mood.

"Baekkie! How's my nephew or niece doing?" Luhan asks, pulling Baekhyun to sit between Kai and himself. Baekhyun giggles.

"Hyung. I'm only like a month along. The baby can barely hear you," Baekhyun says and Luhan pouts. Before he could say anything, Kyungsoo walks into the gazebo with a plate of chocolate, peanut butter, and egg sandwich and a glass of his smoothie.

"Here Baekhyun. Chanyeol made it for you. He had to be somewhere important today, so he couldn't come here and eat breakfast with you," Kyungsoo says and sets the food in front of Baekhyun, before sitting down beside Jongin and kissing him.

Baekhyun pouts but shrugs. He was fine. He was with his family after all.


Chanyeol groans as he walks to the living room. He was looking forward to enjoying breakfast with his mate, but some douchebag had to come and ruin his perfect plan with some 'important' business.

Oh hell. It better be important or who knows who the vampire pureblood prince is going to kill today. The grumpy male pushes open the door to the living room and sees a man with red eyes. Chanyeol squints, before grinning.


The said male grins at Chanyeol and walks up to hug him. Chanyeol grins and hugs the smaller, chubbier male back. The older male looks at Chanyeol with a mischievous grin.

"So... where is this mate of yours? I heard he's expecting," Minseok winks. Chanyeol smirks. He had no idea how his cousin figured out about his mate, but that was just the typical Minseok thing; being all mysterious and shit.

"He's eating breakfast outside with the others. Hyung...I swear he is absolutely adorable!" Chanyeol exclaims and Minseok chuckles.

"So I've heard. And I've also heard that he's a werewolf...is that true Chanyeol?"

The younger gulps but nods. The older sighs.

"I swear to god you will start an uproar, but whatever happens, Jongdae and I are on your side, because your mate already sounds adorable. Besides, he is bearing your pup...the next heir to the throne," Minseok chuckles as Chanyeol leads him out to the gazebo.

He spots Baekhyun sitting with Luhan and Kai and chatting happily with Sehun, who, for once, looks happy and amused. Baekhyun was a light. Not just to him, but to his family also.

"Baekkie! I wanna introduce you to my cousin," Chanyeol says and as soon as he steps out of the way to reveal Minseok, Baekhyun's eyes widen.





Oh...Baekhyun knows Minseok or Xiumin. I wonder what their past is all about? o.0

Anyways, I will be leaving to go to California tomorrow and I might not be able to update. If I can get my hands onto my uncle's MacBook Pro, and figure out how to work that new shit, then maybe I will update!

Anyways, you guys go ahead and enjoy your summer/winter/ whatever season you all are having, and I will update sometime later.




TYSM for so many comments and votes! It is greatly appreciated and I can't help but laugh at most of them! 

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