Chapter 24.5

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Unknown POV:

"The mother?" A voice from behind the wooden desk flows to me over to me. 

I let out a cough to clear my throat. The action makes my throat burn from the alcohol I downed before coming in here. "She is not in the state." I let my raspy voice answer. 

"You!" My boss's fist slams into the desk. "Were supposed to know what was going on. I put you in charge of that." 

"The surveillance in the houses told me nothing. The Prior girl, refuses to say anything in the house." I respond in a quiet voice. 

"You are letting them be smarter! This is unacceptable. Do you want to know what it feels like to be an enemy of mine?" My boss screams at me. 

"No sir." I reply. "I don't understand what is going on, or why they are figuring this out so quick." 

"It is not a matter of how fast. They were not supposed to figure it out at all!" The voice screams at me again. "The boy, umm...That Eaton kid. What is the status on him?" 

"His father is still oblivious to how we are playing him. As for the boy, he is on the verge of leaving his father." I report back. 

"Well we can't have that. That man is the only thing keeping that boy in line." My boss reminds me.

"I think he will come around." I move my hands into my jean pockets.

"He knows too much. It's a shame really. I wanted to recruit him. Just make sure he doesn't find out more." My boss orders me.

"Understood." I stand up straighter.

"I will kill you if this goes wrong. Know that. Also, watch out for Prior's mother to come home. We need to do something with her, for leaving the state like that. It's not acceptable." I watch my boss look up at me.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Just enough to make her realize that we are not kidding. Nothing too major yet." My boss looks down at the various trinkets on the desk.

"Understood." I reply. 

"I also want you to knock some sense into that Eaton boy. He is not to leave his father. I also want you to keep a close eye on the new relationship forming between Eaton and Prior. It could be dangerous." My boss looks up at me with cold burning eyes. 

"Okay." I turn around to exit the room. 

"Wait. I did not dismiss you." I stop dead in my tracks and turn around. I watch my boss get up from the desk and walk over to me. "No more careless mistakes from you."

"What?" I let the word explode from my mouth. I am doing every thing I am told, but it is never good enough.

"You know what I am talking about." I clench my fists as my boss's words cut through the air.  

"Sorry." I mutter the words and immediately take them back.  

"Sorry isn't good enough. Don't let it happen again." I look down at the floor to avoid the eye contact. "Leave here you filthy slob and take a shower. You smell like you have been bathing in liquor." 

I rush out of the room as soon as the sentence is finished. My feet carry me to the parking lot where I parked my car. 

My boss wants something done, I'll get it done. I know exactly how I am going to do it too. 



This is just a little..... I'm not sure what to call it. I'll have another update out tomorrow. 

Who do you guys think the boss is? 

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