Chapter 19

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The time it takes for this day to be over seems like an eternity. There are cops all over the school, just watching us. I just need to get home so I can talk to Caleb. 

The bell finally rings, so I grab my backpack and rush out the door. "Tris! Where are you going?" Tobias shouts from behind me. 

I stop in the middle of the hallway and turn around. "Remember lunch today?" I ask him. I need to keep it vague, because of all the cops around us. I wish I could just say: Remember that lunch in the dark ally we had today? 

"Oh yeah." He smiles. "So you need to get home to talk to...." 

"Yeah." I pull out my car keys. "I'll text you. Okay?" 

"Mkay." He gives me a hug and then lets me run off. 

I run out to the parking lot and unlock my car. I hop in the driver's side and shove the key in ignition. I drive my way out of the parking lot and then to my house.  

I pull my car into my driveway. I look over to see Caleb is already here. How does he get here so fast? I think  that I'm going to mix things up a little and go in through the garage. 

I push the pin into the opener and the garage door roars to life. As the door opens more and more I see my parents' cars in the garage. I don't get why they are here so early. They normally don't get home for another hour. 

I walk through the garage and push open the door to my house, while in the process closing the garage door from the inside. 

"CALEB!" I yell. I need him to know that I am here. 

My parents rush in from the other room with frantic looks spread across their faces. "Beatrice honey, you know he don't like yelling." 

I can feel the look of skepticism spread across my face. "Yeah?" I pause for a second in order to think of the right words to say. "Cat got your tongues, because you both...."

My dad holds his hand out in front of me to stop me from speaking. I throw my hands up in a 'are you serious' gesture. My father hands me a folded piece of paper and puts his index finder to his mouth to signal for me to be quiet. 

I take the paper and unfold it carefully. I skim over the words, and let my jaw drop to the floor. 


          We know that something really bad is happening. People from this agency we never even heard of came by today. They bugged our entire house! This is our warning to you. Watch what you say. We are trying to find a way out of this, but we don't think that is possible. When you are done reading this, get rid of it. 

I look up to see that my parents have left me alone in the hallway. I run into the kitchen and open the drawer that we shove the things that don't have a place elsewhere. I pick up the lighter, and light the piece of paper. I sit there for a second before dropping it in the sink and running water of it. I let the water run even after the flame is  put out in order to flush away the rest of the paper down the drain. 

I put the lighter back into the drawer and run upstairs. I rush into my room. I scan it in order to find anything out of the ordinary. Nothing is out of place all except a piece of clean white paper on my desk. 

I run over and pick it up. 

Tris you think this is all a game. Don't try to deny it, because I know what you are up to. I have your whole placed bugged now. Your brother is to keep working with us, and you are to stay out of it. If the cops find out, your parents...well, lets just say I know people. Don't screw up. 


Well, my life just got a little more interesting. I need to find a way to talk to Caleb. I rush over to his room and throw the door open. "Hey, Caleb." I greet him in a false tone. "Can you come here please." 

Alternate Reality: Life in a High School (Divergent Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora