Chapter 43

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Tris POV: 

I stand frozen in front of Eric and Jeanine with my hands tied behind me. The only thing that moves is intense beating of my heart that is threatening to come up my throat any second. They knew exactly where we would be when we returned to Chicago. We fell right into their trap. 

The cold metal of Jeanine's gun sends a shiver down my spine as presses the barrel into my forehead. They have already informed me that my family is dead, and soon I will be just like them. 

"Don't." I warn them. "Kill Tobias." I stare Jeanine in the eyes as she clicks the bullet into place. I have been in the cell next to Tobias, and all I could hear was his screams all day. 

"No promises." A smirk spreads across her lips. I know there is no hope for me, because I will not give them any information. 

"Any thing to say Beatrice?" Eric asks as he crosses his arms in boredom. He is tired of having to deal with me. 

"Just know, the cops are not stupid. They will find you." I pause to inhale a deep dreath. "I will not give up any information to you, because I am not afraid. No matter what you try I will not give up that piece of myself." 

"Okay." Eric says as he pulls a walkie-talkie up to his face. "Bring him in here Alpha 2." 

A few seconds pass before the door to my cell creaks open. A few men walk while dragging a half awake and beaten Tobias into the room. He catches my glare and lifts his bloodied face as the men who brought him in start to leave. "Tris?" 

"Tobias." I whisper as I turn to Jeanine. "What game are you playing Jeanine?" 

"He won't talk. So I have come to show you how I will make you talk. Eric please demonstrate." I watch as Eric takes out a gun and points it at Tobias. Tobias keeps staring at me. "Don't tell them anything Tris. I love you." I watch as he turns his glare to Eric. 

"I have waited a long time for this. I will make it count." He points the gun at Tobias's chest, while Jeanine turns toward Eric. 

"No kill shot." She warns him, but I can see the crazy in his eyes. Eric is not going to listen. 

As if in slow motion, Eric pulls the trigger. I watch in horror as Tobias slumps over onto the ground gasping for breath as blood spills out of his chest. "Tobias! No Tobias!" I feel the tears start to plunge off my eyes. Jeanine takes the gun off my head and turns to shoot Eric. I take advantage and run over to Tobias. He lifts his hand from his chest to grab onto my hand. 

"I love you Tobias don't leave!" I whisper to him. His face starts to go pale from the blood loss, and the usual brightness to his eyes starts to dim. 

"Tris." He stutters. "I'm sorry." His grasp on my hand loosens as he tuns his head slightly. I reach up to his face and gently close his eyelids before I stand up to face Jeanine. 

She meets my gaze as she stands over Eric's limp body; the blood pouring out of his head. "I hate you. If you think I will tell you anything you are wrong. Everyone I love is dead, and I have nothing to lose, so get it over with coward."  I scream at her. 

"Fine." She furrows her eyebrows and lifts the gun to my head. I close my eyes so she isn't the last thing I see. Instead I picture Tobias for the splint second before the loud noise of the gun fills my ear. 

-----Page Break-----

I sit up with a start and stare at the group of friends all asleep on the floor of Zeke's living room. The only one awake is Tobias, who was holding me in his arms. It is one of the many sleepovers we have been having ever since I started school. "What happened?" He mumbles as he sits up. 

All I can do is stare at him with wide eyes. "Come one let's go talk about it." He stands up and helps me get up. We walk in silence until we get to the backyard of Zeke's enormous house. We sit on the grass, and Tobias holds onto me as I start to tell him what happened, starting from the moment I got the letter, to the moment I got shot. 

"It was so real and I feel like Eric would do something like that." I mumble while I stare up at him. He studies me. "The worst part was, I had to watch you bleed out in front of me." 

"I'm right here. I always will be Tris. Eric will never change that. We don't even have to go to boxing anymore." He rests his hand on the side of my face sending butterflies into a whirlwind in my stomach. 

"I want to box. It's a part of me now, but maybe not with Eric. Let's go to an acual boxing gym." I smile as we touch foreheads. 

"Sounds good to me." Tobias mumbles and leans in. My hands wrap around his neck as our lips touch. I know I am safe from now on. He mumbles, "I love you," in between kisses, and I can't help but say it back. 

I lean away and trace the features in his face. "I'm glad I decided to go to that school." 

"Mhm?" He chuckles and plays with a piece of my hair. 

"Yes. It helped me find who I am." I grin up at him. If anything, I know myself and that is all that matters. 


Alrighty, That is my ending. I'm sorry because it is kind of abrupt. My creative writing teacher would also kill me for using the dream thing to end a story. 

Thank you all so much for reading, I am so grateful. If I do any stories in the future, they will be better planed and have a plot. 

I have a few original  fictions from creative writing I might post, and I also have a few more ideas for fan fictions. They will most likely be shorts as well. I'm not sure if I have any more ideas for Divergent series fan fictions, but I also love a lot of other stories that could make great fanfics. 

Anyway You guys are sooo great. :))))

Until I post again, 


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