Chapter 9

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After my friends came over, I had two days left in the first week of school. My parents told me that they want me to skip those two days, and that they wanted me to go back on Monday. 

I did do some research on Eric. The most I could find, was a news article about how he got in a car crash. There was not much on the internet about him. He doesn't have a teacher website, or any accounts on social media. He is un-heard of.

I spent all of Thursday on my phone texting my friends. They gave me all my homework, but I decided that I am not going to do it. Maybe I can get Caleb to do it since I am not in the mood. I had absolutely nothing to do, and the boredom is eating me alive.  Being that it is Friday, I feel like I need to do something other than sit here. 

I decide to pull out my phone and call Tobias, so he can talk to the group. 

"Hey Tris. How are you feeling?" He answers.

"Better. I was wondering if we could get the group together and do something tonight." I meant to ask, but it comes out more like a demand.

"Yeah, I was just going to text you about that. Zeke and Uriah's parents are out of town for the weekend. They invited us all over there tonight. We are all going, plus Christina's friend Will. I'll text you their address. Be there in an hour, when school gets out." He explains.

"Alright I will be there." I say even though I have no idea if my parents will let me leave my house. 

"Mkay. Bye." He says. I can hear a teacher in the background telling him to put it away.  

"Bye." I bring the phone away from my ear and hang up. Not a second later, I get the address to Zeke and Uriah's house. 

I walk over to my closet and scan my closet full of black clothing. I pull out a black tank top, a smaller zip-up jacket, a pair of jeans, and some black converse. After looking at all of the black I just chose to wear, I put the black tank top back, and grab a grey one instead. I really feel like having a goth look today. 

After I put everything on, I run into the bathroom. I brush my hair and then look at myself in the mirror. The swelling has gone down, and the bruising has gotten lighter. At least I can recognize myself when I look in the mirror. 

I check the time and see that I have an hour. I still have to ask my parents if I can go, so I call my mom.

"Hey mom, I was wondering if I can go to my friend Christina's tonight." I ask as soon as I hear the ringing stop.

"Sure, when will you be home?" She asks.

"Some time tomorrow." I tell her.

"Okay. I have to go now. I have a meeting." She says. "Bye." I hear the line go dead.

Well that was a really simple conversation. I run into my brothers room and grab his GPS that is on his desk. I have no idea how to get to this house, and I am too lazy to print directions. I see that he has a beanie on his desk, so I take that too. My hear is a mess.

I run downstairs to the driveway, where my car is. I hop in, start the car, put the directions in my brother's GPS and get on the road. It will take me a half hour to get there.

After the long drive I pull up to a really long road. The GPS told me I was here, so I take the road. If this is really Zeke and Uriah's house, it is in the middle of nowhere.

I drive up the road, until I see a giant house at the end of the road. It  must be the right house, because all of my friend's cars are here. I park my car right next to Tobias's on the driveway, and put on my brother's beanie.

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