Chapter 18

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Tris POV: 

The night that Tobias had to stay at my house turned kind of chaotic. The morning came, along with my brother trying to come in my room, and my parents trying to see if I was okay. Trying to sneak Tobias out was next to impossible, but I got him out. He had to go home before his father figured out he was gone. 

It has been a two days since the accident and they decided to make people go to school today. I have not heard at all from Tobias, and I am really worried about him. I hope his father didn't hurt him again. 

I walk into school with Caleb, and everyone stares at us. I catch little whispers about the black liquid and the cops bursting into my house. I try to ignore them. Caleb and I go our separate ways and I head into my home room. 

I walk in to find several cops. and Marcus Eaton. "Beatrice, come sit down please." Tori tells me with a warning tone. 

I take a seat next to Christina and Tobias. I look over at him to see that he has not shaved, and he is wearing a dark hoddie that is casting a shadow on his face. It is almost like he has climbed into a shell in order to escape his his father. "What is going on?" I whisper to them. 

"We don't know." Christina shrugs her shoulders. 

Zeke and Uriah walk in and take their seats by us. "Ok. Now that you all are here. Principal Eaton would like to say a few words." 

"Hello. My understanding is that the people in this room had the most involvement with the accident two days ago." He pauses and looks at me. "You know who you are. We would like you to know that the boy, Al, has passed away in the hospital."  

Several gasps come from the classroom. I look at the floor. "We will be on the look for the substance the boy drank." The cop butts in. "We will would like to speak to these students. Zeke, Uriah, Christina, Tobias, and Tris." 

We all stand up and head to the front of the classroom. I exchange nervous glances with Christina. Mr. Eaton and the cop turn and walk into the hallway. We all follow them. 

Once the door closes they begin their lecture. "We know that there is something very wrong going on." The cops says. "This is your chance to tell us everything you know or you will be in serious trouble." 

I look up at the cop. "We did not have anything to do with that. We are just as surprised as you guys." I shrug my shoulders and try to keep steady eye contact. I can not look like I am lying. Cops are trained to pick up on that. 

"Very well." The cops mutters. "We know that you guys where involved. When we find the evidence you will be arrested for murder." The cop turns and walks away leaving us with Principal Eaton. 

"I know what you are up to." He turns and goes to catch up with the cop. 

"We are screwed." Uriah whispers. 

"Uriah shut up." Tobias finally says with aggression in his voice. "They can hear you, you idiot." He turns and walks back into the classroom. 

I look at Zeke. "We need to talk off campus at lunch mkay?" I whisper. "Zeke What is going on with Tobias?" 

"He....I don't even know." Zeke mutters. "Lets get back into class." 

We all follow Zeke back into Tori's room. We all wait in silence for the bell to ring, so we can get to first period. 

When the bell finally does ring, Tori calls all of us up to her desk. "Look, I don't know what you guys did. I really don't want to know, but you need to be careful. They are watching you. I heard the cop say that they are monitoring your phone activity." She warns us. 

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