Chapter 24

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The days have flown by ever since Tobias and I found out that Eric was behind the accident. I follow the same schedule every day to the point where I could be a robot. Every day starts with Caleb waking me up against my will. Then, I go to school and try to find out more about Jeanine. Tobias and I then go to the hospital to visit Shauna. Finally, my day ends with me arriving at home hoping to see my mom, but only realizing that she is not back yet. 

"Tris." Tobias grabs my hand. I look up out of the window at the rows of cars parked in front of the hospital. 

"Yeah." I slowly turn my head so I can see Tobias. He is wearing a dark pair of sunglasses, so I have trauble reading his expression. 

"I think we need to tell Zeke now." Tobias frowns and looks down at our hands. 

"First of all, he is going to be ticked that we never told him sooner." I pause and let out a sigh. "Second of all, he is going to try and kill Eric." 

"That is why we have to tell him now. The longer we wait, the worse this is going to get." Tobias looks up at me. 

"Alright." I lean back in the passenger seat of Tobias's car. 

"Have you heard from your mom?" Tobias asks in order to change the subject. 

"No, and my Dad whon't tell me anything." I look over at Tobias again. "It is starting to freak me out. With everything that is going on, there is no telling what could happen to her." 

"I think she will be fine." Tobias squeezes my hand for reassurance. "I don't think Eric will have the courage to stick to his word." 

I give Tobias a nod. "How is your dad?" 

"I avoid him as much as possible. He has not been as bad lately, because he found a new bar he likes to go to." I watch Tobias frown again. "He has turned into quite the alcoholic. I just have to stand clear of him when he gets home." I could never imagine having a father like Marcus. The thought just makes my stomach start to flip. "If I am lucky, he doesn't even remember who I am." 

"If you need somewhere to go. There is always my house." I look out the passenger window. 

"Thanks." I hear Tobias push open his door. "We should go in." 

Tobias raps his arm around my shoulder and leads my inside. The nurse at the nurse station smiles at us as me reach Shauna's floor. "She should be clear to go home soon." One of the nurses greet us. 

I smile at the nurse, and take the final turn to get to the room. "Hey! I didn't think you were coming today!" Zeke stands up from Shauna's bed side. "Did you hear? Shauna gets to go home soon!" 

"Yeah. Zeke can we talk to you a second?" Tobias points to the doorway. 

"Sure." He follows us out into the hall. 

"The truck that crashed into your car, did you see the driver?" Tobias asks to get the conversation going. 

"Sort of." Zeke runs his foot over the tile floor and presses his hand to his forehead. "He reminded me of..." 

"Of Eric?" I ask him. 

Zeke looks at me with his angry eyes. "Yeeaaahh." He drops his voice as he carries out the word. "How did you two figure this out?"

"He was spying on her ER room on the first day. Tris and I went to talk to him before we got the food from the cafeteria." Tobias studies Zeke's expression. "He claimed his threat on Tris and then drove away."

"Why did he do that to her?" Zeke makes fists with his hands.

"He was really drunk." I add to the melting pot of information.

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