The Game of Love Epilogue!

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First off, I'd like to thank you for reading my story until THE END! Thanks for all the support on The Game of Love! It's been quite a handful of work...and a lot of dealing with writer's block... (-_-) Anyway, I'd like to especially thank my Asian buddy for all the support and motivation--my moral support for writing stories! xD I swear, if it weren't for her, I probably would've stopped writing this story a long time ago... I'm not commited to finishing stories for the most part. And simply finishing The Game of Love has been an accomplishment! I know...that last chapter ended miserably, but hopefully you'll feel satisfied after reading the epilogue! xD Again, thank you for reading until the end, I'm glad you actually like this story (I was actually getting pretty sick of writing it...if you can understand why). I hope you like it! Vote, comment, fan and give me some feedback as always! And if you don't mind, please check out my other story 7 Minutes in Heaven. I'm also entering that story into the Watty Awards 2012. So if you don't mind voting for this story when the time comes (The Game of Love - Romance, 7 Minutes in Heaven - Teen Fiction)

Enough of my rambling, time to end this story! xD





Never have I ever thought the day would come when Leon Ferron would enter back in my life, only making it twenty times worse than Hell. And believe me when I say that this bastard has done nothing more than torture me with his cynical and vulgar personality. I’ve always believed that he was gone—vamoosed—and out of my life forever. I’ve always believed that he was out of the picture. But I guess life has its way of pissing you off.

At the same time, life has its ways of turning your life upside-down, inside-out and handing you all sorts of surprises along the way. And sometimes, these surprises are diamonds in the rough.

It all started in fourth grade with a blonde girl with blue eyes, and a boy with messy, dark brown hair with deep grey eyes. The girl was me, obviously, Sarah Winrey. The boy was Leon Ferron. For days on end, he bullied me and harassed me. I’ve never even considered the fact that this was his twisted way of expressing his feelings towards me. I never realized it until later in my life.

After he got expelled, he vowed to kill me; I begged for my parents for us to move someplace out of state. San Diego, California. And eight years later, my senior year in JamesMadisonHigh School become a massive rollercoaster of life, love, hurt, betrayal, and friendship.

For one thing, there was Leon and his pervy, harassing, jerk, bipolar, immature, and selfish self. Underneath all that, he was someone who was broken and didn’t know what love was really like and how to deal with the people you love. Deep down, he’s caring, gentle, and loving. Now, he’s matured. I never truly realized any of that until I stopped being so damn in denial.

Towards the beginning, he was still the number one person I hated and feared. The first day he came back left me rendered speechless. I had thought he was here to bring out his revenge for me expelling him (i.e. here to kill me). It turned out that he wanted me to love him. But how could I when he bullied me severely and nearly killed me when we were ten? I never forgave him for that. Not even now. Even so, I found myself growing more and more attached to him.

I soon learned of his complicated relationship with his family. Leon was never truly loved like his older brother, Damien (who I stupidly went out with). Leon wasn’t happy, and he just didn’t know how to act when you love someone because his parents didn’t show, say, or do anything to prove that they “love” him.

Throughout the year he still harassed me and got on my nerves, but the next thing I knew, he’d be genuinely caring about me. Leon would be protective of me, and every time he held and kissed me, I always had this nagging feeling that this was real and that he really loves me. And for months of utter denial, I had come to terms that he loves me—and that I love him, too. Eventually, he asked me out on Valentine’s Day, which I didn’t object to.

From then on, we were a couple so madly in love with each other. Hell, we even made so many attempts at making love, but it always ended up with one of us (mostly me) stopping us from going any further. The two of us had promised to remain chaste until marriage, which we hadn’t failed to do. But in the midst of talking about remaining chaste, he proposed to me. I could’ve said yes because I love him, but I didn’t. It was moving too fast, and my initiative thought was that he did this because he wanted to have sex with me. Common sense struck me that that wasn’t Leon’s real intent. I forgave him.

So we continued with being a loving and “perfect” couple.

In between all that (and beforehand), there was my best and dearest friend, Seth Mills, who I never even knew was in love with me. How could I when he’s been dating other girls? I mean sure, wouldn’t I have realized he was trying to gain my attention the first four years I moved to San Diego, but I figured that it was because he was still young and the hormones hadn’t kicked in yet. I thought he didn’t have an interest in girls—or me at the very least. When he confessed to me, I was speechless. I simply went along with going out with him to discover my feelings toward him. And for four or five days, I’d been deluding myself into thinking that I was actually in love with him. But I wasn’t, and it hurt him greatly.

About a week (or two) later, he told me he was moving to New York. I was infuriated towards the fact that he never told me a month in advance! It just bothered me like hell and I just couldn’t stand to look nor talk to him. However, I found myself to forgive him. After all, he couldn’t help himself that he was so focused on trying to vie for my attention. He was competing with Leon. And the day he moved, it hit me…hard. It made me realize just how much it hurts to say goodbye—especially to your best friend. And at times, I wonder if my former best friend, June, had felt as disheartened as me when I left Vermont.

After a while, I got a call from Seth, telling me he got a girlfriend named Patricia Reyes. And when Spring Break came, I finally got to meet her. She was stunningly gorgeous, sweet, funny, caring, and perfect for Seth. Those two were such an adorable couple that was head-over-heels in love with each other.

Now, eight years later, they’re a couple, married for four years, and with a child named Safeen at the age of two. They still live in New York, and with us still being close friends, they’d send a postcard of them as a happy family. Leon and I would do the same for them. We would do the same for Leanne’s and Sophia’s families since they lived the state (well…Sophia’s out the country).

Leanne married Jack, and she’s currently five months pregnant. They live in Florida now. As for Sophia, she broke up with Jake sometime during college since she couldn’t handle a long distance relationship (he was in Virginia at the time). After she graduated, she decided on traveling the world, and had thought about moving to Italy, which she did. There, she’s met some really sweet Italian guy who she’s engaged to. As for Leon and me, we’ve been married for seven years.

After Leon’s proposal the day I moved in with him, we got married about a year later. My parents didn’t object—no one did. Sure, we could’ve waited until we’ve finished college and everything, but we were ready to commit.

For four years we were just a married couple, and after college, we decided on having a kid. We were ready to raise a child of our own, and after nine months of intense mood swings, morning sickness, and extreme cravings, I gave birth to a beautiful girl named Annabel Marie. She had my eyes and Leon’s hair, and was eight pounds. And to joke with Leon, I said, “You see? I told you waiting was the best thing to do.”

Now, she’s three years old, and a sweet, caring, and intelligent little girl. Leon, Annabel, and I grew to be a warm, loving, and genuinely happy family. However, it’s not always perfect. There would be times when Leon and I would fight about this most trivial things and Annabel would complain about this and that, having short tantrums. But while there are rare instances where we hold a grudge for about a week or two, for the most part we just simply forgive and forget.

There’s no other person I could picture a nearly perfect family to have with. I always thought I’d hate Leon forever, but his reentering my life had changed me. I fell in love with Leon, and I still love him.

And this game of love turned my life around for the very best…

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