chapter 16

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            This all is just too cliche for me.

            This: how perfectly our fingers seem to slot together.

            This: the way that our feet seem to move perfectly in sync while we walk on the sidewalk under the moonlight.

            This: the banter that moves so easily between the both of us like we’ve been friends for years and years.

            And this: how my heart soars when he smirks in my direction; the feeling of light when he laughs at my joke; how the burn remains when he pokes my cheek; the way that his words sound like vanilla. This is just too much.

            This would be worse if it was raining, but I’m thanking the gods that Louis forced me to do a rain dance with him during work today. “You better get up right now, young lady, or I’m gonna fire your pretty little ass!” He had yelled this at me, followed by holding my hands and chanting nonexistent words for about twenty minutes, and it wasn’t even fun. It stopped raining, though, and I guess Louis has spiritual powers. I may hate him, but everyone’s useful for something, yeah?

            “You do know that there’s a reason there aren’t sex scenes in comics, right?” he says, raising an eyebrow at me and flicking my nose.

            “Oh, please,” I say, scoffing at him. He is most definitely incorrect about this. “Watch manga and then tell me how you feel.”

            Though he snorts, a smile comes across his face as we turn the corner to get to my dorm. The shortcut that we’re taking is a through a dim-lit alleyway and the buildings are extremely close together, but it’s nice because it feels a bit more private than just being out in the open. “You’re starting to sound like Zayn, Lennon,” he laughs, shaking his curls. “You two really need to get together sometime.”

            “God no. He’s really not my type, you know? Zayn’s too much of a douche for my taste. Plus, I already have a super cute boyfriend that’ll talk about it with me!”

            Harry chuckles, shooting me a smirk with his dimple popping out before replying, “Yeah, scratch that, you’re not talking to Zayn. Not unless I’m around, babe.”

            I roll my eyes, looking at the end of the alley when three (huge) guys enter. “So bossy.” And I’d never tell him, but I kind of love it.

            But Harry seems to be gone now, with his eyes focused on the guys on the opposite of us. They seem to be coming closer to us than we are to them, and I can already hear their loud laughs from their monstrous bodies. (Okay, maybe they aren’t monsters, but there’s two Harry’s in one of them.)

            It’s almost like Harry’s gripping my hand harder now, despite my whispers of harry, what the fuck are you doing, can you hear me? And his whispers of shit shit shit shit.

            The guys’ strides have picked up now, nearly halfway reaching us. There’s an urgency in the air now, almost like the flickering street light is trying to say “danger, danger, danger!”

            Harry stops then, letting go of my hands and shoving his deep inside of his pockets. (I’m still wearing his jersey and it’s nearly falling off of me, which he seems to notice because he reaches and pulls it up to conceal my chest.) We turn to face each other, and why are those guys jogging?

            “Babe, listen to me,” he starts quickly, now ringing his hands. “I want you to walk as fast as you can back in the direction that we came and hide behind that building, alright? Just be out of sight. Stay near, though. Don’t come back down the alley until I say it’s okay.”

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