chapter 27

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            The sun streams in through the window behind Harry’s bed, illuminating the room and causing me to open my eyes. Harry isn’t awake yet, and his arms are thrown around me, keeping me close to him. I quietly get out of the bed, removing his arms from around my body, careful not to wake him up. I tip-toe into the bathroom and close the door. Let me just say this, I look like a wreck. I fix my hair so that it looks like I just slept on it, not like I was in a tornado, and I brush my teeth (because really, who likes bed-breath?). I pout at myself in the mirror trying to look as cute as possible, and then I tiptoe back to the bed, and climb on top of Harry waking him up.

            “Good morning, beautiful,” I say against his lips, kissing him. He groans as he smiles,opening his eyes and rolling me off of him onto his side.

            “How was your night?” he asks, his voice is deep and slow, and makes it so I can barely remember my name.  I respond by kissing him on his cheek. He gets out of the bed, padding over to the bathroom door and closing it. I listen to the silence of the room, and cover myself with the duvet, because the air conditioning in these dorms are cranked up high even though it’s November. I hear the water running and thank god that he is brushing his teeth too. Harry comes out and climbs back under the covers of his bed. He pulls me closer to him, pressing my skin against his.

            “Hey. Hey Lennon,” he smiles, kissing my face through my giggles. “Have I ever told you all of the things I love about you?”

            “No, and please don’t,” I say not wanting him to make me blush and embarrass me.

            “Well, now I have to,” he smirks. “First, I love your eyes. They remind me of the sky, all soft and blue and sometimes- I swear, they turn different shades of blue. I love your skin,” he stops, tickling me, emitting a deep laugh from the back of my throat and a hearty “stop!”  

“-and how it feels against mine, like you're so much softer and warmer and all of those things make you feel like home. I love your voice, and how it sounds when you laugh,  like bells or something cliché like that. I love it when you curse, it sounds so cute like you really don’t mean it but I know you really do. I love it when you say my name, especially when you scream it.”

I can’t help myself at this point, I start giggling and I cover my mouth, Harry brings my hand off of my mouth and down to my side, as he starts to kiss my neck. “I love it when you smile, because your whole face lights up, and so do those beautiful eyes. I love your hands, they're so small, but they make these beautiful drawings, and I want to hang everyone of them on the wall. I love your-” and it starts like this with him telling me he loves me in all of these different ways, while his lips travel all over my body and it turns into him pushing inside of me, moaning and whimpering quietly, like he can’t get enough of me. And it ends with his head on my neck, his body stilling, before he curses quietly, eyes squeezing shut, his mouth parted, and his cheeks flush. His body trembles before he collapses on top of me, kissing my collarbone softly, with me running my fingers through his wet curls.


            “You’re fucking joking, Rose. There’s no way they haven’t screwed yet.”

            “I dunno, Pipes. You heard her, right? She was so, like, weird when I brought up the sex thing!”

            The loud words cause me to stop in front of my door, key still in my hand. I haven’t been back to my dorm in, like, what- 24 hours? It’s not like I wanted to come back, really. It’s just there’s a matter of my own toothbrush not being at Harry’s place and the fact that I refuse to use his expensive shampoo.

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