chapter 19

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I’m almost feeling the exact opposite half a week later when I’ve been forced to stay in Piper’s dorm. (How did this happen? Not by any physical contact. Piper definitely did not have to hold me back when Harry came to try and pick me up that one night, no.)

And it’s also half a week later that I’m sleeping soundly in my bed when the sunlight just reaches through my eyes, and I rouse to the noise of our door shutting quietly.

“Lennon,” someone whispers in my ear, and a warm hand falls upon my bare shoulder. (Piper always complains when I take off my shirt to sleep, but I definitely could care less.) The voice is deep deep deep, and it’s so rough that it causes me to be fully alert. “We’re skipping class today, Lennon. Get up.”

Then fear strikes through me like lightning because oh my god it’s a sexual predator!! I’ve read somewhere that it’s smarter to play dead in these types of situations, but when his hands start reaching to remove the blanket from me, I instantly sit up and just scream.

My eyes are wide open (though my vision is blurry) when his big hand covers my mouth. Then his hand is replaced with something that feels like lips, and I don’t know what’s happening!

But then again, I could tell you that scent from anywhere- the mint, the cologne, the vanilla.

“Fuck, Harry,” I say when he pulls his soft, soft lips away, and as I pull the blanket up to cover any embarrassing bras. (Not like I have a My Little Pony bra or anything. Definitely not.) “What the fuck are you doing here?”

            “So many profanities, Lennon,” he snickers as he sits on the corner of my bed, taking my cold (and trembling) hand into his and kissing his knuckles. (This is probably a tactic to calm me down. He’s failing miserably.) “You’ve got a mouth on you. And keep it down, will you? We don’t need to wake sleeping beauty up.”

He’s referring to Piper, of course, who is wearing her (matching with mine) My Little Pony pajamas and is definitely snoring. What can I say? Niall is a brony.

There’s a moment of silence when we just look at each other and I can’t help but throw my arms around him and revel in his presence because I haven’t seen him in two days and that isn’t even a long time but I’ve just been needing him.

He embraces me with strong arms, wrapping them completely around my frame and squeezing. He’s warm and it’s awesome until, “Why are you wearing a bra with a pony on it?”

I back away from his grip, immediately covering myself with a pillow. “Oh my God,” I laugh, shaking my head. “I plea the fifth.”

“The fifth?” he asks with confusing, cocking an eyebrow at me. It’s a look of something like what are you on, Lennon? And sometimes I guess I hate that my boyfriend is British. “Okay, whatever, come on. Or, get some clothes on and brush your teeth, and then come on, because I’m not kissing you until you do.”

And I can’t even process what he’s saying until he gets up and strides to the door, looking behind him with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Harry?” I stage-whisper, glancing over at Piper to make sure she is still in her coma-like-state. “Where are we going?”

            He winks just after he says, “It’s a secret, love,” then looks at his watch. “You’ve got nine minutes before I leave, though. Make it count.”

I wrap the sheet around myself and stand up, waddling to the bathroom. I can hear Harry chuckle, I turn around to give him a look.

            “You don’t have to be ashamed of your bra, babes,” he tells me with an amused look on his face. “It’s probably the sexiest thing you own, if I’m honest.”

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