chapter 13

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As soon as our bikes make it onto the lawn, I realize that this is a very big mistake.

Don’t get me wrong. This was my idea to come. But maybe there’s a reason that a higher power has never let me go to a party before. (It’s because, well, the music is too loud and there are way too many people and it’s a bit overwhelming.)

In fact, I’d be much happier staying in the dorm and watching The Office and, I dunno, stabbing my foot with a fork.

College students flood out of the huge house- there are people in every window, and there’s God knows however many people on the lawn.

Though my legs are still thrown over my bike, Piper throws hers on the grass and starts making her way towards the door. Just as she starts pulling her tight dress down, I can see guys start staring at her and oh god. “Piper, I’m gonna puke.”

Her head spins around and she smiles at me- looking at me like I’m a shy child. “No you won’t. You’ll be fine. Just, here. Look at me,” she says as she comes over and puts her hands on my shoulders, looking at my face.

“You look fucking hot, and I know because I made you this way, so go have fun and find your littl-”

“Well, if it isn’t Lennon. What brings you to this fine frat house tonight?”

Piper’s hands immediately come off my shoulders, and she looks at Louis like he’s just caught us making out. Then a look of realization hits her face and she smiles, pulling him into a side hug. (Which I find totally strange.)

“Um, well, actually Louis- wait. What are you doing here?” I ask him this, eyeing them and backing away a bit.

“Hey, just because I don’t look like I like to party doesn’t mean that I don't. And I guess the same goes for you doesn’t it?” Still with Piper under his arm, he seems to eye my body up and down.

“I’m not really a crowd person, for one. And stop checking me out. It’s weird.”

Piper giggles (which I’ve never heard her do) and leans against him. She’s that type of person whose personality can change in a second, and it’s extremely irritating.

Louis starts up again, winking at Piper. “Nope. I enjoy looking at girls with tight bodies, but I’ll back off because you have a boyfriend. Have fun, sweetheart.”

As soon as he walks away, I’m immediately relieved. He seems to know everyone at the party and goes over to talk to each and every one of them, and everyone (except me) seems to love him and I just don’t know why.

I look back over at Piper and realize she isn't standing there anymore, so I take a deep breath and start walking towards the house. It’s not my choice to start walking, of course, but all that I can think about is that I need to get to someone that I actually like.

Once in the house, the music seems to course through my body and through the people around me. The house is packed (which makes sense- it’s the only frat on campus, after all) and I can nearly smell the alcohol off the people next to me. There are people grinding, people talking, and people playing beer pong all over the house.

“Dude. It’s only ten and you’re already fucked!” I see someone from my photography class laugh and slap their stumbling friend on the back, causing him to fall over on the ground and laugh some more. (I don’t know how this is fun, really.)

I start making my way through the crowd (which involves a lot of elbowing and yelling, in fact) and the house seems to never end. The ceiling seems to stretch on forever and I walk past a big staircase that goes on for three floors. Although the lights are turned off, I can see the multiple strobe lights illuminate the room, which means that I’ll eventually be able to find Harry, or Liam, or someone.

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