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Brogan teen pic up above!! This also takes place two days later. And shout out to my buddy Xellos, friend PsycoCathy, and my Dunkle_Sans, these readers gave me some ideas for the book and thanks to them I won't have writers block! Thanks guys!!

Laying on his bed, Brogan felt sick...and Ano was sick to. The demon split in two and now is two smaller demons, and is now in both of the twins' bodies. Brogan felt awful, he was hot and sweaty, and if he moved he felt nausus and felt like he could puke any minute. That was the intity trying to get out, so it could connect back together with it's other piece.

Bad thoughts ran through his head, it urged him to choose suicide. He knew that the thing inside of him was trying to get himself killed, so it could easily run free. Brogan had to keep it in...he couldn't let that thing out, no matter how much pain it causes.

He held his stomach feeling it twist and growl, his eyes pinched shut and he curled into a ball. It was the worst feeling he had ever had in his life. Feeling pokes on his back he groaned in annoyence,"whaa...?"

"Your sick?" a familiar voice asked,"are you doing okay?"

He turned around and used his hand to hide the bedroom light that seems to blind him,"Issac?"

"Yeah..." he heard the girl say,"do you want me to turn off the light, love?"

"I would like that," he said groggily.

He could barely see the albino walk over to the light switch and turn it off, once the life was off everything seemed easier to see. He could see Issac clearly,"'s morning. Should you be at school?"

"Let a bad girl do bad things that turn out to be done for good reasons," she said crossing her arms,"what? do you have a problem with it?"

"Naw..." he said,"I was just asking."

Issac smiled and sat on her knees, her face at his level,"wow, you is sweaty..."

"I know," he mumbled, feeling his stomach twist more. Issac lied the left side of her head on the bed, and her smile faded,"I'm tired."

"Your not sleeping in here," Brogan said.

"I already know that asshole," she said,"I was just pointing it out."

He rolled his eyes and looked back at the albino and noticed something. He could see the left side of her face...he has never seen it before since her bangs hide it. It was about the same as the right side, but her eye was different. It wasn't white and lavender, it was all black with a small red pupil.

Brogan placed his hand on her under her eye, feeling her stone-like skin,"thats odd..."

"What?" Issac asked, her face turned a mixture of blue, red, and purple. She smacked his hand away,"and don't caress my face."

"Your eye..." he mumbled,"it's different."

She slowly turned her head straight up,"can we not talk about that..."

"Whats wrong with it?" Brogan asked,"does it-"

"My mom..." she mumbled.

"What?" he asked.

"It reminds me of my mom," she said,"Chara..."

Looking up, Brogan slowly, yet painfully sat up,"did something happen?"

She stood up and looked down at the floor, her expression was emotionless,"I don't think you would like to know..."

"Actually, I do want to know," he said,"you said she was murdered, right."

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