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HEY GUUUYS! My stupid Watt deleted the original chapter, and now I am pissed! SO here is a more crappier version of this chapter. HOPE YA LIKE CAUSE I DONT!!!

Waking up, Brogan noticed something about his enviornment. it was cold, very cold. His eyes peaked through his barely open eyes, the light blinded him. He inhaled cold air and sat up, seeing that he was outside and that it was morning, it was snowing, but it was cold, freezing as if he was sitting on ice.

He groaned feeling pain in his forehead fade. He couldn't help but look to the right and see the horror in front of his eyes. The Maw seemed to be closer than ever before, it almost touched the shore. It was just yards away from Brogan, it seemed to be pulling up just for him.

His eyes widden as he looked around to see footprints imprinted in the snow, each print coated in blood. He shot up onto his feet and looked down, normal red blood was all over his cloths, and slits ran from his hands to his elbows. His pupils grew smaller as he started to panic. What happened to Issac? Ano? You? Six? The thoughts screwed with his head.

Instead of doing nothing he stood up and started to follow the trail of bloody prints, making more as he walked. He sighed shakily as he started to walk into town, and all he could see was the destruction of a killer. Dead body, after body were lying everywhere, from streets to inside buildings.

Brogan started to panic more and started to sprint home, he never ran this fast in his life. After a while he finally made it to the house, the door was wide open and the car was gone. He sprinted inside,"Mom!? Dad!? Issac!? Anohannah!?"

He looked everywhere but couldn't seem to find them, he was about to give up until he remembered that he didn't check his own bedroom. He sighed shakily as he walked up the stairs slowly, and he opened his bedroom door to reveal Issac. But she was just rolling around on the floor laughing at the top of her lungs, in fact she looked like a maniac. Her pupils the size of specks of dust, the hairs on her body stood on end, her cloths where covered in more blood, and her mouth was wide open giving out her crazed laughter.

"Issac...?" he said and he watched her head turn slowly to him.

"Oh," she laughed," your back."

He watched as she sat up a while holding her feet, her body waving side to side as if she was listening to a catchy song. He sat in front of her and held her hands,"What happened?!"

"Lots of things happened,"she smiled,"me and you did alot of crazy shit together!!"

He groaned in annoyence and gripped her arms,"can you be more spacific?"

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck,"why should I answer you! You are not my mom!!"

He started to growl and he shoved her off of him, placing his hands on his head,"this is all my fault..." he said,"if we just handled this earlier this wouldn't be happening!"

Issac fell on her back laughing,"HAHAHA!! My jaw hurts..."

"Whatever," he said,"your not helping me."

She pouted playfully and climbed on top of Brogan, straddling him,"don't blame yourself, love...There is alot of people to blame!! Oh, and can you do me a favor?"

He groaned in annoyence again and her frowned,"and that is."

"The attitude, baby, get rid of it," she said,"and maybe I can help you. But you have to help me first."

"Okay than," he said calming down,"and what do you want me to do?"

She pouted like a child and leaned in for his ear,"get this thing out of me." She lifted up her shirt to reveal her lower stomach covered in many stab wounds, and they all bled black.

Little Nightmares || After Story || Book ThreeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora