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First character picture, I did Issac first because I just felt like it. It says she 12 1/2 years old, 5'1 in height, and comes from Undertale.

Anohannah was tying her shoe while the last few seconds of class ticked away. Once the clock struck three, Stein dismissed all of the students to lunch. Ano was starving, she felt like she could eat a horse. She rushed her way towards the lunchroom and was the first one there. Cool, she liked to be first.

She grabbed a tray and rolled down the steele ledge, seeing all of the food choices made her mouth water. "Are you going to pick something, Doc?" she heared someone say. She looked up to see a grey rabbit wearing a hair...fur cap? He also had a carrot in his mouth,"Oh you must be new. I'm Buggs Bunny, one of the lunch ladies."

"But your a dude," Ano pointed out.

"Yeah," he said,"I respect that you noticed that."

"THIS IS TERRIBLE!!" Ano jumped by the scream,"SOMEONE RUINED THE PASTA AGAIN! This is dispicible..." the voice came from a black duck with a orange beak.

"Thats Daffy Duck, my co-worker," Buggs said,"now pick something before the entire line startes to complain."

"Oh," Anohannah quickly picked out her food and sat at an empty table. She slowly tried the lunch food, it was one of the most best things she had ever eaten in her life, other than your pizza of course.
Seconds later, she heared another tray land on her table, she looked up to see Kyle. "Hey freckle face!" Ano greeted him,"how'ya doing."

"Great! I just finished Power 1010," he said.

"Question, why is there so many different Power classes?" she asked.

After taking a bite if his Yoplait yogurt he explained,"there so many different classes because there is many different levels of power. Your in 1013 with Stein, right?"

Ano nodded,"well he is mid-powered, which means he is for you kids who are half human and under your skill level."

She frowned," I wonder why they would put me there! I am awesome with my powers!"

"Maybe so. You just have alot more to learn," Kyle said.

"So what about class 106, the one my brother goes to?" Ano asked.

"Thats Goku's class. Thats like highly powered kids who know how to control it, but not in a proper way," he explained,"like Elsa from that stupid Frozen dimension."

Ano nodded, not cool. She would like to be in a high class like that,"wait...How do they even know what level of power we have!?"

"Slender has his ways," Kyle simply said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Brogan sat next to Kyle, Issac shortly sitting next to Anohannah.

Kyle shrugged,"classes and shit like that. You two in the same class?" He asked Issac and she nodded.

'Why do you want to know?' she signed to him.

"Reasons," Kyle said. She squinted at him, and looked down at her phone.

"How old are you two anyways?" Anohannah asked.

"Oh I'm thirteen," Kyle said.

Issac held one finger on her left and two on her right, signing twelve.

"What about you guys?" Kyle smiled,"you guys are like the same age, right?"

"Sort of," Bro said,"Where both thirteen, I was born on Halloween, she was born November first."

The two raised a brow, looked at eachother, and back at the twins. "How many minutes?" he asked.

"Twenty-seven seconds," Ano said,"it takes a while to push a baby out of a pussy my friend."

Kyle's eyes widden and his face flushed, Issac was giggling and mumbled,"pussy..." under her breath. Both Brogan and Anohannah's eyes widden at her voice, it was deep, really DEEP.

"Damn, her voice is deep," Ano said.

"Yeah," Kyle said,"puberty hit Issac like a truck! Man, I still have a year to go 'til I hit it too..."

"Me too," Brogan mumbled under his breath.

"Ha! Yeah, Bro is so short! I can't belive people don't think little of him," Ano said and the two girls laughed.

"Shut up!" Brogan said. He can't wait until his growth spurt comes around, he has been five feet tall for forever. Ano was also small, she only stood four feet and ten inches, but she was proud of it!

"What are you girlys laughing at?" Scharlette asked sitting next to Brogan.

Kyle sighed,"us boys, and how short we are. I'm only 5'1."

Scharlette giggled,"5'4, you boys is just missing out."

Ano looked away for a quick second and noticed a familiar face,"speaking of boys. HEY SLIME HANDS! COME SIT WITH US!!" she yelled at Tsim. He jumped, his milk almost spilled off of his tray, but he caught it in time. Tsim stared at the table and slowly walked toward the group.

"Who is that?" Brogan asked.

"Thats Tsim," Kyle said,"he's fourteen, five feet and three inches tall, son of Tiny-[not so]box-Tim and Septiceye Sam fanfiction, Youtube dimension."

"How do you know everything about everyone!?" Anohannah asked.

He shrugged,"one dad is a braniac, the other is a teacher slash assistant princibal. So it's not that hard to learn about people."

The slimed armed boy sat at the table and waved,"hello."

"'Ey," Issac tried to talk.

"Whassup!" Kyle said,"so guys, we should start a club."

"Wha...?" Brogan raised a brow,"we just met like...this morning."

"So! We can just be that awesome group of friends that party hard together no matter what!" Ano said standing up and putting her hand in the center of the table,"we should do it!"

"I'm in," Kyle put his hand in.

Scharlette and Issac did the same, Tsim shortly after. They all stared at Brogan, who sighed and put his hand in the circle,"fine..."

"YASS!!" The entire table, excepte Brogan, said and they started to dance.

The cafeteria had all eyes on them, some laughed and other rolled there eyes. Brogan couldn't help but shake his head. This was going to be a long year.

Word count: 1065
A/N: You guys should do this too! Make a story about fan-made character ships going to school together, because it is SO much fun making stories with so many familiar character favorites.
Luv 2 U all!

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