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A/N: Hey guys. I don't know if Six and Seven is realated or not, so I am just going to make them related in this story, hope you don't mind!

Bro sat at the table, eating dinner with his family. His foot tapped repeatedly and he looked up at the clock, just five more minutes to midnight and he would be fourteen.
He looked over at Ano who was chewing her food and staring at her plate, he could tell she was daydreaming. He took a peek at her thoughts just to cringe.

"Wow..."he mumbled,"Ano you got some weird ass thoughts."

"Wha! No I don't!!" she said and her face flushed.

"What where you thinking about?" Six asked and she frowned.

"Nothing important," she mumbled,"oh yeah, I forgot to ask...Mom, do you know a guy named Seven!?"

Six about choked on her own spit, you raised a brow,"who is Seven."

She looked down for a moment and back up,"he's alive? I thought he was dead!"

"TELL US EVERYTHING!" Ano said happily.

" is my brother," she said.

Anohannah's eyes widden,"youu serious! WE HAVE AN UNCLE!? AND A COUSIN!?"

"Cousin?" Six asked.

"We met his daughter a few days ago," Bro said, his eyes staring at the clock,"her name is Mizu."

"Oh really," she said,"who knew he was able to get laid..."

Bro and Ano shared a good moment of glares, realizing what their mother said. "Okay...Uh, I'm going to bed," Bro said,"I stood up late last night."

"Again?" you asked,"you need to quit doing that, it gives you bad headaches."

"I already know that," Bro said, walking off,"it's just hard to sleep sometimes."

He walked to his room and closed the door. These nightmares make him stay up late at night, he doesn't like to sleep. He sighed, his back to the door, sliding down to touch the floor. He placed his head on his kneese, he felt awful. He just wanted to get life over with, but that would never happen...unless.

Bro stood and walked over to his drawer, he opened it to all of his clean socks and underwear. He dug in it for a few seconds before he felt it, a pocket knife. He hides it in here, it's the last place you'll expect to find one. He sighed and sat on the floor, slowly placing the knife of his wrist.

He pressed it slowly, feeling the pain through his arm, but it didn't bother him, he liked watching the red liquid run. His pupils grew small as he made a large deep gash on his wrist. Once he was done, he started another one right under it. Maybe he would die this time, unlike the other times...maybe he can finally run free from this miserable life.

His phone went off and his head flew up, he looked down at the phone to see an unknown number calling him, but he remembered those first three numbers anywhere. He dropped the knife and picked it up.

"Hello?" he said putting the phone to his ear, the blood running down his arm.

"Your birthday is in a few minutes, Love," he heard Issac and he rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?" Brogan asked harshly.

"When you can't talk to people, you start to feel sort of lonely," she said,"so what are you doing for your birthday, Love?"

Bro sighed,"I dunno..." He looked down at his wrist as he continued to listen to Issac.

"Well, you need to go celebrate your first year as an official teenager!" she said,"you can't just be in your room all day."

He thought for a moment,"and why should I listen to you?"

"Because we're...well, we're not  friends, but you need to do more with yourself before you get old and wrinkly," she stated plainly.

"I can live as long as I want," Brogan said,"and look as young as I want. So that doesn't bother me..."

It was silent for a minute,"Love?"

"What?" he asked.

"Are you okay?" she asked,"you sound disstressed."

"I'm fine..." he mumbled,"why do you care anyways."

"Thats none of your business, love," she said.


"Yikes, calm down!" she said,"do you know what 'love' means in my dimension?"

"Go on," he said, calming down.

"It stands for Level-Of-Violence, love," she said,"you seem to put a high Level-Of-Violence on yourself."

Brogan's eyes widden,"what are you talking about?"

"So are you going to celebrate your birthday tomorrow?" she asked, changing the subject.

"I don't do that 'change the subject' shit," Bro said.

"Answer my question," she said coldly.

Bro sighed,"I guess..."

"Great. See you tomorrow, love," she said,"and happy birthday, bye."

She hung up, Bro looked down at the phone, he sighed and placed Issac's number in his phone,"weird as hell..."

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