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A/N: This place place about twenty minutes ago

Sitting up, you looked around your dark roomm it was about three in the morning. Something didn't seem right. You quietly got out of your bed and made sure you didn't wake up Six. You walked out of your room and peeked into Brogan's room, he was passed out. He had one foot on the floor and his arm dangled, you smiled, it felt good to see your son sleep.

You quietly closed the door and moved on to your daughters room, you grabbed the knob to enter but something didn't seem...right. It felt off, and it was a familiar feeling you used to have in the past. You opened the door to see that Ano wasn't there. Your bones seemed to jump out of your body and back, where did she go?

Calmly, you went back to your room and changed out of your night cloths, and into normal day cloths. You quietly walked out of the house and just started to walk in some random direction, but something told you that this was the right way.

You continued your walk and then you got that feeling again, that feeling of evil. You shivered, you didn't like that feeling. You kept walking until you walked up to some church, something told you to go in there. You walked into the church just for your eyes to widden.

You weren't scared of the scene, it just surprised you. Lots of dead people in white dresses and tuxedos lied on the seats and the floor. And right ahead was your daughter, screaming in pure agony on the ground. Damn, what did she do to herself. You could see large tears pour out and veins pulsing out of her body.

Running over to your daughters side, you yelled her name but she didn't respond, just more screaming. Her eyes started to slowly turn grey and her veins turned slightly black,"she ate these peoples souls..." you mumbled.

She might of took in too much, maybe she was getting more for someone else. No, probably not. You had never done this before, so you had to be careful. You began to focus hard and you noticed black dust and liquid started to come out of the center of her chest and right into you.

You had to get most of it out, but you can't take Anohannah's soul either. You watched as she stopped screaming, and her tensed body calmed down. Her greying eyes slowly turned back to it's normal hazel and gold. But her eyes grew lazy and she started to die.

Oh crap, you might of took it out. You didn't swallow anything, you just swirled your tongue around and pulled out one random soul at a time. You finally found the right one by instinct and put it back in, taking the rest out. You stood on your feet and sighed, letting the pain settle in. But at this point it didn't matter about you, it mattered about your child.

You leaned back down and picked your daughter off of the ground, and calmly walking out of the church. You looked back at it and remembered all of the dead bodies that lied in there. You stared at the lights that where left on and you thought of one word,'burst'.

All of a sudden all of the lightbulbs exploded and started and electrical fire on the white outfits of the dead bodies. They didn't have a proper death, you felt kind of bad for them,"God help us," you mumbled.

You walked slowly carring your not-so-heavy daughter, the cold air hit your face and you sighed. You felt stronger, you felt younger, you in fact looked younger, is this how it felt all of the time for Six? You didn't know, you didn't want to know. You where just reliefed that Anohannah was okay.

Holdin her like this brought back many memories of the past when you held both Ano and Brogan for the first time, when Ano feel asleep on the floor and you had to take her to bed, or when she wanted to be picked up period. Why couldn't it stay like that? Why did it have to be like this?

You knew your daughter has deadly ways, you knew your son was suicidal...You knew all along, you just didn't know how to approach them. You wanted to help but you where afraid to say something wrong, but at this didn't matter what you said, it just matters how they turn out.

Ano shifted and started to lightly snore in your ear, you smiled and patted her back. You walked into your house to see Six sitting on the couch texting on her phone.

"Hey," you said,"your up."

"Yeah..."she mumbled groggily,"where did you go?"

You looked over at your sleeping daughter,"Ano wasn't in her room when I went to check on her. So I went to find her."

Six nodded,"did"

"Eat?" you asked.

She nodded,"you look younger. Did you eat souls?"

You nodded.

"Why?" she asked,"I thought you didn't like to feel 'evil'."

You looked away and sat Ano on the couch,"can I tell you tomorrow. I'm tired..."

Word count: 912
A/N: Man look at what you would do for your children! FATHER OF THE YEAR AWARD!
Luv 2 U all!

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