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Guys! Chester from Linkin Park died, I cried all day and was super depressed. RIP to Chester...And I am being serious about this. I almost decided to quit on you guys because of his death. But I didn't want to let you readers down, so I decided to keep writing...Just 4 U. <3

The next few days Brogan had to head off to school without his younger twin. Ever since Saturday she has been sick, VERY sick. And without that fun and exciting feeling coming off of her, the mornings seemed to have become more bleek. He sighed as he entered his house, nice and quiet.

It wasn't normally this quiet, it bothered Brogan. He walked to his room and placed his bag on the ground, kicked off his shoes, sat on the floor, and pulled out his homework. If life couldn't get anymore depressing than it already is. Even though Ano is annoying and kind of slow, she brought life in this dull life. And if she went, he would probably end his own life then and there.

He heard two knocks on his door, and you walked in,"hey Bro."

"Hi dad," Brogan said plainly, not really wanting to be bothered. What your son didn't know was that you came in here to confront him about killing himself. But you didn't want to be too harsh. "So...Are you okay?" you asked.

"Yeah," he lied. Brogan didn't like to tell the truth when it came to how he felt, the only person he didn't lie to so far was Issac.

You saw through the lie though. Most people see you as a gullibal, fun, nice, and a very slow guy...but deep down inside [Hmmm...what does this remind me of?] you where kind of the opposite. You where still nice, but you can see right through the lies and was afraid of nothing, you where alot smarter than you look, you just didn't show it as often as Six and Brogan does.

Quietly, you stood about a yard away from your son. You looked him right in the eye and asked him again,"are you okay?"

"I already told you," he said,"can you hand me that pen?"

You handed him a black pen that was close to you," thanks."

Everything was quiet, the only thing your could hear was scribbling of the pen. You sighed,"your a very good liar..."

Brogan froze in place,"wait...what?"

"I said,'your a very good liar,'" you repeated,"your mouth says things, and your body tells the opposite. You shouldn't lie to me, I'm not only your father, but I want to help you get through this."

"Get through what?" he asked, starting to become slightly aggraveted. You know he was getting angry, Brogan's eyebrows twitch when he gets mad.

"You know what," you said and you heard the pen in his hand crack slightly.

Brogan was trying his best to stay calm, when did you learn about this? You knowing that he was trying to remove himself from the Earth was something he didn't like you to know, but that wasn't the reason why he was becoming upset. Plus he didn't even know if this was about couldn't be, you never seem to have caught him once! Right?

"What is it?" he asked slightly annoyed, standing on his feet,"if you know whats wrong then you should be the one to say it."

You lifted a brow, he never acts like this, especially around you and Six,"I know you hurt youself...and that you tried to kill yourself."

Things where quiet for a good moment, the tesion in the air started to grow. Shit was about to go down and you knew it. You just stayed calm, it's always best to stay calm. You noticed how Brogans face, especially his nose, reddened, his eyes started to slightly tear up, his mouth was closed but you knew he was gritting his teeth.

"Your just noticing this now!?" he yelled,"do you know how long I have been doing this to myself!? And you just decided that now was the right time!?! YOU JUST LEFT ME IN THE DARK AND WAITED YEARS JUST TO FINALLY TURN ON A LIGHT WHEN IT COULD OF BEEN TOO LATE! LIKE THAT WOULD HELP AT ALL!! ALL YOU HAVE BEEN DOING ALL OF THIS TIME WAS HANG OUT WITH ANOHANNAH AND LEFT ME BEHIND!! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME THERE TO COMMIT SUICIDE AND YOU NEVER TRIED TO HELP ME THEN!?! I COULD BE DEAD AND IT WOULD STILL SEEM LIKE YOU OR MOM WOULDN'T CARE!" the pencil in his hand broke into a thousand pieces, ink splurting out everywhere, the lightbulb broke and glass broke from the ceiling. You took in all of the yelling and the shattered glass hitting your head, and you knew he was far from done. You where relaxed and calm, even though the words felt like bullets coming out of a gun, you just kept a straight face.

You felt like you stood there for hours, listening to your son just let all of his feelings out. You knew you shouldn't be letting your own son yell at you, but you felt like you deserved it. It didn't take you until a couple days ago to realize that your son is in deeper pain than you thought he was.

Brogan seemed to have stopped after a while. His throat burned and his head ached, he was pissed, yet emotional. You couldn't help but just to stare, you looked at the ground and back at him. You grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into a hug. You felt him try his best to pull away, he was mad at you, but you didn't care.

Your son seemed to struggle, but after a second he seemed to stop, knowing that he wasn't going anywhere. "I'm sorry..." was the only thing that came out at first,"I know I should of been here for you sooner. I just didn't know how to approach you...I didn't know if I confronted you then if you would of ran away from it or tried to kill yourself faster..."

You let Brogan out of the hug and you gripped his shoulders tightly,"you know I had you at a young age, and I am an inexperienced father, so I didn't know how to handle it. And I'm sorry..."

Brogan just looked at you with a confused expression. He didn't know how to take this moment in, all he knew is that it was happening. "You can hate me all you want, and that would be okay...I don't have your feelings anyways," you said letting him go,"I'm going to go check on your sister.

Bro stood there motionless for a second and he turned around,"hey dad."

"Yeah?" you asked.

"I love you..." he said. You smiled and nodded. He hasn't said that in a LONG time. "I love you too," you said and you walked out.

Word count: 1207
DA FEELS. I need 2 stop doing all of this emotional stuff and more bouncy stuff with ships and friends!
Luv 2 U all!

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