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A/N: SO a person in the comments wanted to know if we would be ever to see you and Six chill again. And I thought about some ideas and here we are! PS: Not a lemon, sorry lemonade lovers.

A week later, the kids went off to school again, leaving you and Six at the house alone. Of course we all know it's not the first time that the two of you where left alone with no kids, so you both did the same thing you did on their first day of school. That was watching movies that bore you two so much that you ragged on the movie.

But today, Six had something else on her mind, something very serious. While you watched 'Titanic' by yourself, Six was in the kitchen, thinking on how to ask you this.

She exhaled and walked into the livingroom,"hey babe."

"Yeah?" you asked.

"Have you noticed that we have been getting old," she said sitting next to you.

"Well duh, I'm thirty-three," you said a smile crossing your lips. She sighed, bracing herself for the question.

"I was wondering, do you wanna...y'know, be" she asked.

"What do you mean ,'like us'?" you asked.

She stretched out her spine, making it pop many times. This was stressing her out,"Y'know, me, Ano, Bro...we all can live as long as we want. And you...can't."

Your eyes widden, realizing what she was trying to ask you,"you want me to become like you?"

"Yeah..."she said,"I know it's a big deal and all, but just think about it. You don't have to worry about death, getting grey hair, loosing all of your hair, and we don't have to worry about loosing you."

It was quiet for a moment, your mind full of many thoughts. Should you do this? You want to live with your family forever, but you don't want to be evil, you don't want to feel evil. But it's your family your talking about here! You don't want to leave them behind, you don't want to feel like the weak one in the family either.

You sighed,"what do I have to do?"

She exhaled,"remember when I bit my mom...she died and I got her power?"

"Yeah..." you said,"do I have to kill you?"

"No! Of course not!" Six put both of her hands up in defense,"you have to bite off a piece of me."

"Why? Why can't we just try something else?" you asked.

"Because you need blood and flesh," she said holding your hands,"you bit me before."

"I was drunk," you said,"we made the twins that night."

Six giggled,"I know. But it's not that hard, if you can do that intoxicated than you can do it sober."

You sighed, your head started to spin," much time 'til the kids get home."

She checked the time on her phone," hours."

You could feel your heart beating faster, worried that you could hurt your wife, or even kill her. You felt the fear quickly go away, your grown now, theres no need to be scared over something so small. You calmly leaned forward and placed your teeth on Six's neck. She quickly pushed your head away.

"Not my neck. You'll literally kill me if you do that," Six said and you backed up slightly.

"Sorry," you mumbled. Instead of going for the neck you placed your mouth on her shoulder. You didn't want to take too much, so you didn't spread out your teeth that far. Not knowing how to start, you licked the spot lightly and started to suck on it.

Six's face flushed quickly, it's been a while since she was aroused. Especially with the twins and house work in the way, the two of you can't have sex as much as you both wanted to.

You then started to sink your teeth into her skin, feeling the metalic taste of blood on your tongue. Six pursed her lips, trying to ignore how good this feels. Her lower body trembled slightly, pressing her knees together while you sunk your teeth in farther.

You know that she was aroused, you know she wanted it, but ignoring that fact was the best idea you had. You don't want to change the plan. So you just bit harder into her shoulder, trying to not be to harsh by ripping the flesh straight out.

As your teeth sunk in deeper, the room seem to get slightly darker than t would go back to normal. It continued to flash darkness, your body felt lighter, you  felt stronger, but your care for life started to become bleak. You exhaled through your nose as you slowly feel your teeth close together, tearing the meat out.

You pulled back, letting the flesh and blood go down your throat. You slowly opened your eyes, your pupils larger than normal. "Woah!" you said as you felt your head fill up with pain,"it hurts!!"

"You gotta calm down," Six said,"let it sink in..."

"What happens if I don't calm down!?" you said quickly while Six rubbed your temples, no matter how badly it hurted her shoulder.

"If you don't you'll be busting all of the lights like I did on the Maw," she said,"you might have another panic attack as well."

You slowly inhaled, and exhaled. Letting it sink in, feeling the pain in your head fade away, your pupils shrink back to it's normal size. Six smiled,"there you go, you feel better, love?"

Nodding, you notice the small chunk of her shoulder gone. A small smile crossed your face,"this brings back memories..." You placed your forehead on her chest and she gladly held it.

"Yeah," Six said twirling her fingers in your hair,"you feel cold."

"I know, does it always feel this cold to you guys?" you asked.

"No," Six said,"it is the beginning of October, so maybe your getting the chills."

You smiled lewdly and looked up at her,"you still aroused?"

It was quiet for a good moment, a small smile crossed her face. You laughed under your breath and you kissed her lightly,"what about you shoulder?"

"We done it like this before, we can do it again," she said pulling your hair, making your lips connect again. You happily picked her up, not separating the vasque kiss, and carried her upstairs and into the room.

Word count: 1125
A/N: Ooh-fu-fu...! Lenny faces baby!! So I will make more chapters like these every now and than, so for you fans who miss this couple can still inhale this love!
Luv 2 U all!

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