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Bill was examining Brogan's black veined arm, you, Six, Ano, and Kyle where in the room. He tapped it and noticed the pulsating reaction,"yep...thats a demon alright."

"How do you know?" Brogan asked.

Bill took a pocket knife out of his pocket and quickly, and roughly slit Brogan's wrist and black blood was pouring out of his body. "That is demon blood, I have it, demons have it," Bill explained,"they become stronger when their fed. And from me knowing that you and your family are soul-suckers, you have been feeding this demon what it wants and now it's trying to control your body. I'm surprised that it didn't even reach your head."

"The demon was split in half," Ano said,"it was inside of me first, but when it tried to move on to him...I stopped it."

"Thats great," Bill said,"if you didn't stop this dimension would of been distroyed by now."

The demon tapped Bro's arm again, seeing the pulse raise and relax. "Why does it do that?" you asked, tapping it,"making it pulse as well."

"I'm a 'full-born' demon, which means I was just born a demon. You and Six are 'natural-born' demons, or normal humans that became one of us," Bill said.

"So?" Six asked,"what does that have to do with this?"

"This demon was split in two, which means it is now ALOT weaker than us," he explained,"and since we are stronger, just a simple touch would be like sicking a pocket knife through your hand."

"But what about Brogan and Ano?" Kyle asked,"their demons too."

"That depends," Bill turned to you,"when did you become one of us?"

"About four, five years ago," you said.

"Now it makes sense..." Bill said turning around to face the three teens,"you are all 'half-born' demons. You have demonic powers but only to an exstenct, and you also have more human like traits than you do demon. Anohannah, I assume you met the demon first?"

"Yeah," she said,"how did you know?"

"Well, by my ten-thousand years of experience...the demon you met probably didn't sense your demonic powers as much as it did Brogan's," He said,"so it took you in first, made you sick, took over your body while you where weak, and it tried to spread onto him....but I guess by looks, attitude, and other reasons, that demon underestimated you. And now, it's trying to slowly grow by using the food you give it, and it is going to try to take over Brogan's brain."

Six gasp,"by the looks of it, thats bad."

"Indeed," he laughed,"but, since this demon is weak, it would probably stay in control for about a day and it will shrink back into it's sad, small size. So, you can either let it stay, or get it out."

"What happenes if it stays?" you asked.

"Nothing much...." Bill said,"it would probably take over for a day, once a....lets say every few months."

"I can live with that," Brogan said.

"And if it comes out?" Six asked.

"It would happily reunite with it's other peice," Bill smiled,"and it will do whatever it takes to take over a power body thats has room for a demon."

"We can't let that happen," Ano said,"the other part is inside of me."

"Wow...really?" Bill laughed,"this demon must be deperate! Let'me guess, you never let it out?"

She nodded and he laughed,"damn! You two got some tough ass kids!"

Ano smiled at Brogan and he gave a small smile in return. It felt pretty cool to be called 'tough' by one of the most well known demons. "Thats great," Bill smiled,"that means the same thing will happen to Ano. But by her lack of knowledge power and soul wise, it won't happen as often as your son. And I'm pretty sure this is the best way to handle ths situation."

"To just let it happen?" Kyle said,"what about school?"

"We have special rooms for that son," Bill smiled,"Those rooms where designed for children like you and your friends. Just incase we have any....devious blow outs. I guess my job is done, see you soul-suckers on Monday."

"Wait," Six said,"when do we know this demon is in control?"

Bill smiled,"I'm glad you asked. The black veins will spread from one arm to another, and the two will collide to connect to the back of his neck and up his scalp. Some will be on his face, most of them on his temples. Six...your mother is very desperate for control again...."

Her eyes widden as a portal opened and Bill walked through,"Goodbye." As he disapeared with his son, Six fell on her knees and stayed in shock,"thats why the Maw came take over someone else to continue the ships evil doings." She covered her face,"this is all my fault..."

"No it isn't..." you said getting down with her, comforting her,"it can't be your fault, you didn't do any-"

"If I just left that damn ship without greed," she said,"non of this would be happening!"

"Mom, you shouldn't worry about it," Brogan said getting down with his parents, Ano following behind,"it's not your fault. Just....blame your mom. Even if you took her power or not, her dead body would still have come for us."

Ano nodded,"yeah! Fuck you GRANDMA!!!"

Six couldn't help but laugh, she wrapped her arms around her family and smiled,"I love you guys so much..."

It was quiet for a moment, they never had a group hug in so long. This was love, something that the family haven't had together, in a while. It felt nice, like this was the position they wanted to be in forever. But at one point it had to end. But at the end of the day the family had to brace themselves for what could happen next.

Word count: 1041
The end is coming closer...I DON'T WANT IT TO END!! But the good news is that the ending it very long so...yeah.
Luv 2 U all!

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