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Quick A/N: So this is going to be Bro's Pov becaue it's his birthday. And I'll think of doing Ano two chapters too. TWO: this is what Mizu looks like, she's 4'8, 11 1/2 years old, and daughter of Seven.

The next morning, Brogan was sitting up on his bed, looking at the sun rising up. Again he didn't sleep much last night, in fact he barely slept at all. Under his eyes were dark bags, that made it obvious. He sighed and looked at himself in his window reflection,"I look horrible...pff, who cares."

BroHe stood and walked outside his bedroom, walking downstairs and into the kitchen where he saw his mom. Six  heared footsteps and she turned around,"oh hey birthday boy! How does it feel to be-"

"What?" Bro asked,"is it because I have bags or..."

"No, you grew," she said.

Bro's eyes widden,"what!? Your lying to me."

"Why would I?" Six said,"how don't you realize you grew!!"

Bro shrugged and his mother groaned. She grabbed his arm and walked him to the bathroom and looked in the mirror,"see!"

He looked at himself and his eyes widden,"woah..."

"What are you talking about-? Oh meh gawd!!" Ano popped her head in the bathroom,"your not a midget anymore!!"

"Wha...?" you came around the corner,"wow, look at you. I never expected you to grow that much in one night."

"How tall am I?" Bro asked.

"By the looks of it...5'4 or 5'5," Six said messuring herself to him,"your only fourteen so your bound to get taller."

"I knew Brogan wouldn't be cursed by your height Six," you said and she hissed at you, making you laugh.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," you started,"someone named Kyle texted me, he said he is one of your friends at school. And he wanted to know what you where doing for your birthday."

Bro shrugged,"I don't want to do any-"

"He said if you didn't have anything to do, he would like to throw your party," you said,"and he wanted to know if you'll like to do that."

Bro's eyes widden, he can't turn Kyle's offer down...Kyle was his first friend at APSA. "Um...Sure."

"Great,"you said,"get ready, and one more thing. Bring a bathing suit."

•  •  •

A long time passed until they made it to Bill and Dippers house. It was HUGE, golden, covered in pyramids and eye-balls, it was one of the most strangest but coolest houses the family has ever seen.

The twins saw Kyle, Tsim, and Mizu. The group ran to the car and knocked on the backseat window. He could barley hear it, but Bro was certain that they where singing 'Happy Birthday'. He forced a smile and opened the door to get out, Ano following after.

Once he stood on his feet the three stood stunned.

"FUCK!!!" Kyle yelled,"WHY ARE YOU TALLER THAN ME!!??"

"It's called puberty," Ano said,"you'll start once you turn fourteen."

"But yeah...He grew over night," Mizu said,"how did you do that?"

Bro shrugged,"some people grow faster than others."

"C'mon guys," Kyle said,"Issac, Scharlette, and my brother are making the cake."

The twins followed them inside, you and Six following after. The inside was beautiful, it was like living in a five-star luxery hotel. Kyle lead them to the kitchen, where Bro can see his other friends, and a girl that looked simular to Kyle.

"Hey guys, the birthday boy is here!" Tsim called and the three turned around. Scharlette's mouth dropped, Issac's eyes widden, and the other girl...she didn't know who he was. 'You grew, Love,' Issac signed sarcastically and Brogan looked away slightly.

"Oh, and thats my brother. His name is Harry," Kyle pointed at the girl, who turned red in the face and slammed the bowl in her hands on the floor.

"IT'S HARLEY!!" he said stomping away,"UGH!!!"

Bro and Ano stood still,"transgender?"

"Yeah..." Kyle said,"my older brother didn't like being a boy, so now I have a sister. There's no problem with it, but you sometimes forget that she has a dick."

Bro nodded.

"Now, you two shouldn't be in here!" Scharlette said picking the bowl up,"you two should go change, we're going to go swim in the pool."

Both Bro and Ano nodded and walked to different bathrooms to change. Of course, Bro was skinny. And that made him sort of insecure about his body, if he streatched his ribs stuck out, if he bended down his spine sticks out. He pulled his swimming trunks, and placed his shirt over it, he won't take the shirt off until they start swimming.

He walked out the bathroom and back into the kitchen to see that Issac sat on the counter in her bathing suit. It was a one-piece bathing suit, she wasn't one to show the goods. "Happy birthday, love," she said.

"Why are you talking?" Bro asked and she extended her arms and looked around.

"You don't see anybody around," Issac said,"everyone went outside and they wanted me to show you where the backdoor is."

"Isn't that sweet..." Bro mumbled sarcastically.

"Yes it is," Issac said,"c'mon, Love."

She motioned him to follow and the two walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway that lead to a glass door. She opened it, and Bro could see everyone. Welp, this is a beginning of a long birthday.

Word count: 928
Luv 2 U all!!

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