::chapter 1::

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Shout out to BROKENxBARBIEE check out her story 'When Ms Hot Topic Fell For Mr Hollister'...super good.

And also to emmiie, her story 'The Not So Secret Life of Helena Callahan' is...wow. I don't know why this amazing book isn't in bookstore EVERYWHERE!! Haa

And to ilovevampires2, for being my very first fan. :)

Anyway, please comment, vote, and give me ideas!! :D


Joining the band-CHAPTER 1

"Things are looking up, oh finally! I thought I-"

Running across the room, looking for my phone, I find it and shut it off IMMEDIATELY. What a wake-up call.

My name is Alice Floral, and this is my 1st day of everything.

First day at my new school,

First day at my new house, and

First day of clearly seeing my new room. (I got home late and was knocked out cold.)

The masterpiece-of-a-room I was just sleeping in, wasa deep lilac color, with my old posters from my old room, hanging on the walls. Paramore, Skillet, and Hey Monday, seemedto be giving me a silent concert.

My full-sized bed had a bright yellow comforter, and was under the window, in the middle of the middle wall, with a soft brown colored canopy covering it. I liked the clashing colors it seemed very nature-ish!

On the wall to the right, I had a brand new PC in the corner, with speakers, and a dresser about 10 feet away, give or take. And across the room, was a single door. That led to my...walk...in...CLOSET! I was grinning like a lunatic to myself as I ran over. It was HUGE! My dresses, shoes, scarves, bags, tops, skinny jeans, skirts, and every other article of clothing I owned was neatly put away.

My mom SPOILS me! She put all of stuff away, got me even more clothes too, because I saw a huge rack of brand new thing for me to wear. I try and not take advantage of her though, since my mom deserves so much better. Looking around, I picked out a pair of dark skinny jeans, a gray sweater with a multi-colored bird on one breast, and my electric blue with deep pink sneakers.

I skipped out and up further up the wall was another door, which I assumed to be the bathroom. Jeez, even the bathroom was big! Haha. So I jumped into the shower, washing the old plastic me away with my sweet pea signature body wash and shampoo. :)

After I finished, I quickly changed into my clothes, pumped for the day. I looked myself over one more time in the full-length mirror, and swiped some mascara. Finished!

Egad! I forgot the most important thing! The one thing I need in order to see the beauty of the world...my glasses. My big dorky glasses. I loved them like they were my children. (I have many pairs!)

"Alice! Let's go Sweet Pea! Don't want to be late!" my mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming!" I grabbed my Volcom backpack, and flew down the stairs to my waiting mother.

"Good morning, mom! Thanks for all of the new clothes! They are awesome!" I smiled brightly to her. And she threw a huge one back!

"Sweet Pea, this is your first day. You'll be late if you don't get your butt into that car! Bye!"

She ushered me out the door to the garage, were my old 1987 purple with black racing stripes camero sat. (I made that up...I have no idea. Just think of the car from Transformers, with different colors.)

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