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Just because that last chapter was so freaking intense I decided to write the authors note here :)

There will be a second book with LOTS more drama.
If anyone is confused:
Louis and Liam escape.

Louis drives them to a police station and he tells them everything dealing with Johannah
and Dean and Harry and Zayn.

Harry and Zayn's true jobs were never revealed in the first book for a reason ;)

In the last chapter this quote "my dad owes him money. A lot" was said by Niall referring to Josh owing Harry and Zayn a lot of money.

Liam accepts the fact that he's going into foster care the next morning when they arrive at the Police station.

Harry and Zayn Made fake ID's as Niall and Josh.

Niall and Josh did not attend Liam's birthday party.

"Daddy and I have to move again" Harry says this quote meaning that whilst Liam and Louis are napping they will be packing boxes.

In the second book:
It will open to a new house, Louis will be out of headspace as will Liam in the beginning. It will have a ton of twists and turns because I like doing that stuff :)!

Q's and A's:
Ages: Liam-16
Louis- 18
Harry- 30
Zayn- 32

"When will the second book be out?"
Answer: It's out now, titled Forced Family 2 (I put a lot of creativity in the title, I know)

Lots of Love, forever and always, ~Emma :)

If you're still reading, thank you.
Thank you to everyone who has ever commented, given suggestion, a huge thank you to each and every reader! Thank you for the votes and extra follows I gained on here by this book that I absolutely loved writing.

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