T H I R T E E N 1/2

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Loud cries filled the house as Liam bawled his eyes out laying face down on his stomach. It was currently bothering him, so Zayn decided it would be a fun time to try Tummy Time. However unlike the happy babies in the commercials, Liam didn't enjoy it.
"Oh my goodness, what is Daddy doing to my baby?" Harry coos entering the room, scooping his baby in his arms. "Excuse me, we were self soothing." Zayn retorts, "Really? Sounded like he was self sobbing."
"That's part of it." Harry chuckled nudging Zayn with his elbow, "You're full of it." Both parents glanced to Louis who entered, "Daddy?" He asks voice laced with whines. "What's wrong bubba?" Zayn worries hoping it wasn't another case of Louis falling out of headspace. Sense the first incident, the boy had several accidents involving him almost slipping back into his normal self. However the parents caught him each time, assuring him to return to the happy toddler he was.
Louis says nothing his arms wrapped tightly around Zayn's neck before he's lifted into the air, "I think aunt Sarah is here!" Zayn gushed, "That means Lukie is here too!" Harry added bouncing Liam who remained distracted by his Papa's hair.
Opening the door with Louis on his hip, Zayn sets him down to take ahold of Luke, "I want him around Louis' age, as cute as your youngest is, I don't want an infant." Sarah explains her eyes glance towards Liam who sits in Harry's arms. The papa frowns defensively knowing Liam was in fact the youngest ever taken and youngest one he knew in headspace. He just fit that better.
With the new teen in his arms, he's knocked out unaware of his surroundings or what's to become of his life. Louis has his finger hooked in one of Zayn's belt loops watching curiously. His bright earthy eyes are drawn to the boy. "They'll be in daycare tomorrow," Harry informs sliding a pacifier between Liam's lips as the baby had grown fussy. "That's fine, he's a good teenager, not too troubled." Sarah remarks, if there was one thing Harry couldn't stand about her was her arrogance. Sarah had her charm, though she was also bad about feeling entitled. Thought the world owes her something is surely didn't.
Sarah too seemed to realize Harry disliking her years ago, though always head his secret over his head. With her smile plastered, she winked at Harry, "See you all in a week, bye boys." Leaving, Harry sends her off with a glare whilst Zayn smiles politely.
The first night was always *tough, Harry kept watch over his two angles; Louis having a puzzle with farm animals on it having Liam help him. Although to be honest the younger mostly chewed on the pieces until Louis handed him a pacifier needing the cow back. Zayn was the one who volunteered to work with Luke. Bathing him, he changed the teenager into a black onesie with black socks. Not bothering with a pacifier, he places him in the extra crib they had moved into Louis' room. Waiting for him to wake up, he turned on gentle music, Hallelujah, retiring to the den with his own babies.
"'Wat daddy?"
"Would you sleep in a crib again for Papa and me?" Louis fussed at the question, "Daddy I big boy!" Zayn hardened his look, "Big boys still get spankings if they yell at their parents." Louis put the puzzle piece down, tears pooling in his eyes with whimpers following. Harry sent a hateful look to Zayn scooping the boy in his arms. "What's with the tears my love?" He asks kissing his moist cheeks, Zayn sighs patting his lap for Louis. "Stop crying, I'm not asking too much of you." Louis hiccups with more sobs, "N-no, I no 'anna 'sweep in a crib," Zayn sighs with a small smile at the fit being thrown. It was quite adorable to see Louis throwing his fits. "Well I'm sorry you don't want too, but you're gonna. Luke needs support baby, just like you did with Niall he-" Zayn stops short in his sentence when Harry plows his elbow into his side. His look reads fear as Louis sits with mindless eyes. Meaning he's thinking. Worried he's already too far gone, their fears are put to rest when Louis snaps his look to Liam who's currently chewing on the pig piece with a smile; "'Wee-yum! I 'ready put 'dat down!" Chastising his little brother, the two return to their puzzle leaving the parents to breathe a sigh of relief.

They thought he was asleep. Sarah did. And the two men did. However, Luke laid wide awake. He knew what was happening to him, and he also knew whose house he was in. Luke knew Harry. Long ago. He knew him like the back of his hand, his scent, eyes, touch, Luke knew what made him cry, laugh. He knew Harry.
Rising up from his spot laying down, he unbuttoned the onesie pulling it off. Looking down at the nappy, he decided he'd rather have that one then nothing at all. To his dismay the crib was made accustomed to bigger than most babies. Therefore it was certainly taller than Luke. Checking all four corner of the crib, he finally sees a part where bolts go. Beginning to twist, he realizes that without tools it isn't budging. Flopping back down to his bum, he snaps his head up at the door opening. "Hello sweetheart." A tan man coos, Luke wants to ask where Harry is though he doubts the man knows who he is anymore. After all the "relationship" they had was more of a one way/ one sided. Luke's side ruled. 
"What happened to your clothes?" Zayn asks amused redressing the boy who hadn't muttered a word or fought at all. He was pleased with the teen.

"Liam baby please settle down. I promise I see you." Harry begged knowing the youngest was the devil that kept pulling on his pants. Though Liam was the baby, his older brother Louis got more of the attention because he required more than Liam who usually remained happy and mute or bawling and cuddled. He was a simple baby. Although today he needed a playmate. Other than Louis who just wanted to play with the new kid. "Zayn, please?" Harry calls pointing to Liam who stood, his face buried in Harry's thigh, "What's wrong?"
"I'm trying to cook dinner, just play with him. Louis is watching Cars, he doesn't want too." Zayn wasn't sure on how his husband wanted him to fix the problem so he scooped the baby up placing him in his highchair with cars on the tray for his enjoyment. Liam moved the cars grinning up at Zayn who cooed taking several pictures. Harry turned gratefully smiling at him, "Thank you,"
"Of course."
Bringing Luke down for dinner, Zayn set him in the third highchair Niall used to sit in. Louis kept a close watch on him as Harry fed him his meal. Zayn fed Luke, Liam eating dry cereal until Harry finished with Louis serving Liam macaroni.

Cooperating was key. Luke knew how to play his cards and get the desired result. If he wanted to return to the Russian, Sarah, he needed to be the dumb baby they all apparently wanted. However with Harry being just a seat away it made Luke forget about his end goal. How beautiful the man, teasing him entirely. God. He missed Harry more than ever. The man was always meant to be a good mother/father. Luke often pictured the two of them raising children together, that is until his pesky mother got in the way. Damn her. She always said how Luke wasn't good enough. Too poor. Not man enough. 

"You didn't notice anything weird at dinner did you?" Harry asks softly, the two older boys are in Louis' playroom with strict rules to keep to playing with cars or else. Liam was in the living room with the parents playing with a fake kitchen Anne had gotten him for Christmas. "Luke was glaring at us. If that means anything." Zayn replied watching Liam with amused eyes, "I don't know. I just felt watched." Harry mumbles wiping his eyes tiredly, "You're stressed about work tomorrow?"
"I hate to leave the boys." Harry corrected watching Liam sadly, "Babe they'll be fine. Day care is fun. They'll love it there. We have someone on the inside to make sure their safe." Zayn assures, "You don't think that someone could or would break away and steal them, right?" Harry worries, Zayn inhales deeply kissing Harry, "No my love. She helped us get them, wouldn't dare take them back."

>Early update because I love ya'll and I'm kinda down in the dumps.
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>Emma :)
** Is it Tuff or Tough?** I honestly have no clue

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