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Like the good older brother he is, Louis promised Liam he would take him to his game that evening. "W-what're we gonna tell mumma?" Liam worried, his brown puppy eyes pleadinly staring up at Louis, "J-just trust me, w-we'll be okay. I can handle this." Louis assured his face giving away the lie Liam wanted to believe. "O-okay." Dressing in his basketball shorts, Liam threw his Jersey on placing a hoodie over it so his mother would suspect anything. "J-just be ready to leave in five minutes." Louis commanded pointing with his head towards the front door. Liam gave a nod of understanding, moving towards the living room to avoid any contact with his mother, "Boys? Dinner's ready?" Johanna called wiping her hands on her pants seeing Liam in the living room, "Get in here before it gets cold." She demanded, she looked tired, her hair had pieces falling from it's bun. "Lewis? C'mon, to the table." The eldest brother listened to her instructions, seeing a forth placemat on the table, "Who is joining us?"

"A friend of mine from work, don't worry yourself with my life. I'm the mother, and you're the child-"

"Usually mother's take care of their children." Louis returned not thinking before acting, Johanna scoffed slapping the boy across his cheek, "What was that?!" Louis kept his head down, the red mark glowing against his skin, "N-nothing mumma."

"ungrateful child, I come home from work, cook you a meal and this is the thanks I get?!" She bellowed throwing the nearest glass against the wall, "Clean that up before Dean gets here." Louis went wide eyed at the name Dean, "Y-you're having Dean over? T-The man w-who-" Johanna raised her hand ready to strike again, "Don't say another word, he's been nothing but kind to us. Go to your room." Louis said nothing as he stormed upstairs slamming his door, Liam knew that was his signal, "M-mumma I finished, c-can I be excused?" Johanna cast him a glance, "Go to your room, Liam." The boy listened closing the door softly as he pattered to his window seeing Louis waiting outside. Opening his window, Liam climbed out how Louis had taught him too. Taking him by the hand, Louis lead him to the sidewalk hurrying until they had gotten into town. "I didn't want Dean to see us." Louis explained before Liam could ask why they rushed so much.

"H-how's your cheek?" Liam asked reaching a small hand up to trace their mothers hand print, "It's not bad, doesn't even hurt anymore." Louis remarked smiling softly at his younger brother, "Good luck on your game-"

"Y-you'll s-sit-"

"I'll sit front row." He assured sending Liam away with a kiss to his forehead taking a seat on the first Bleacher. Both boys always played sports, Louis stuck to football whilst Liam loved Basketball. After their dad left Johanna, Louis took the father role in Liam's life teaching him more about basketball. Though he hated the sport, Louis loved watching Liam play.

Holding onto Niall's hand, Harry brought him up the bleachers, "We're gonna watch bubby play." He beamed, the tow-headed boy just smiled. Zayn sent the two a knowing look as he took the only open seat on the front row, "Is this seat taken?" The brunette shook his head softly drawing into himself, "Good, I know very little about basketball, hopefully you'll be able to answer some questions." He jokes, the boy weirdly staring at him, "U-uh yea." Zayn smiled softly, "Who are you here for?"

"M-my uh.. My cousin, he plays."

"cousin? Strong family. I'd only show up if a sibling were playing."

Louis paled slightly nodding as he swallowed hard, "Y-yep." The raven haired man next to him got a little annoying for Louis' taste. He hated answering personal questions, "I-I Uh.. I have to go." The boy lied hoping he could find somewhere to hideout until the man was gone. Liam would understand, right? Rising, Louis went to walk off feeling something holding him back, "Where you off too?" Louis nervously licked his lips feeling himself shake, "U-uh.. I-I.." The man grunted his lips coiling into a small smirk nodding towards the seat next to him, "You see-"

"L-Louis." He whispered tears burning his eyes as he knew nothing about the man next to him except he made him scared and uneasy, "You see, Louis, I don't like people who lie. Especially young boys that I know for a fact were raised better." The man chastised, Louis shakily inhaling as he stiffened, the man's hand moving to his lower back, "Now without making a scene, point Liam out to me."

"O-oh God no." Louis cried his voice so soft the man hardly heard, "Darling, there isn't a choice here."

"P-Please t-take me." Louis whimpered, "D-don't touch him." A chuckle erupted in the cruel man, "Louis, it's not really fair to leave Liam with that mother of yours is it? Think about it, we take her punching bag, you think she'll quit? No, Liam will now become one. You don't want that to happen, do you?" Louis looked straight at Liam tears blurring his vision as he sniffled trying not to cry, "Y-You d-don't know-"

"Sweetheart I know a lot more than you think. Now with that being said, point him out to me." Zayn commanded, "H-he's n-number.." Louis trailed off, ringing in his ears as his breath stopped. His eyelids grew heavy at the thought of actually telling this man who his little brother was. With uneven breaths, Louis lazily scanned the spinning room, the ball bouncing on the court hurting his head, "N-number.. T-twenty one." He replied, the man clucking his tongue, "Wrong answer bub, I'm disappointed that you lied, again." He added Louis could only curse his luck, of course this man knew who Liam really was, it was a test. A test Louis failed, "He's number 11 because that's your football number and he wanted to be just like you. Poetic actually, sweet and loving younger brother. A shame his older one wanted to leave him." Louis felt his eyes close in defeat, "We'll leave at halftime, don't make a scene and things will be easier." He warned, Louis glanced around the room again, Liam had the ball starting towards their goal; the time clock showed four seconds. Louis prayed quickly, flinging himself up away from the man, "Liam!" Hearing nothing in his ears but his own heavy breathing, Louis raced out of the gym knowing everyone's eyes were on him. Hurrying to the ticket booth, "P-please y-you've got to help-..." He started the woman watching him worriedly, turning towards the gym Louis gasped seeing the black haired man pulling Liam by his elbow another man following him with someone else, "Help you?" She repeated, meeting Liam's eyes Louis saw his fear, "N-nothing, I-I could fi-find my parents.. F-found them." He lied wiping his eyes timidly walking next to Liam, "Sorry for the trouble." The man apologized his hand returning to Louis' lower back, "Not a smart move, Louis."


>>This is what 'ya voted for! EEEK! I'm so excited to be starting a new story! And also, doesn't the cover look AWESOME?! I did it myself! Anyway I'm writing chapter 2

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