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Liam let tears roll down his cheeks, he wasn't even going to attempt to stop them. Hearing footsteps, he curled further into himself knowing one of the two from last night would appear. Although maybe Louis would. Louis always had saved Liam from trouble before.

Pushing the door open, it softly scooted on the plush carpet, whines and whimpers laced the room as Liam cried. Harry cooed softly at his baby, a grin coiling on his face, "Hello, sweet boy. How did you sleep?" Not receiving an answer, like expected, Harry lifted him onto his hip kissing his forehead countless times, "Oh my goodness, baby, you slept for so long." Laying him on the changing table, Liam had continued to whimper tears falling onto the mat underneath him. "No need for those tears, Papa's gotcha." Harry soothed, Liam crying even harder at the name. "L-Louis." He whimpers peering up into his captors face, "Louis is playing with bubba, sweetheart." Harry replied finishing up the change the Liam shockingly didn't fight. 

Returning him to his hip, Harry started out to the hallway swaying gently with Liam to soothe him. Entering the kitchen, he sets Liam in a highchair with a final kiss to his hair, "Does my baby want a snack?" Harry asks getting a pre-made bottle out of the fridge putting it next to the stove. As he gets out pots and pans, "Why good afternoon baby boy." Zayn greets Liam who sits in his highchair tears falling from his eyes, "we're a little fussy. But hopefully after dinner, we'll cheer up." Harry beamed grinning at Liam, "I'm thinking macaroni for dinner." Harry inquires pulling noodles from a cabinet, "Whatever you think is best Papa." Zayn mumbles going over towards Liam, "Don't cry, bubba, you're okay." He soothes lifting the boy out of the highchair he more than likely didn't want to be IN. "why don't we go play while Papa cooks us dinner?" He suggests carrying Liam to the living room where he sat him between his legs grabbing a container of cars, "I love to play with cars, will you play with me?" Liam glanced up at Zayn his bottom lip wobbling.

He knew it wasn't smart. Liam knew. However it didn't stop him. Nodding that he would play with him, Liam steadies his breathing. He had to be smart and calm. Grabbing a red car, he lets the small thing rest in his hand for seconds. The tan man above him is cooing as he talks in a high-pitched voice about how much fun their going to have. I won't be having fun. Liam assures in his head gripping the car he had tighter scanning the room to see no one. Hearing papa in the kitchen, Liam inhales quickly, tan man reached down to scoop up another car. He needed to find Louis. With a final squeeze of the car and a quick prayer to God, Liam brings the car up smashing it into the tan man's eye springing up to run towards the front door. Jerking on it, he hears tan roar in anger, the other man asking what had happened. Panicking, Liam hurries to the stairs climbing over the baby gate up the stairs knowing it bought him some time, "L-Louis?!" He calls tears falling down his cheeks. His older brother darts from a room, another boy behind him, "Let's go!" Liam commands dragging him behind him sobbing as the two scramble to a random room in the house. Liam springs into the corner sobbing uncontrollably, Louis shutting and locking the door as he starts to push a dresser in front of it. "Liam l-look for a phone." He demands knowing it would only be seconds later before their caught. The younger one unfolds standing to look for some type of phone, Louis scanning the room they had chosen. It had a huge bed, with a crib next to it. On the dresser Louis had pushed in front of the door had picture frames, cocking his head to the side, his lips part in shock. The frames held pictures of Louis and Liam. Photos the men had taken from a distance, inside their house, at their school. "T-they st-stalked us." Louis whispers tears sparkling in his eyes, Liam behind him with his bottom lip wobbling, "t-they knew t-they were 'gonna take us." Both brothers stare at the pictures in disbelief, not listening to the pounding on the door or threats the two parents make.

Things go silent for Liam, Louis throwing him to the ground away from the door as Zayn barges in his belt ready in hand. Harry behind him stopping him from swinging blindly. The tow headed boy watches in sadness, Niall remembers his first few days very well. Harry scoops Liam up, the youngest having tears rolling down his cheeks, Zayn lets his anger go as he too takes Louis in his arms carrying him with Harry down to the living room where the two are placed in separate playpens. Niall followed, chewing his bottom lip, Louis is continuing to protest softly as Liam says nothing. He's mute, Harry lays him down covering him up, the baby laying on his side. Letting the tears he's crying soak the pillow, the papa stares at him with sad eyes. He wasn't ready for Liam or Louis to see the pictures. The last thing Harry wanted was to scare the babies into headspace. Sighing, he kisses Liam's temple leaving him there to lay in his silence. Zayn is shushing Louis who is calming down slowly from his escape rush. Once the earthy eyed boy is settled, the parents leave taking Niall. 

Louis glances at Liam, "We'll leave Liam. I-I promise." He receives nothing in return. No lopsided grin, no "Yes bubba.", not even what he wanted most: Liam to hold up his pinky finger with trusting eyes saying, "Pinky Promise?"

"why they no eat daddy?" Niall asks, eating macaroni as quickly as Harry can feed it to them, "Louis can eat whenever he settles down, and Liam is taking another nap." Zayn replied nursing his eye, Harry glances at him, "Louis will eat baby, we promise." Niall gives a trusting nod, "Daddy okay?"

"I'm okay, Liam was just playing around." Zayn lies shifting the bag of ice, "How about I call Grandma and have her come and pick you up? Hmm?" Harry offers knowing he already did, Niall would always agree. "Y-yea!" He gushes trying to rid the guilt he had from not being able to protect Louis or Liam from whatever impending doom they had coming to them.

>>Sorry for taking FOREVER! But to make up for it, the next chapter is being written and will be published TONIGHT! I PROMISE! Love y'all!!! ~EMMA :)

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