TWENTY: Epilogue

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"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Liam, Happy Birthday to you."

Liam was turning two the boy is sitting at the head of the kitchen table in his highchair with tears rolling down his cheeks. All the guests are grinning widely, their eyes dark with knowledge of how wrong all this was. Yet no one cared.
Louis stands on the other end feeling his heart beat quicken. He wasn't meant to be here. This wasn't how his life was supposed to turn out. If these sick fucks expected him to grow up again, they had another thing coming.

Setting a piece of cake on Liam's highchair, Harry coos at his baby's tears kissing his moist cheeks. Zayn chuckles snapping pictures on his phone, Louis remains watching with a sneer. All these people, all these damn people and not one realized how wrong this was?!
Turning on his heel, Louis walks to the living room in hopes to have time to himself. He promised to not think about it anymore, but he had spent two long years in Harry's and Zayn's care. Two years that he was only in headspace for twenty months of. The last four he'd been in and out of his body fighting himself and everyone.
Things weren't simple anymore. Louis was eighteen. If, and only if, he escaped he could take Liam legally and raise him. The family he'd always wanted. Just himself and Liam.

Taking a seat on the couch, Louis stares at his area, how would he ever get a job? He couldn't hold his bladder anymore, couldn't not survive a day he didn't have a nap; God damn those men. Sobs rose in his throat, he attempts chocking them down, "Be strong," he urges himself softly, only what good did it do?! He was screwed! Harry and Zayn not only have the best chances of keeping him here forever, but ruined any chance of his real adulthood if he ever got out.
In headspace he didn't worry about never getting to experience drinking a cold one with the boys. Or how he'd never truly get to loose his virginity.

His mind reflects back to the conversation he had with Niall two years ago. He was such an idiot, admitting he had lost his virginity for the sake of his damn pride. He didn't loose it. It was taken from him by the snake of a man named Dean.
He could hear the adults still carrying on with their laughing, teasing of Liam. Each one of the adults were so happy.
The kids? In a brainwashed headspace they were happy.

"You know this is what's best," Lottie reminds, "Not anymore. I can make it on my own. I can have Liam-"
"Louis you wouldn't make it." Her harsh honestly angered Louis more, "Well maybe if you hadn't fucking given us to them!" Lottie glares, "No cursing allowed in Daycare. I'll be sure to tell your daddy about your foul mouth." Louis' face drawls to betrayal, dropping his eyes to the floor he sniffles, "I'll be sure to tell the cops your name." The sister slaps the boys face, "Shut up!" She growls dragging Louis to the corner leaving him to cry for who himself.

Liam had already turned two. He was actually turning sixteen. Sixteen years on this planet and two of his were being spent in captivity.
Captivity. It was still abduction. Still kidnapping. Who the hell would care if Louis admits that he enjoyed parts of it.
They would tell him he didn't enjoy any of it. He was brainwashed. He was brainwashed. Forced into headspace along with being forced into this fucking family.

The party ends, Louis with his back against the couch the same cold face he's been wearing for four months embedded on his once happy expression. "Bubby would've had more fun if you'd been there," Harry states entering the room, Louis shakes his head softly, "Daddy's getting him ready for bed." The papa's voice is gentle, as if to pry information from Louis' head. These two were good with mind games.

"I know you're not in headspace, do you need to talk?" Harry finally asks taking a seat on the couch next to him; Louis shifts to staring up at his emerald eyes, "H-how long are you gonna keep us?" Harry smiles stretching his lengthy arms, "Forever sweet boy, daddy and I will always protect and love you." Louis scoffs rolling his eyes, of course Harry wouldn't have an actual conversation with him. "Is something wrong?" The papa questions further, "I don't want to be here forever."
"Sweetheart," Harry starts rising off the couch and taking the struggling Louis in his arms, starting up the stairs Harry kisses his temple, "Family, is always forever." Dropping him in his crib, he shuts off the light closing the door to Louis' screams. "You're not my Fucking Family!"

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