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Christmas tunes played in the Malik house that morning, Harry dancing in the kitchen as he hummed to Baby please come home; placing dishes in their correct cabinets, Harry smiles glancing towards Liam who sits in his high chair grinning at his Papa. "You're just adorable, my sweet." Handing Liam a stuffed toy, Harry opens his laptop checking his newsfeed. Even though its Thanksgiving, Harry always played Christmas music. The cheery tune was his passion. Glancing at the ceiling, Harry smiled to himself again as the song flipped to Santa Claus is coming to Town. Both "toddlers" were upstairs playing whilst Zayn was getting his parents from the airport.

Louis continued his firm look he had, his lips sealed tightly, hair slicked back; he was stuffed in a burnt orange sweater, and grey skinny jeans with Vans. Niall matched him, except he wore Nikes. The "family" were taking pictures today, Harry had told them that whenever he dressed both boys. "Sleep in heavenly peace." Niall sang, moving his cars along their track, "Why is he playing Christmas music? It's not Christmas." Louis whines having a great distaste for the season, "He'll play it all year long. He loves it." Niall replies, "When is Zay-"
"Say Daddy, Lou, he'll belt you if you say his real name." Niall stated narrowing his eyes, "How do you even know his name?"
"They both slipped up and said it in front of Lee and I." Louis confessed, "You know Harry too? Damn, you got lucky. I didn't learn them until three months of being here." Niall admitted smiling friendly at Louis, "How do you do it?"
"Well, the diapers suck, but I'm getting potty-trained again. Other then that, it's easy." Louis shook his head, "How the hell is it easy?"
"I don't do anything. I'm fed, bathed, clothed, and loved. That's heaven compared to what I was living in." Niall rambled, Louis sighing as he stares at the ground in thought before mumbling, "I'd rather be in hell at home, than held against my will here."

Zayn enters the house, Trisha and Yaser behind him, "Hello!" Trisha calls rushing towards the kitchen to greet Harry with hugs and kisses. "Where's my baby?" She asks seeing Liam in his high chair waving towards her, "Hi sweet pea! I'm nana!" Harry chuckles, "He's definitely been the happiest one we've ever seen. Quick to fall, and adorable when he did." Trisha coos at him, "Where are the other two?" Harry glances to Zayn who nods, "I'll get them." Yaser strolls into the kitchen hugging Harry in greeting before meeting his youngest grandson, by scooping him up with kisses to his cheeks, "Aren't you the cute one?" Which Liam most certainly does make the most adorable baby, his outfit only adding too it. He wears a creme long-sleeve onesie, orange foxes littering it with grey overalls and orange converse. He has a black pacifier clipped to the overalls if he wants it.

"Boys? Nana's here, c'mon." Zayn announces as he climbs the stairs. Louis turns to look at him with judgmental eyes, he's testing Niall's story. Theory if you will. Was life better here than at home? Apparently Louis doesn't move fast enough for Zayn's liking because he's picked up with a slap to the backside, "Nana's here baby. I'm right behind you Niall," he assures as the trio takes the stairs. Louis huffs in Zayn's arms, the darned Christmas music is playing again. Crossing his arms, he pouts before once again the crossing question enters his mind. Is this better? Louis chews his inner cheek, he's still in Zayn's arms; now looking at some woman with long black hair and a man with really tan skin. Must be the Nana and Poppy Harry and Zayn had been talking about. Louis only half listened to the greeting, Liam sat in the mans arms; he wondered how the grandparents could be okay with this. How is anyone okay with it? How the Fuck is there a whole community of it? Louis rants in his head his eyes closing as he tires himself out quickly by thinking to hard on something. Zayn bounces him, kissing his forehead, "Do you feel ill?" He asks, Louis only stares at him as if he's stupid. "No I don't feel ill I feel-" suddenly Louis has a horrified expression on his face, his lips burning, and tears falling from his eyes, "My question only needed a Yes or No Daddy. Do you understand me?" Zayn's hand stayed in the air as if to strike the boys mouth again. Louis only nodded, having his mouth bashed once more, "I can't hear you. Do you understand me?" Sobbing quiet loudly, Louis did what he didn't want to or expect too, "M-Mama! P-please I want M-my mom! Mama!" His once soft sobbing turned loud and heart wrenching. Liam too had started to cry, he knew a person named Mumma. Who was it?

Harry felt his heart shatter at the word. The name fell from Louis' lips with more pain and sorrow than Harry had ever heard. He wanted a monster to save him from another monster. Not that Zayn was a monster, just a little scary at times. Taking Louis from Zayn's arms, Harry excused himself walking outside on the patio sitting on the swing. Louis cried in his hands, his head on Harry's chest as neither of the two talked. Trisha joined him, Liam in her arms. The younger of the two had sadly fallen into a trance of between headspace and completely out of it. Which had all the adults scared shitless. Such a vulnerable state of being was dangerous. Glancing to Liam, Harry sniffled feeling tears rise in his own eyes. Trisha frowned holding Liam closer to her, Harry following suit with Louis. "Do you wanna go back inside?" He asks, feeling Louis' sobs die down. "P-please, I-I wanna go home! I-I 'ant my m-mumma!" Harry sighs shaking his head, "Baby doll, we are home." Louis sobs more, his bottom lip wobbling; "I just think you and Daddy both need a nap before we eat and take pictures." Harry remarked patting Louis' backside. He knew if you brought to much attention to the incident Louis would never fall into headspace. Harry just had to play if safe and calm.

"Are we taking pictures now or after we eat?" Zayn questions, Niall in his arms as he goes outside. "We can take them now, Poppy hand me that dish towel please." Harry begs dabbing it with his tongue wiping Louis' face. The "toddler" makes a face before giggling, "Was that a laugh?" Zayn asks skeptically, setting Niall down to approach Louis who is peering up at him whilst standing in between Harry's legs having his face wiped. "It's just Papa spit, you'll be okay." Harry soothes with a smile, "Give Daddy a kiss." Zayn commands taping his cheek, Louis whines shaking his head, "C'mon Lou, you don't love daddy?" Harry encouraged, No, Louis replies mentally. Groaning, he reluctantly places his lips on Zayn's cheek, "There we go!" The family claps, all besides Liam who is once again mute, and Louis who gives a side nod to Niall who winks.
"If we're ever going to get out of here you have to make them trust you. Break them down, and they will start to trust you."
"How do I break them down?" Louis asks that night laying next to Niall in bed, "Saying you hate them, or something."
"Niall I've said that a thousand times."
"Well, what's worse than here?"
"My house." Louis replies, "Your mom." Niall pipes up, his eyes going wide as he forms a plan, "We have to play it safe, but we'll get out of here." Louis nods wiping his eyes where tears have formed, "You might have to bend to Zayn. He's the Daddy, you get on his good side first. Harry's easy to win over." Niall starts his heart race pounding at the actual chance of leaving the two crazed men, "How do I win Zayn over?"
"He loves kissing us. I don't know why, probably a weird fetish, but when he asks, and in front of his parents he will, kiss him." Louis sighs but nods, "Anything to get out of here."

>>HAPPY EARLY THANKSGIVING! I'm writing this in two parts, Six part one and Six part two. Love you all! I hope you enjoy the holidays and hopefully this chapter isn't too confusing, I'm testing a new style of writing. ~Emma :)
>>PS: I said 15 + for the last one but it's the holidays so I'll bend. I'm not bending on this next one. 10+ comments or you get nothing.

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