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Laying with Liam on the floor, Louis strokes his little brothers hair. The elder one is completely out of headspace yet cooperative with every order and task the parents do or say. Acceptance was hitting him hard.

"Louis? Niall is here baby," Harry calls entering the living room with the blonde haired boy, "Louis!" He squeaks wrapping his arms around the rising teen. "Hey Niall," Louis returns glancing to Harry, "You two go to the playroom while daddy and I talk to Josh." Harry orders clearing his throat which usually meant he was stressed and more likely to punish at the first "Challenge". 

Louis grabs Niall's hand leading him to the play room, "What's that all about?" Louis wonders aloud referring to his Papa, "Daddy probably owes him money." Niall states rolling his eyes, "Y-you're out of headspace?" Both ask in unison, "Y-yeah," Louis mumbles, "Me too." Niall replies. Sitting on the carpeted floor, Louis hands Niall a truck, "Can I ask you something?"


"Have you ever been happy, when you're not in headspace?" Louis questions his earthy eyes looking desperate, "Like happy in this situation, or before I met Josh happy?" Niall returns his eyebrows furrowed, Louis sighs, "I'm happy Niall, like really happy." Louis confesses chewing his bottom lip, "What's wrong with that?"

"It scares me," Louis whimpers, "I'm happy wearing nappies? H-having to sit in a highchair and a-a car seat? L-like isn't that a f-fetish?!" His words become rushed at the end showing his confusing panic, "Lou calm down, it doesn't make you weird-"

"Niall I don't think of this like sexually-" Louis trails off, "Y-you said one time-"

"Louis, Josh and I are in a relationship. We have sex. He treats me like a baby because I want him too. Harry and Zayn kidnapped you, this is not your choice." Niall reminds worried that Louis has completely lost his mind, "B-but it is my choice! I-I was at the Police station, I could've told them everything. I-I came back, why did I come back? I'm happy, I'm just so confused." Louis cries, Niall shakes his head focusing on one thing at a time, "Look Lou, you're happy because you have parents. Regardless of what they make you do, you love and trust them like they love and trust you." The blondes words hit Louis hard. Harry and Zayn did Love him, and Louis loved and trusted them. 

"It's not that you like the nappies and all the babying, but it's worth it, and it helps you. There's nothing wrong with asking for help." Louis sniffles hanging his head, "W-what kind of help?"

"Help to protect yourself, from yourself. You are your worst enemy Louis. You're easy to read sometimes when your thinking. You put yourself down more than you think." Niall remarks, Louis sitting there like a sponge and taking it all in. "Harry and Zayn don't, they won't, s-sex isn't an option-"

"If they haven't fucked you yet in a diaper I think your safe." Niall retorts, "D-did they you?" Louis asks his voice no higher than a whisper, "I gave Zayn a blow job in his sleep." Niall states proudly,  Louis flinches, "W-what?! Why?!"

"It was the first and last time they let me sleep with them," Niall looks up in memory as if its a fond one he's expressing, Louis makes a sick face. "T-that's gross."

"Oh please, what are you a virgin?" Louis hangs his head, "Oh my God-"

"No I'm not a virgin you asshole." Louis growls, Niall nods, "I was like wow bro, you're gonna die a virgin-"

"W-why would you say that?" Louis immediately questions his eyes going wide, Niall chuckles raising an eyebrow, "Do you think you're getting out of here?" 

Here: As if it was a Prison. A month ago Louis probably would've said it was. But now? It was home. 

Shaking his head, Louis grins beaming up at Niall, "I don't want to get out of here." Niall smiles back, "Me either, Josh and I are really happy." Louis giggles, "Liam's always happy here, and that alone is enough to make me stay." 

Niall nods furrows his eyebrows for the minute, "Louis what was it you were saying?"

"About what?" The younger one asks placing one block on top of the other, "A-about a Police station?" Niall clarifies, Louis "ooh's", Thinking on how to explain to what had happened that ended him up in front of the Police Station. 

"I-I was by one, n-next to the park."

"The park in town?" Niall asks, Louis gives a stupid look, "Do you really think they'd be stupid enough to take us to one outside of town?" Niall frowns shaking his head, "Yea I had ran away, and I ended up there. B-but I couldn't do it." Louis admits hanging his head, "But I'm glad I didn't, I'm happy here."

"Niall! Lets Go!" Josh calls, Niall rising with a smirk, "I'm glad you're happy, but next time know that the Police station in this town isn't like the one you're used too." Louis furrows his eyebrows watching his friend leave before putting the two together. "Hey!" Louis calls trailing off, how stupid was he? Of course a Police Station in an Age Play town would be in on the whole scheme of things. 

Leaving the room, Louis waves again in goodbye to Niall as the two exit. Harry glances up at the stairs where Louis stands, once he closes the front door locking it. "Something on your mind?" The Papa asks, Louis nods raising his arms above his head. "Oh you had a cuddle on your mind, eh?" Harry jokes carrying him to the living room where Liam sits sloppily coloring on a sheet of paper. 

"Where's Daddy?" Louis asks, "He's coming, just had to finish something up in his office." Harry answers, "Are you okay?"

"I'm happy, Papa, Really happy that you and Daddy picked me and Lee Lee." Louis says glancing to his little brother on the floor who nods happily with whatever had been said. When Zayn enters he coos at the sight laying kisses on all three on the heads before him, "Are you drawing Daddy a picture, Lee Lee?" He asks, Louis snapping his head up, "I draw you a picture!" His grammar starts to become little, as the spark in his eyes grow, it's not a minute longer before he kisses Zayn cheek getting down to color with Liam. 

"Well I'll be damned," Harry muses, Zayn shrugs, "I got the magic touch." The two laugh watching their little boys. What a happy Family.

>>So Bad/ Good news, more like Bitter/Sweet. This is the second to last chapter in this book. The last one will be super fluffy, and sweet. All wrapped up in a nice little bow because Jesus do these people deserve a happy freaking ending! So Thank you for the continuous support on this story, I have thoroughly enjoyed writing it along with reading the comments and sometimes replying when I could. So Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy it! ~Emma :)

Forced Family Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora