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If only they'd never went to that basketball game. It was the first time Louis actually thought that his mother might've been right. If only they hadn't went, both boys wouldn't be in a car with two men who had a mind that scared Louis. They seemed to know what they were doing, meaning this wasn't the first time. The tow headed boy Louis saw following the black haired man's husband, (He assumed, for all Louis knew it could be another kidnapping victim.) Was strapped in a booster seat sucking a pacifier, Liam kept mute his hand holding onto Louis' tightly as the black haired man drove home.

Zayn kept his anger in the pit of his stomach, mostly from understanding. Who would really be okay with going somewhere with a complete stranger? No one sane, at least. Hearing Niall's soft snores settled him as he knew it would be no time before Louis and Liam would do the same. They had purchased car seats, but decided it would be used another time. Preferably a less tension filled car ride. Harry hummed softly in the passenger seat as he scrolled through things on his phone; the man constantly bought this online for his babies. He couldn't wait for Liam, their youngest, to get here. Putting his blinker on, Zayn nudged Harry with his knuckle, "Trunk?" The man questioned his emerald eyes wide, nodding Zayn pulled into the gas station. Stepping out of the car, Louis watched him carefully pulling Liam closer into his side. Harry glanced back in the rearview mirror before exiting the car as well. Popping the trunk, Harry retrieved the rag with chloroform on it kissing Zayn's cheek, opening the right side door seeing Louis flinch, "It's okay sweetheart." Holding the rag to his face, Louis squirmed kicking, his fists flying everywhere before his body went still entirely. Liam went wide eyed feeling the blood run from his face to his feet passing out quickly from fear. Harry was taken back by the faint, "O-oh God, remind me to never scare him." Zayn raised an eyebrow, "Why?" Harry shook his head placing the rag in the trash getting in his seat again smiling at all three boys that laid asleep.

Laying on his back, Louis grunted softly rubbing his eyes. Hallelujah played softly in the background, bouncing off the calm grey walls. It wasn't a dark or scary grey, more warming than anything. Furrowing his eyebrows, Louis raised his head up seeing the blonde headed boy asleep in the crib next to his. Sighing softly, Louis looked down seeing his own outfit; a long sleeve onesie that buttoned around the crotch. It was plain black, in baby blue letters saying Big Brother. Although the part Louis couldn't stand was that a thick white nappy stuck out the sides of it.
"Hallelujah, Hallelujah.." Someone sang, Louis glancing towards the white door that slid open on the clean white carpet, "Why hello baby, did you sleep good?" The man asked, he had short brown hair that looked to curl at the top, his arms littered with tattoos, "I-I.." Louis started realizing that his voice was hoarse and not loud enough to make a whisper. "We'll let Niall sleep a tad bit longer, he'll be grumpy if Papa wakes him up." The man mumbled carrying Louis out of the room on his hip, the boy quickly began looking around for Liam. Seeing all the doors closed, Louis frowned as he was taken downstairs at the bottom of the stairs stood a baby gate that the man closed continuing to his destination. "Well I'm glad you awoke, we can go ahead and get your punishment out of the way." The black haired man inquired clapping his hands for Louis who whimpered shaking his head furiously, "N-no! No!" He cried, his voice weak.

Zayn rolled his eyes at Louis' cries, he brought this on himself. Laying the distraught boy over his lap, Zayn slapped his backside once gaining Louis' attention, "I told you not to make a scene." Slamming his hand down again, Louis whimpered, "S-stop." Not paying any attention to the boy over his lap, Zayn resumed the spanking showing little mercy as he hit Louis' upper thighs mostly knowing he'd feel it whenever he sat down. Reaching fifty hits, Zayn stopped the horrid spanking pulling Louis up to sit in his lap, "N-no!" He howled fighting to be set on the floor, "Unless you want another spanking over my knee then stop." Zayn growled, the child soothing himself as he wanted to "man" up in front his kidnapper. Louis was so busy trying to stop crying that he didn't notice Niall entering the room with Harry, his onesie also said, "Big Brother." Harry smiled sweetly at the two, "Niall wanted to play with his little brother." Zayn shared his smile bouncing Louis on his lap, "Do you wanna play with bubby?"

Shaking his head softly, more sobs escaped Louis. He only wanted to see his real brother, "L-Liam." He cried glancing up at Curly haired man who nodded, "Liam's still asleep, baby. He'll be up soon." Returning his stare to his lap, Louis cried weakly on the tan man before feeling a hand rubbing his back. Turning towards the comforting touch, he sees bright blue eyes with blonde hair. Finding the strength within himself, Louis climbs off tan mans lap, the boy smiling at him, "Alright you two, before you go play, daddy and Papa are gonna explain the rules." Curly haired man inquired grabbing Louis' arm, "We use our nappies like good boys, always use our manners, give plenty of snuggles and kisses, and we do not hit, lie, or fight daddy and I in anyway." Papa said, Louis wiped his eyes again, sniffling, "Understand?" Louis nodded his hand finding itself in blonde-haired boys, "Lets go!" He squealed pulling Louis to the baby gate, "Daddy!" The tan man appeared, "Sorry babe, I forgot." He apologized unlocking the gate, returning to the living room as the two went upstairs.
Entering a room with a million toys scattered about, Louis felt more tears come, "W-where's L-Liam?" He asked, the boy looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. "H-hello?" Louis asked sobs coming as he realized the boy was brainwashed into this baby lifestyle. "C-Colour?" He offered holding up a blue crayon, Louis watched with watery eyes peering down at the colouring book, "They are watching us, we can talk later." He wrote, Louis nodding slightly, as he coloured in the shape before his daddies saw what he had wrote. "I-I'm Niall." The boy gushed, Louis smiled softly, "L-Louis."

Harry cooed at his babies playing together, "We have such a beautiful family." Zayn nodded watching the baby monitor that showed Liam turning on his stomach as he awoke from the drugs, "The baby's up." Harry grinned at him hitting play, Hallelujah started playing as he started up that stairs, "I heard there was a secret chord, that David played and appeased the lord.."


>The Version of Hallelujah I listen too is Harry Styles its on YouTube if you've never heard it. Its freaking awesome!!

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