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Officially crying again, Louis tugs weakly on the kitchen door that just has to have Child proof locks on it. He thinks all is gone when he sees a familiar face that brings out a gasp and sob of relief. There Lottie is running outside the house banging on various windows, Louis starts to hit the door trying to get her attention when he's slammed against it, "Don't move." Luke snarls his voice is dangerous, Louis whimpering at the harsh grip the older one has on his neck, "She can die too if you like." Shaking his head, Louis cries in defeat as Luke directs him to the living room. Liam is sitting in his playpen tears on his cheeks as he cries for Harry or Zayn.
He's pushed into a chair, Louis on the edge debating how far he's willing to go to escape this hell. "You were going to what? Rescue Zayn?" Luke asks holding the back of his head where blood seeped through a gnash, "You're not that bright, Louis. I want you as a son, mine and Harry's son. But you just had to go screw it up!" He snarls, Louis cowering back, "I-I'm sorry, I-I,"
"You what? Would rather have that rich asshole then me as a father?!"
"Neither! You're not my fucking father-!" His sentence ends as Luke slaps him across the face harshly. Liam quietens down at the slap scared himself of the man he doesn't know.

Exhaling softly, Harry runs a hand through his knotted hair. He was exhausted, Louis falling out of his headspace wasn't in his agenda. He's strolling back to his own house when he sees someone banging on his front window. Upon closer looking he sees it's Lottie, "What're you doing here?" He asks, the girl gasps meeting his calm eyes, "Something's wrong!" Lottie remarks pushing Harry to the front door, "Where's Zayn?" Harry wonders aloud stabbing his key in the lock, turning it he's swallowed into his strangely quiet house. "Zayn? Boys?" He calls, no answer from either, "Louis! Liam!" Lottie yells running further into the house, Harry heading straight upstairs.

Taking Louis harshly by the bicep, Luke pins the knife to his throat, "Make a sound, I dare you." Whimpering, he shuts his eyes as Luke sets in the chair setting Louis on his lap. The older one sends pleading eyes towards Liam that's tired himself out from crying so much.

It's Lottie that's shocked first as she enters the scene to see Luke holding Louis on his lap with a knife to his throat, "We're being quite, dear Lottie; Liam's trying to sleep." Chills are sent through her spine seeing her youngest brother sleeping peacefully, "Please, join us." Strolling towards the playpen she gasps when someone jerks her arm, "Perhaps you can sit in a chair with us." Shakily nodding, Lottie takes a seat next to the couch praying with everything that Harry didn't come down alone.

Pushing open his own bedroom he frowns seeing pictures fallen from their dresser. Straightening the room, he figures the house is so quiet because the boys are having a mid morning nap. Peaking into Louis' nursery, Harry has to cover his mouth to stop from screaming. Falling to his knees he sees Zayn with his hands tied to the changing table with a gnash on the side of his head along with a black eye.
Shaking Zayn quickly he wants to cry of happiness when the man groans blinking rapidly before rising to fight at his restraints not fully noticing Harry until the man kisses him, "Louis and Liam, Their in trouble," Zayn rushes having Harry untie him, "Go get the gun in my drawer," Zayn orders able to free himself from the obviously quickly tied knot. Harry nods jumping from his spot to enter the hallway where he shrieks seeing Luke standing with Louis a knife to his throat, "L-Luke please," Harry starts, "Louis beg your Papa to go to the living room. I'll deal with Zayn." Luke demands, Harry sniffles tears forming in his eyes, "Let Louis go, I-I'll take us both downstairs."
"I can't trust you Harry,"
"Please Lukie, I don't want Louis seeing you hurt Zayn." Harry pleads reaching to grasp Louis who sobs once in Harry's hug. "You're okay baby,"
"I'm sorry Papa," Louis whimpers, "Go downstairs!" Luke snaps pointing with the knife. Harry directs Louis down to the living room where he hugs Lottie for comfort as well. Leaving Liam to rest, Harry just checks on his baby boy smiling when he sees he's unharmed.

"I-I hit Zayn with a-a lamp,"
"You did?" Harry questions racking his hands through the boys hair, "N-no Luke did, b-but we planned it. I-I didn't know he was crazy, Papa-" the boy stops when he noticed that he continued to call Harry papa. He was a papa. To him and Liam.

Zayn stands searching the room for at least something sharp, his movements fast before his chest tightens. He gasps loudly a stinging pain in his upper back, "You'll be lucky if I got the heart." Luke whispers leaving chills against Zayn's ear. The man turns, coughing, meeting the attacker face to face, "Harry was going to marry me, however he chose you instead. You took my husband away from me." Zayn furrows his eyebrows confusingly, "N-no, t-the boys-"

"Listen to me," Harry starts his voice low as he scans the ceiling as if to hear something, anything at least. "Lottie, six houses down is a woman named Sarah. Go to her quickly, say Zayn's in trouble. Louis go with her. Go." Sending the two running away, Harry tucks Liam in with a kiss slinking to the kitchen. There's no way Luke could've hidden all the knives with as little time as he had. Searching everywhere, he sees the meat tenderizer. That'll have to do. Do what? Kill him? Harry feels tears well in his own eyes as he felt crazy. Like whenever he snorted a line, he felt out of control within himself. But he was in control. This was his family. And no one, fucked with him family.

Zayn coughs more falling to his knees, Luke proudly standing over him with a grim smirk, "Oh no, someone help," he teases, "The man with the most money and he can't even buy himself out of this one." Zayn grunts fury building in his eyes as he crawls towards the door, Luke kicking him harshly letting out a loud laugh, "You think ruining a family is fun?! Try killing the asshole!"

Lottie runs ahead, Louis hot on her trail with sobs still chocking through him. Banging on the woman's door, Sarah rips it open with wide eyes seeing the panic. "Z-Zayn's in trouble! L-Luke has a knife-" the woman shushes both kids calling for her husband, Oliver, as the two run over towards the house. Lottie follows, Louis grabbing her back. "W-will they be okay?" He asks, "I don't know Louis let go,"
"I-is mom looking for us?" He asks his voice broken as is his earthy eyes, Lottie sighs hanging her head as she glances towards the house. "No."
"You picked them?"
"Their good parents Louis, Better then we were ever given." She remarks ripping her arm away leaving Louis to battle with himself. It would be so easy to run. The street was open, no one looking for him. He could leave. Escape. He'd be free. Cops could come back and get Liam.

Taking each step slowly, Harry reached the nursery where Luke talks softly to Zayn. The husband is dying to find out what he's saying.
Sarah and Oliver barges in seeing Harry on the stairs entering, "Police are coming." Sarah says in passing pushing the door open her pistol in hand. Harry finds himself only nodding at the information. Almost as if he's irrelevant. Standing on the stairs he gulps when gun shots ring through the house, police pulling into the drive rushing upstairs once again passing Harry who refuses to move an inch.
Moments, that feel like hours, pass by before Zayn is hobbling out with help by Sarah, "You stupid man always trying to be brave." She chastises, Zayn smirking, "Felt nice to shoot the little shit." Cops carry the boy down in a body bag, Harry coming to his senses as he too is coming down the weapon of choice falling to the hardwood as he wraps his arms around Zayn happily, "Oh my God," the two embrace each other gently. "It's okay, I'm okay." Harry sobs, Lottie grabbing Liam who had even awoke at the commotion shushing him softly. Zayn chuckles sitting on the couch as Sarah stitches him up quickly letting the cops question Harry and himself.
It wasn't until things quieted down for a second that Zayn rises quickly, "Wait, Where's Louis?"

>Ahaha, oops, another Cliff Hanger?
>love ya guys :) ~Emma :)

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