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He felt empty, confused, and hurt. The drug had worn off though Louis still felt so weak. Part of him wished he was back to being Brainwashed, his logic being that if (and only if) there was no escaping this hell he'd rather be so lost in a fog he wouldn't know what was really happening.
His roommate, Luke, remained silent throughout the night. The lad more than likely had a thousand questions like Louis himself did during his first few days. Now? He just hoped they'd let him see Liam.

"They won't be attending daycare for a while, feeling a tad under the weather," Harry lies filling a kettle with water; the phone wedged between his ear and shoulder. Zayn enters with Liam awake but hiding in his neck with a pacifier bobbling between his lips. "Nothing too serious, Lou's just got a cough." Harry explains glancing to Zayn who nods kissing his husband setting Liam in his highchair. The baby whines reaching out for him again, "Lottie it's nothing to worry about, they'll be back soon."

"Harry? This wouldn't have anything to do with your new houseguest, right?"
"New houseguest? Luke?"
"Yea, like him knowing you and stuff-" Lottie's sentence is cut short as she hears a sudden crash of the phone. Her eyes go wide, lips parted before grabbing her coat, "I have to go Jamie, I'm worried about my brothers."

His emerald eyes dart to Zayn who stands innocently by Liam's highchair playing with the baby's fist, "I-I, I'll be back." Mumbling, he grabs his keys running towards his SUV. His hand rests on the door handle before stopping, what was he to say? Maybe Sarah didn't know. Of course the bitch did. Instead of driving, Harry ran the six houses down to her house pounding on her door.
"Attempting to wake the whole neighborhood are we?" She growls opening her front door to grimace at the sight of Harry. "What do you want?" The man takes notice of the tone only glaring more, "Why did you choose Luke?" Speaking his name gave Harry shudders, "Does it matter? He's a cute kid-"
"Nothing to do with me?" Sarah laughs mockingly as she struts away her hips swaying, "Harry Dear not everything is about you."
"It is whenever I'm dealing with the devil." He argues crossing his arms, "Fair enough. Do you not like Luke?"
"Cut the shit Sarah, you knew I wouldn't recognize him. What is he? A spy?" His accusations made himself sound crazy, and he more than likely was when around Sarah; however she smirks thrilling him further, "Spy? You give me too much credit my dear. Luke is simply the next bitch I saved from the streets; much like yourself-"
"You never saved me." Harry growled his voice cracking as his eyes widen, his breath quickening, Sarah rises straightening her morning gown, "I didn't? No? I don't think Zayn would've fell for a Coke Addict." Harry feels his heart shatter knowing she's right, "If you have a past with Luke, I wasn't aware. Besides it won't matter anymore, he's in headspace yes?" Harry sighs, "No, Louis fell out last night." Sarah raises an eyebrow, "Why?" The man shrugs, "How did you know Luke?" Harry meets her eyes, "We went out on a date,"
"Does he know you know him?"
"No, I ran over here to accuse you of.. you know." He admits blush dusting his cheeks, Sarah chuckles amused, "Of course you did. My advice? Don't let him know, if he had any feelings for you, you ignoring him will demolish any left." Harry nods chewing his bottom deciding to leave, "Oh and Harry?" He turns to the woman who had been more pleasant than ever, "I don't plan on telling Zayn your secret. However you might want too, before someone else does."

She's speeding, afraid that she had made the wrong choice. Lottie had to know if her brothers were going to be okay. It wasn't the new information of Harry having a past, she too had used drugs at one point in her life. It was the fear that Luke had done something to ruin the family they had worked to set up.
Pulling up to the Malik's house, Lottie jumps from the car rushing to the front door banging on it. Her breath quickens when no one answers after her fourth pound. "Louis!! Liam?!" She shrieks, something was definitely wrong.

"Where's Harry?" Zayn's shocked, it wasn't what he expected from Luke that morning. "He's gone to run an errand." Zayn replied setting him on the ground to get Louis. "So it's just us?" Luke asks, "Yea." Zayn mumbles scooping Louis up, the teen staring into Zayn's eyes. The room crawls around itself before Louis glances to Luke giving the slowest nod. Once Zayn's removed him from the crib, he takes Louis towards a changing table, Luke grabbing the lamp smashing it over Zayn's head.
The man grunted falling to the floor, Louis jumping down rushing downstairs towards the kitchen. "Liam?! Liam!" Seeing his younger brother pushing cars around on a tray, Louis cries happily unbuckling him taking him into his arms. He dries his eyes glancing at the door, it's almost too good to be true. He's headed for it, his only chance at escape, when footsteps stop him, "Where are you going?" It's Luke, "Away from here." Louis replies, "No, Louis you can't leave." The younger one furrows his eyebrows, "W-why?" Luke scoffs dashing between Louis and the door, "Harry and I deserve the perfect family. You and Liam-" his words fall upon deaf ears as Louis whimpers shaking his head, "N-no, no-" Liam watches with curious eyes as he's put down slowly by Louis, "I'll come for you," he whispers returning to a standing position facing Luke, "O-okay Luke, y-you win."
"It's daddy, Louis." Luke corrects ruffling Louis' hair, he strolls over to Liam scooping him up with a kiss to his cheek, "My dream come true." Luke hums bouncing the baby to have him grin. Louis nods shakily his hands going behind his back securing around a stupid vase Harry had on a hallway table. Thank God for his stupid decorating. Luke turns to head into the kitchen, Louis giving him two seconds before slamming the glass onto his head having him drop Liam who cried. Louis grabbed him racing upstairs, "Stay here Liam." He orders entering the room where Zayn continued to lay knocked out. "Z-Zayn, Zayn please." Shaking him hurriedly, Louis cries hearing Luke groan loudly. "Louis that was naughty!" Sobbing, Louis quickly tried dragging Zayn to his room where Liam sat like told.
Luke is climbing the stairs, Louis shrieking as the older boy darts for him. "No!" He squeaks tripping over Zayn landing on his stomach. Luke grabs his ankle, Louis kicking him in the face wriggling until he's rolling down the stairs. He hears pounding though chalks it up to being his own heart beat in his ears. That is until he's running to the kitchen to try the back door when he hears, "Louis!! Liam?!"

>What the heck.. cliff hanger...
>>Updating spree :) Love always, ~Emma :)

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